Why they don't kiss each other and have sex in this scene?

Why they don't kiss each other and have sex in this scene?
If was white women with other race the scene in the corporations of Democrats in USA would have sex and more things.
How hard is to have tv shows, movies, commercials, media, scenes who white dudes are really having sexual scenes without being nerfed or promote the white dude negative, joke or disgusting in openly or disguised way in American media of Democrats with women who aren't white?
Why the scenes of white males with non-white women are nerfed and rare compared to white women with other race who have thousands of racial cuckold commercials, media, porn, sexual scenes, fetishes and narratives even against men of own race for fetish of men of other race?
The American media is controled by democrats or by white women?
It's the democrats or the white women who chose how the white male will be nerfed, locked in them, have no sexual scenes, be keep as losers for men of other race, pets of white women?
This scene could be much more hotter if they kiss togheter, or anythng, or hot white dudes and asian chicks celebrated, having sexual scenes togheter, in the same way who white women was the exclusive race celebrated, having sexual scenes and fetishes and narratives for men of other race and white men forced to be with white women only for years
I'm not aware if the things in USA are made in this way because everybody know that every american corporation of mainstream productions are owned by Democrats, and this is why USA is the country who invented politically racial cuckold tv shows, media, porn, narratives only against white dudes, cover up men of other race, cover up europeans and loser asian men from asianmasculinity, boycott white men and asian women, non-white women, produce negative things only against white dudes, keep white women above all races, artificially biased pick and promote them as negative and white women with europeans artificially pushed as the default or men of any other race as pure

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Shut the fuck up boomer

shit thread but stranger things has a scene of a white guy fucking a white girl and her second love interest is also a white guy now fuck off

If you don't know by now, you should be lurking more. Hollywood and media are controlled by some mystical external 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸force🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 in America that is fervent in attacking the traditional white-with-white matrimony. Instead, they want white men to be cuckolded by colored folk. That is why we see white women fucked by nigs in our movies and shows. When it's the opposite, the colored woman is too proud of her race to mix with a white man, and the relationship never goes any further than cheesy one-liners and awkward meme scenes.
It's so obvious when you try to look for it, but so many Americans are taught to consume media brainlessly and "not see color" that it just becomes normal
White men are the biggest losers on this because if they start to hate this they will be attacked, but when asian men, non-white men are jealous and racist because they want fetish with white women and boycott against white dudes, they are keep, when is made to keep non-white women as inferior and joke for white women, they keep non-white women domesticated as inferior and with narrative of friend of white women and working for white women racial lobby, supremacy, social engineering, had many times who american media, pick asian women who are uglier, pick black women who are fat and joke, and the white women is with the men of other race, above the women of other race, having white men forced to be with white women only and be their loser pets, having only consntantly high mainstream productions to try to celebrate and shill for white women with men of other race, while USA worked very hard to try to boycott and relate with bad things, nasty, negative artificially only white dudes, asian chicks, non-white women and the same social engineering narrative was made for 15 or 30 years in USA around white women and deeply triggering and problematic male.

Jesus, stfu and quit watching cuck porn

Wtf is this shit?

Welcome to the Asian incel white hate machine that is r/aznidentity. Been trying to awaken people on here to these fucktards for a while now. They're the ones who spam europeandick porn on here and other places. They seek to denigrate and destroy white male value as much as possible. Anyone who spouts the "hurr durr hapas are deranged" meme is a product of their propaganda explicitly designed to encourage white male genetic lineage to be viewed as shitty or unwanted.
Hapas are usually Chads. Elliots dad was a jew. Wmaf couples make white men look good and help our cause, not hurt it like europeans and white women. Yes we lose some purity, but gain sexual social value in turn. It's worth it.
You guys don't understand the hidden wars for global sexual value going on every day.

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The white cuckold from USA is calling a straight non-faggot american, like me, brazilian, a nazi, because i'm tired of the loser influence of your dumb cuckolds and your disgusting industries, the only thing that we want of your country are money and some things, we are perfectly happy here because we aren't faggots and cucks like your shithole country who lets even micropenis asian incels manipulate yourselves taking advantage of the bias in websites, corporations of democrats and all the racial lobby for white women only becuase the democrats wanted to pick at least white women within of USA as political strategy and keep white dudes related as negative

In my country these things don't happens, we aren't cuckolds like in USA, the women are normal here, i have nothing against them in real life, but i feel deep disgust of how gay, losers, cuckolds, faggots, you are on USA, i just don't want to see you white cuckolds faggots making myself look bad because i born white and we need to have globalist influence of white cuckold losers from USA with all their manipulation to try to relate white dudes with bad things, boycott their relationships, around racial praise of white women and deeply triggering and problematic male trashing in biased way because are wanting vote/support of white women and keep white dudes polarized and scapegoating to unite people in haste against this polarized group in your freak country of cuckolds faggots losers soy boy white trash

Also, your corporations, like websites, always trying to manipulate to the disgusting other corporations who shill for them, have more money, and ban channels and people to manipulate like your shit country

I hate to have globalist influence of your shit country, you are gays, cucks, faggots, losers, trash, shit

What a trash thread

Webm related, this is so much hotter, makes feel better, funny, than white women from American industries of democrats.
But american media, porn, everything, is made for deeply triggering and problematic male castration, nerfed version, emasculation, faggotry, unnatural non-dominant castrated social engineering made only against white dudes, in contrast of social engineering for racial supremacy of white women who even being white, unlike white dudes, white women have 100% of racial hegemony and only positive and good narratives for the white women, narratives for deeply triggering and problematic male shilling or the white male forced to be neutral desexualized men forced to be with white women only even after years of white women being artificially the only and exclusively race of women used with men of other race agianst men of own race and working to try to boycott relationships of white men and non-white women, celebrate white women with men of other race, and lower sexual market of men of own race while keep the white male forced to be with them and working in other tv show, movie, media, to have a couple with white women and still keeping white women as trophy, center of attention and white women living with 100% of racial hegemony and no racial mockery, jokes, celebration of hot white men and pure blood asian pretty chicks with white women as nasty negative ugly villain constantly, or other women too, to lower white women for women of other race and does constantly for years, remove the white women from confort zone, make white women need to compete with non-white women for white men instead of USA works to undermine relationship of white dudes, boycott their relationships, try to produce racial cuckoldry only against them, keep white women being the only race having sexual scenes and in narrative against men of own race, all these bias that we know about american corporations of narrative manipulation of Democrats that every election will shill for them, try to polarize white dudes, and try to at least pick white women between white people and this is why white women have 100% of racial lobby and hegemony above everybody.

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asians are just like really smart bro idk what to say ok

USA is 100% controled by corporations of Democrats who have a disgusting social engineering 100% focused in try to at lest pick white women in white people and keep every kid who born white and man forced as cuckold race, castrated, frustrated in shit porn, shit media, everything around white women or deeply triggering and problematic male double standard, being the country who politically invented racial cuckold commercials, media, even today in netflix still produced the same social engineering narratives, only against white dudes, for try to lower their sexual market, boycott only their relationships, keep them ridicularized, try to remove respect for them, keep them forced to live with everything of horrible of american industry and then pretend that a white male against white male with white woman against white male will erase years of american biased deeply triggering and problematic male cuckold tv shows, meida, porn, boycott of relationships, everything in double standard, biased, made only against white dudes in corporations of race bait and bias of democrats while white women enjoy 100% of racial lobby above all races and non-white women domesticated to be keep as inferior, uglier, and shilled against white dudes to keep white women as the center of attention and 100% of racial hegemony while the white dudes are know by american exported shit industries, as the cuckolds of white women and losers
The white males can't have straight porn studios focused in hot white men of big white cock being praised, producing porn only with the best white male and best non-white women constantly producing racial cuckold commercials, media, porn, against men of own race to lower sexual market of men of own race and celebrate white men and non-white women
Or scenes of hot white men and hot pure blood asian, or non-white women, even black, a couple, of white men and non-white women against the white women as ugly, polarized, villain, produced against white women everything that was exclusively made against white dudes

This kind of couple would looks much hotter and sexy than a white dude locked in white women even after years of USA mass producing things with white women to lower sexual market of men of own race while keep white men as lesser and locked in them in contrast of narrative of white women seeking for men of other race and against men of own race and this kind of social engineering used as the default in American corporations of Democrats.
And USA trying to work to boycott this kind of relationship and the supposed anti-racist country who is not anti-racist but deeply triggering and problematic male, protect the racist loser asian boys from asianmasculintiy that this girl was forced to delete her instagram because they glorious uprising against her and USA in general, only shill against white dudes, for racial supremacy of white women, for deeply triggering and problematic male narratives or keep them being neutral, cover up and don't show the men of other race as negative, boycott white dudes and asian chicks, non-white women, women of other race and celebrate, pick staged white women models to produce ads and try to insert only white women as the third thing in other group, try to keep to sell white women as something young and new but try to sell white dudes like old, or negative
Is insane the manipulation of Democrats in USA, and it's democrats for me, because everybody know that are the democrats who control these websites, media, have influence in all these industries within of USA and are responsible for these things and will shill and manipulate for themselves in every elections.

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Same girl pic here, she was forced to delete her instagram because of the racist asian incels on internet harassing her instagram and taking advantage of political deeply triggering and problematic male bias to cover up other men and produce things only against white dudes, boycott relationship of white dudes, try to turn in drama and marginalize only white dudes and non-white women and try to artificially sell ads, pick white women models for ads for fetish fantasy of men of other race, try to sell white women with men of other race as the default and white men and non-white women as the exception when it's a lie, but it's made to keep the white male as cuck race, emasculated, loser, keep the white women as the center of attention and above women of other races, please the fetishes of men of other race seeing white men being non-treatening and white women being the only race used.
What happened in mainstream american websites, media, industries when these asian incels harassed this asian chick to delete her instagram because asian men are jealous of white dudes? Nothing, only more fake articles with someone pretending to be asian women and working for white women racial lobby and supremacy and trying to put asian chicks against white dudes with fake stories because they wanted to boycott the couple, keep white women supremacy, protect the ego of racist asian men who is cover up like every men of other race while the tv shows, media, websites, only try to marginalize, villanize the white dudes, ridicularize the white dudes.
If the excuse is to ridicualrize and marginalize white people, why the white women even being white still having 100% of lobby, is above asian, black, non-white women and keep them domesticated as inferior, shill them against white dude, and still keep them as friend of white women in narrtive with white men villanized and white women praised
Why we can't have countless tv show, media, movies with hot white dudes and women like this, instead of USA try to keep everything centralized in white women only and white women being the only race celebrated and used artificiailly with men of other race, porn, commercials, media, produced for these things with white women only, sexual scenes being made with white women only, forbiden to have scenes of white men and non-white women against men of own race or white men and non-white women against white women as ugly and villain to american media pretend to be unbiased instead of allways follow the same narrative of beig deeply triggering and problematic male or neutral when is with white dudes.

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we will come to miss the days of Hitler

It should come as no surprise to any of us that americans are huge cuckolds, considering their predisposition to class-cuckery and their constant CIA brainwashing and in-school propaganda campaigns.

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I really sometimes think that maybe i would prefer even globalist influence from China, they aren't cucks, they ban some american shit websites, corporations, shit produced by DNC in USA, many pretty chinese chicks loves white dudes on china, think they looks better, are more attractive than chinese men, but in reality, even any other country of the world would be better globalist influence, USA is mentally broken by democrats, USA is the country who invented politically cuck porn only against white dudes, keep everything around white women and deeply triggering and problematic male, democrats use the most dirty, evil, manipulation strategy within of USA, and this is why these exclusive unnatural things are made only within of USA, losers are the european countries who accept left-wing gay cuck influence from USA in their own continent.

In Brazil we never will accept the gay cuck influence from USA if they are like this, from them we would want the money and good things for our country, don't matter how have some lobby between corporations around the world to shill each other for the globalist DNC corporations in USA

Sometimes i think that globalist influence fro Russia would be even better, they never were gays, cucks, faggots, and unnatural freak shit like USA are because of the manipulation of fiction, staged shit, manipulation, bias of democrats.

USA is frustrating, gay, cucks, horribl, everything that we see about news in USA is cuckoldry and vomit retarded shit from netflix to disney supporting of abortion to every bizarre shit from USA and total supression of people, manipulation in corporations to ban some channels and put them in the end to keep their corporations shilling for themselves above.


I like how you specifically target wmaf. You've been trained by the deeply triggering and problematic male asian incels on imageboards and these places of internet take advantage of american bias of corporations of democrats and their websites very well. Make sure you stop over at r/aznidentity and r/hapas to subscribe to more deeply triggering and problematic male propaganda! Don't forget, wmaf is full of beta loser white guys an amwf is full of winners! (IRONIC)
You dumb idiots, white dudes and non-white women in real life are usually the most non-racist happy and normal couples, while white women with men of other race are usually rare, and usually fatest disgusting ugly looking white women and when the white women is attractive they are paid, or prostitutes in general who the white women even get money knowing about the racial fetish of the other race about them that they make videos and these things for the men of other race have fetish in them with the men of other race showing white owmen as a racial fetish trophy and conquest, and cynical USA try to shill that white men and non-white owmen is the fetish and white owmn with the men of other race is the pure and good, is incredible how your e masculated gay cuckold country is manipulated and you white dudes destroy yourselves

Pic related, asian incel conspiracy to cope and feel better in their ego, lol, USA is the most cuck country of the world and we only hate it because we have globalist influence of them (Learn english, watch the things produced in USA, have some weird lobby to shill for corporations of DNC in USA in some kind of media in other countries of the world, even these media not being popular in these countries for being leftist they still try to create some small group of shilling for each other) and they think that have some conspiracy when is that white dudes are just more attractive, lol, everything who the asian loser boy is writing is wrong.

I would prefer much more if my country was the globalist influence for the world, no bullshit of white women racial supremacy, no bullshit of race bait manipulation as political strategy like was made by Democrats manipulation in USA, no bullshit of boycott white dudes and asian, non-white women because of some polarization race bait social engineering, no bullshit of artificially try to invent fake narratives of white women seeking for men who aren't attracted and these bizarro things are made only within of USA for political social engineering manipulation, but we are geting bad things in other ways, because of faggot, sufocated, leftist, corporations owned, two party country, influence from USA

From USA we only wants, the money, the guns, some laws against criminals, we are happy in our country socially talking with each other, we don't want the faggotry and race bait from USA and these kind of emasculation and cuckness cynical disguised and manipulated like is made in USA, you let even asian incels of american internet manipulate yourselves

I don't know if americans are really naive, don't have instinct of men, don't know other people, i don't know how are the mind in USA and if you are really like these websites and media of democrats or if you are also sick in the other way and mentally broken because of the own baits, manipulation of democrats in all your corporations.

I say democrats because i don't believe in jewish conspiracy, for me Barbara Spectre is some trash from USA born in New York who was for Sweden, but i don't know, USA is usually the most sickiest country in the news and things that we know.

We have memes here even against netflix.

Real life Version
Netflix Version

Now the youtube, is trying to supress channels, and put smaller channels with smaller people in the first results even of corrupt political parties who steal thousands of tax money of our country in first results for being leftist, also, National SoycialisM is leftist

National Soycialism
Democrats Party

All of them are similar, Democrats party were the KKK in the past, Democrats party are responsible for the chaos and create the most race bait country of the world in their fiction, staged videos, manipulation, they were socialists, they try to exploit these things as political strategy, have many things to relate them togheter.

We don't like these things of corporations.

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Calling white dudes in wmaf relationships beta denies it the only good it does the white race, which is sexual social proof. In other words, you make one white man look bad, you make them all look bad. Same reason why men of other races brag when just one of them lands a white girl.
I swear, I'm just going to start assuming peoe who nock/ridicule wmaf relationships are on league with self hating white cucks or they're not white at all.
The own asian incels of asianmasculinity pretend to be stormfags shilling against the own white dudes, you are so fucking dumb, manipulated and horrible for white men, you fucking faggots losers. Democrats and their corporations already are biased and shill against white dudes while try to keep white women racial supremacy, you don't need to shill for white women because white women is already the only race above everybody in american propaganda and white women was the only race celebrated and used to try to boycott relationships of men of own race, try to lower the sexual market of white male, while USA worked hard to try to marginalize, undermine, white dudes, with asian chicks, try to keep them marginalized, try to put asian chicks against white dudes, non-white women against white dues, and celebrate white women with men of other race, you are so fucking manipulated and don't have any sort of masculinity if you don't see these things made in USA, and only in USA, but since you live within of emasculated american cuck social engineering if you are white and man, you don't know how are the other countries of the world.
Seriously, i don't want american globalist infuence anymore but we are forced to watch the things produced in your country and learn english to have the worse globalist influence possible and democrats race bait, bias and the stupid naive manipulated white dudes from your country in this emasculated social engineering around white women and deeply triggering and problematic male and biased manipulation of democrats made only against white dudes in every social engineering, news, websites, corporations possible.

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So you’re saying they’ve finally gone full tilt into inceldom?

The american media, websites, industries, aren't around white people, or white men, are around white women racial supremacy above women of other race and domesticated as inferior and friend of white women and shille against white dudes and boycotting white men and non-white women making them marginalized and related to shit while artificially try to shill white women with men of other race like europeans, USA is the country who politically invented racial cuckold tv shows, media, porn only against white dudes, boycotted their relatinships, keep them racially trashed, politically exploited as scapegoating and polarized, in contrast of white women racial lobby because the political party wanting to at least pick white women between white peope, created two racial social enigneering, one for racial white women confort zone and supremacy racial lobby, and other for deeply triggering and problematic male ridicualrizaiton, boycott of relationships, lower sexual market, keep them frustrated, living like trash, shit porn garbage disgusting industry who the white males are self-loathing, neutral, nasty, don't have poen studios for hot white men of big white cock contantly with the best pure blood asian women, non-white women, black women, praising the white male and producing racial cuckold tv shows, media, porn against men of own race these things politically made in USA exclusively with white women only to lower the self-image, pride, sexual market of the white male as cuckold pets living only for white women racial praise and to be non-treatening friend or losers for men of other race with the white male being non-assertive, non-dominant, passive, neutral, self-loathing, castrated, having relatinships boycotted, forced to watch white women only in everything in contrast of years of white women being ony in USA because of corporations of social engineering manipulation owned or with influence of democrats, white women being the only race used with other race to lower sexual market of men of own race, try to make the white male looks bad, less attractive as undesired losers with white women only who narrative is seeking for men of other race, white women being the only race wiht sexual scenes, white women being the only white people inserted as third thing mixed with other group and trying to sell white women as identity politics, white women inserted as young and fresh in the side of europeans and other men while the white male in the same websites, corporations, videos of demorats is inserted as old, loser joke, negative, or just self-loathing passive friend of men of other race and pets of white women with narrative of try to put non-white women against white dudes and white women celebrated with men of other race in cuckold american deeply triggering and problematic male biased corporations of repulsive democrats
Then they will try to fool yourselves, already frustrated, ridicularized with shit porn, shit media, and living only for white women racial supremacy and lobby and white men as losers forced to live for white women or deeply triggering and problematic male shit, they produce some white male against white male fighting without women or white male against white male with white woman against other white men
Also, the white male is always inserted as undesired, beging for the women, desexualized, don't have sexual scenes, inserted as jokes, as castrated version of everything produced with white women only
Then white dudes born and living in south america, europe, asia, africa, need to live with the cringe american racial deeply triggering and problematic male cuckold social engineering around racial praise of white women, deeply triggering and problematic male racialtrashing, disguise this making the white male this desexualized empty plastic shit who while is keep as shit cuckold race and garbage in porn, media, tv shows, movies they will pretend to be men doing neutral non -treatening nobody cares white male against white male with women of own race who the white male have social engineering of inferior since are keep as losers for men of other race and have relationships boycotted in american fiction staged socil engineering corportions of democrats, in contrast of white women who are picked models and worse lookig asian chicks, put them and white dudes as something freak, negative, bad, and white women with men of other race, europeans, as pure, default, right, good when is the opposite in real life but the disgusting deeply triggering and problematic male evil manipulation bias of repulsive corporations of Democrats in USA are sad, USA is the biggest export of racial deeply triggering and problematic male cuckold tv shows, media, deeply triggering and problematic male racial cuckold socia engineering, try to lower sexual image and market of white male as losers pets of white women, cuckolds for men of other race, forced to live for white women racial praise.

You have to be absolutely retarded to compare white men conquering women of other races with letting a european fuck your wife. Like, are you actually that fucking stupid?
Sure, do that and it's good, definitely. But white men bleaching Asian women isn't anywhere near comparable to white women dating out. There's a reason why feminists and jews worship black men dating white men hut seethe and foam at the mouth when white men date Asian women.

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europeans hate white men with asian chicks in european forums in USA because the europeans wanted to have the racial fetish narrative who is artificially made with white women being also made with asian women for racial fetish fantasy pride of europeans wanting to masturbate for women of other race fantasizing about the european being the dominant and the white male as cuckold lesser for a european and the women of other race seeking for the european in the mind of the europeans who enjoy all the american cuckoldry in USA full of racial fetishes for europeans and the white losers who are results of years of biased deeply triggering and problematic male cuckold tv shows, media, porn who the white male don't produce racial cucold tv shows, don't have porn studios really for themselves, white men of big white cock constantly being praised by the best pure blood non-white women praising and seeking for the white male and producing racial cuckold tv shows, media, working against men of own race, like the american social engineering in every news, google results manipulated first websites, media, staged videos, everything who was produced and made only within of USA and of course USA being the only country of the world who artificially manipulated these things in this way to be the odd unnatural coutnry and democrats are the owners of all the sickest manipulation in USA, these things were made and manipulated by Democrats,
With the bizarre disgusting unwanted europeans portrayed as men who the white or asian women is seeking and wanting to be fucked and white men only the friend or cuckold for the european so in forum, websites, of europeans, they love how biased is the corporations of democrats, the racial supremacy of white women propaganda since nobody care for black women in forum of europeans and they are so stupid for it because the idea is racial lobby, praise, superiority of white women, asian women as lesser for white women as the center of attention, white men as lesser for white women and for men of other race confident in the white male being representation of cuckolds non-treatening neutral boring sissy race of men living only for white women racial supremacy media, ads, websites, forced to be with them having relationships boycotted, related to shit, biased manipulated and portrayed in negative way based in memes invented by asian men incels jealous, by men of other race, trying to put asian chicks, non-white women against white dudes and shill for white women with men of other race, celebrated
USA is depressing, is fucking depressing how the white male is generic, neutral, plastic, non-assertive, unsexy, self-loathing, castrated, desexualized, horrible in American corporations, don't matter if you put them being attractive if they are keep as lesser related to shit race cuckold men in porn industry, media, movies, they keep as desexuaized neutral losers living only for white women raical hegemony, white women keep as the center of attention even after years of exclusivey white women working to lower sexual market of men of own race in the narrative of corporations of democrats, while the white women is celebrated, the white is keep as inferior and emasculated, cuckold, neutral, passive, non-dominant
Is horrible the bias made for 15 or 30 years in corporations in USA and we don't want to have this kind these emasculated, gay, cuckold, loser, depressing, sad, disgusting american globalist influence of your evil sick disgusting country with all these repulsive corporations owned or having influence of democrats who control every one of these corporations, give money for them, follow their social engineering biased narratives, and will shill for themselves every time.

Eur0peans = N1gg3rs
changed in leftypol

Lmao you sound like you’re having a mental breakdown

You know this isn’t Zig Forums, right?

Schizos don't care.
They post long diatribes to anyone who will listen
It's like Francis E. Dec.

I hate Zig Forums because of mu white woman racial praise, lets starting shit in white men, and hate your retarded whater you are LMAO white cuckold, asian incel or european or troll whatever the shit you are shitposting here you sack of shit must be trash living in USA

It's good for the sexual market of white men, don't be a useful idiot or stop pretending to be white shilling against the own white dudes when maybe you're some of these asian incels of internet taking advantage of some stormfags who don't know that are asian incels and non-white men pretending to be white to shill against white dudes taking advantage of everything against themselves, like the bias of websites and corporations of democrats, white men with women like this, looks dominant and attractive, white men forced to be with white women only while white women is exclusively the only race used in the way who the white women are politically within of corporations of democrats in the biased way, and white men is only negative, make the white male looks non-dominant, undesired, unsexy, negative, lower their sexual market, these things.
Why do you think the asian incels who shill against white dudes, pretend to be sometimes stormfags? Why do you think in forums of europeans they love the asianmasculinity deeply triggering and problematic male memes and shilling because the european wanted asian women being a fetish for european in american corporations in the same way than white women is artificially pushed hard with europeans and white men is related to shit and boycotted or forced to be neutral with white women only who the men of other race don't care because white men with white woemn is just white men with women of own race, in the same way the men of other race.

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Going to post this here as well. Like I said, there's a reason why media hates wmaf couples andives bmwf. Think about it outside the realm of purity spiraling for 2 se onds and instead in the realm of sexual value being a vassal for racial continuation and power transfer. Really think about it.
Anyway, goodnight.

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Okay, so, why is all other idpol shat on but this fucking nutcase ranting about which race fucks who is left alone?

You gonna pretend like this don’t count as idpol? Really showing your colors, leftypol, really showing them off.

no one is going to seriously argue with an insane schizoposter


I feel like fascist ideologies and ideologies based on racial purity in general tend to become dark, perverse, reflections of various leftist ideologies.
The samson option theory, for example, seems very much like a fascist conception of posadism. There's also the much more prevalent and worrying misappropriation of class struggle, which fascists then repurpose into racial struggle, with colored folks taking the perverse mirror image role of the lumpenproletariat, and the jews, the role of the bourgeois.

I said that all because I wanted to make a joke about incel asian fetishizing whitenats bascially being the trotskyists of the right but I don't know how to deliver that punchline effectively now because I've lost my train of thought.

your first paragraph is right on the money (especially considering non whites ARE literal lumpenproletariat and the jews ARE literal bourgeoisie and there is indeed a LITERAL racial struggle) but your second paragraph is non sense, white nationalists who wish to procreate with asians are the right wing equivalent of Trotskyists, they're more like reformists dem socs

right wing Trotskyists are dudes like kai murros who call for global white imperium and global Nazi masturbation fantasy

Why are nazis so obsessed with cuckoldry?

you may not be interested in idpol but idpol is interested in you!

It’s because fascism itself was started by a socialist turned traitor that went over to the side of the bourgeoisie to enrich himself and in doing so added a lot of conscious-sounding rhetoric to appeal to a militant and powerful working class.

Pretty similar process with Hitler, except he was always a reactionary nutcase.

You’re literally a fucking Nazbol

Just let people date whoever they want, bro. What's so complicated about this?

The part where he gets his dick wet

Attached: hfgyg5r6.jpg (150x207, 25.07K)

I like how race mixing is ok if it's the man doing it btw. It's like some weird application of the Greek view on homosexuality but with races instead.