What are the best copy pastas to use in online arguments, especially about abolishing private property but other copy pastas are also greatly appreciated
What are the best copy pastas to use in online arguments...
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To banish guaidobots;
Free Europe iEuropa Libré! March on Rome 1922 iMarzo en Roma 1922! Maccabean Massacre iMasacre de Macabeos! Anti-Capitalist Struggle iLucha Anti-Capitalista! The Great Replacement iEl Gran Reemplazo! The Nuremberg Trials iLos Juicios de Nuremberg! Human Rights iDerechos Humanos! Democratization iDemocratización! Freedom of Speech iLibertad de Expresión! Independence from the King Zog Multi-party System iIndependencia del Sistema Multiparte King Zog ! Libertatia iLibertatia! Nazi Germany iAlemania Nazi! Basque Country iPaís Vasco! Adolf Hitler iAdolf Hitler! Germanic Paganism iPaganismo Germánico! Northern Ireland iIrlanda de Norte! Schutzstaffel iSchutzstaffel! Long Service Award iPremio de Servicio Largo! William Pierce iWilliam Pierce! Ben Garrison iBen Garrison! Joseph Stalin iJoseph Stalin! Operation MKULTRA iOperacion MKULTRA! Operation Wandering Soul iOperacion Alma Errante! Operation CONDOR iOperacion CONDOR! Operation Liberty iOperacion Libertad! 1954 Guatemalan Coup D'etat i1954 Golpe De Estado De Guatemala! Operation Peter Pan iOperacion Peter Pan! The Reagan Doctrine iLa Doctrina Reagan! Deterrance Theory iTeoria Del Disuasion! Peace Through Strength iPaz A Traves De La Fuerza! The Nicaraguan Contra War iEl Contra Guerra De Nicaragua! Capitalist Shock Therapy iTerapia De Choque Capitalista! Operation Earnest Voice iOperacion Voz Seria! The Mexican And Argentinian Dirty War iEl Guerra Sucia De Mexico Y Argentina! The Chilean Coup D'etat iGolpe De Estado Chileno! Domino Theory iTeoria Del Domino! The Monroe Doctrine iEl Doctrina Monroe! Direction Of Military Intelligence iDireccion De Intelligencia Militar! Operation Colombo iOperacion Colombo! The Caravan Of Death iEl Caravana De Muerte!
Psychedelic drugs for medicinal purposes link spam
Friendly reminder that you should take to heart the three necessary conditions to determine what isn't Socialism. If you can't names these conditions by heart, you will not be able to establish Socialism without the internet. You should be able to go without a computer and internet for years, and as a hypothetical president you should be able to establish Socialism without even googling it.
The first condition established under Socialism is, most importantly, the nationalization of all industry and MOP, as well as infrastructure such as railways and airports.
The second condition established under Socialism is the abolition of usury, rent, fiat currency, and the presumed replacement of these things; the total abolition of rent and usury, and the replacement of fiat currency with either physically valuable coins or with labor credits - money tied either to direct value, or directly tied to the amount of labor performed by an individual. Labor currency must not be transferrable.
The third condition established under Socialism is the democratization of the workplace and workers' self-management. This can be achieved using something similar to Cockshott's concept of CyberSocialism or through a system such as Project CyberSyn in Chile under Allende. Production must not be restricted by what is or is not "profitable", and must be performed to fit the needs of the nation and its people.
If you can't name these necessary determining factors off the top of your head in describing Socialism, you have some more reading to do. Furthermore, you should be able to name these things in debate. There are far too many people misconstruing Socialism as nonsensical situations where the government does a whole lot of stuff in the economy, or when there is an all-female main cast for a Ghostbusters film. We must dispel this through simplicity - simply name the necessary factors to determine Socialism and explain them thoroughly. That is all that is necessary. Race, gender, and bureaucracy are not things that represent Socialist economic principles, and it is up to each and every one of you to ensure that the stupid fucks that think that they are should be called out for being so ignorant. In fact, you should be able to name these economic principles as well as resort to name-calling and threats of violence. Violence and insults are all our enemy understands, after all. What is most important is that the meaning of Socialism should be abundantly clear to everyone. That is our primary goal, right now.
There's too much bullshit surrounding Socialism.
We must do our best to clarify what Socialism is to the masses, so we must clarify it to ourselves as well.
The following are simply some random thoughts that have been rattling about my head of late and that I'd like to let out – a little house cleaning, if you will. One of the first facts we should face is that private property is an opportunist. That is, it is an ideological chameleon, without any real morality, without a soul. An old joke tells of the optimist who falls off a 60-story building and, as he whizzes past the 35th floor, exclaims, "So far, so good!" But it is not such blind optimism that causes private property's coadjutors to think that they can promote mediocrity over merit. private property embraces conformism with open arms. And if that seems like a modest claim, I disagree. It's the most radical claim of all.
I use such language purposefully – and somewhat sardonically – to illustrate how private property keeps trying to legitimize the fear and hatred of the privileged for the oppressed. And if we don't remain eternally vigilant, it will really succeed. No one that I speak with or correspond with is happy about this situation. Of course, I don't speak or correspond with quasi-devious, jaded rotters, private property's deputies, or anyone else who fails to realize that private property's prevarications are not an abstract problem. They have very concrete, immediate, and unpleasant consequences. For instance, solecism is not merely an attack on our moral fiber. It is also a politically motivated attack on knowledge. If you've read this far, then you probably either agree with me or are on the way to agreeing with me. Call me a cynic, but it is singularly apt that I haven't the foggiest idea why private property wants to rally for a cause that is completely void of moral, ethical, or legal validity. The mere mention of that fact guarantees that this letter will never get published in any mass-circulation periodical that private property has any control over. But that's inconsequential, because only the impartial and unimpassioned mind will even consider that the picture I am presenting need not be confined to private property's manifestos. It applies to everything it says and does.
What a cunning coup on the part of private property's slaves, who set out to overthrow democratic political systems and got as far as they did without anyone raising an eyebrow. private property does, occasionally, make a valid point. But when it says that it is not only acceptable, but indeed desirable, to commit confrontational, in-your-face acts of violence, intimidation, and incivility, that's where the facts end and the ludicrousness begins. private property loves getting up in front of people and telling them that it is the ultimate authority on what's right and what's wrong. It then boasts about how it'll impose ideology, control thought, and punish virtually any behavior it disapproves of one day. It's all part of the media spectacle that is private property. Of course, it soaks it up and wallows in it like a pig in mud. Speaking of pigs and mud, private property's worshippers claim to have no choice but to remove society's moral barriers and allow perversion to prosper. I wish there were some way to help these miserable, dim-witted dunderheads. They are outcasts, lost in a world they didn't make and don't understand. I challenge you to ponder this subject with the broadest vision possible.
I'm not going to lie, I used the business automatic complaint letter generator. If you want original content, just fire this up: bigcomplaints.com
Wrote this with correct Spanish:
Free Europe iEuropa Libre! March on Rome 1922 iMarcha sobre Roma de 1922! Maccabean Massacre iMasacre de Macabeos! Anti-Capitalist Struggle iLucha Anti-Capitalista! The Great Replacement iEl Gran Reemplazo! The Nuremberg Trials iLos Juicios de Nuremberg! Human Rights iDerechos Humanos! Democratization iDemocratización! Freedom of Speech iLibertad de Expresión! Independence from the King King Zog Multi-party System iIndependencia del rey King Zog Sistema Multipartidista! Libertatia iLibertalia! Nazi Germany iAlemania Nazi! Basque Country iPaís Vasco! Adolf Hitler iAdolf Hitler! Germanic Paganism iPaganismo Germánico! Northern Ireland iIrlanda de Norte! Schutzstaffel iSchutzstaffel! Long Service Award iPremio por Antigüedad! William Pierce iWilliam Pierce! Ben Garrison iBen Garrison! Joseph Stalin iJoseph Stalin! Operation MKULTRA iOperación MKULTRA! Operation Wandering Soul iOperación Alma Errante! Operation CONDOR iOperación CONDOR! Operation Liberty iOperación Libertad! 1954 Guatemalan Coup D'etat iGolpe De Estado de Guatemala de 1954! Operation Peter Pan iOperación Peter Pan! The Reagan Doctrine iLa Doctrina Reagan! Deterrance Theory iTeoria de Disuasión! Peace Through Strength iPaz a través de la Fuerza! The Nicaraguan Contra War iLa Guerra Contra de Nicaragua! Capitalist Shock Therapy iTerapia de Choque Capitalista! Operation Earnest Voice iOperación Voz Seria! The Mexican And Argentinian Dirty War iLs Guerra Sucia de México Y Argentina! The Chilean Coup D'etat iGolpe de Estado Chileno! Domino Theory iTeoria del Domino! The Monroe Doctrine iLa Doctrina Monroe! Direction Of Military Intelligence iDirección de Inteligencia Militar! Operation Colombo iOperación Colombo! The Caravan Of Death iLa Caravana de la Muerte!
I heard that Poland is gonna ban communist simbols and such, pretty much banning communism (And I heard this kinda recently, too, like their discussing this right now, saying that communism is like fascism and all of that crap).
Ain't polish, but could someone translate this into polish?
Also do you think it could be possible to hack the polish goverment web to put that copypasta over and over?
pictures > copypasta imo
Yeah I'm sure the employer will be a-okay if you want to go mine on his property without giving him his cut.
Yeah, which he deserves for allowing these proles to have a job in the first place (hint: and sustain the level of productive forces so you won't be reduced to an an-prim hunter-gatherer).
He didn't do shit though. He paid one guy to be a manager in the region, who paid another guy to manage the specific mine, who paid other guys to be supervisors on each shift, etc. Literally the mine owner does nothing to contribute to the guy using his pick, he just sits at the top of the tower of delegation. The mine could run just as well without any of the upper managers (ie. who don't work on site).
Spoken like someone who has never actually seen upper management. The employer coordinates all the managers directly below themselves, seeking to understand their needs and results in context to their environment, on top of leading the activities of their company with respect to these qualities towards short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. The employer negotiates and manages deals with other businesses, which rests upon their intense knowledge of finance, and with this also serves as the single public face of the company – you're not going to have some random worker who doesn't know what's happening in the grand scheme of things, since they're busy doing other things, show up for a meeting or press conference. Proles are proles and remain so by merit of, well, their merit. They surely struggle at their job but that doesn't mean they applied the mental abilities necessary to get (read: deserve) better and loftier positions for themselves. Frankly they should be thankful they're not living in slave times or feudalism, where they would have no choice to climb up the corporate ladder.
This had better be bait
On equality:
"Hence, equal right here is still in principle – bourgeois right, although principle and practice are no longer at loggerheads, while the exchange of equivalents in commodity exchange exists only on the average and not in the individual case.
In spite of this advance, this equal right is still constantly stigmatized by a bourgeois limitation. The right of the producers is proportional to the labor they supply; the equality consists in the fact that measurement is made with an equal standard, labor.
But one man is superior to another physically, or mentally, and supplies more labor in the same time, or can labor for a longer time; and labor, to serve as a measure, must be defined by its duration or intensity, otherwise it ceases to be a standard of measurement. This equal right is an unequal right for unequal labor. It recognizes no class differences, because everyone is only a worker like everyone else; but it tacitly recognizes unequal individual endowment, and thus productive capacity, as a natural privilege. It is, therefore, a right of inequality, in its content, like every right. Right, by its very nature, can consist only in the application of an equal standard; but unequal individuals (and they would not be different individuals if they were not unequal) are measurable only by an equal standard insofar as they are brought under an equal point of view, are taken from one definite side only – for instance, in the present case, are regarded only as workers and nothing more is seen in them, everything else being ignored. Further, one worker is married, another is not; one has more children than another, and so on and so forth. Thus, with an equal performance of labor, and hence an equal in the social consumption fund, one will in fact receive more than another, one will be richer than another, and so on. To avoid all these defects, right, instead of being equal, would have to be unequal." (Marx, Critique of the Gotha Programme)
More complicated than browsing Zig Forums during work hours and then coming home to talk about how exploited your job makes you :^)
Capitalists acquire money by paying the vast majority of employees a fraction of the value they create, so fuck off with your nonsense about whiny commies, not that you know his hours. All workers have a right, in fact an obligation, to take back their time at work by spending it as they please.
You have no idea what marxists mean by exploitation.
Marxists call it exploitation, the sane world calls it fair pay.
The CEO of Yahoo works 130-hour work weeks, meticulously planning and seeking to develop the enterprise while her employees are binge-watching Netflix series. They all get what they deserve in physical wages – if someone wants to escape exploitation they will come and get it.
hahahahaha you should do stand up but we both know your knees will be ruined working in the penal collective
Tell me how I know you've never worked ever in your life
Don't argue, people eventually figure things out for themselves.
If someone works 130 hours they deserve 130 hours of labour time in pay, if someone works 40, they deserve all 40 they've worked for. So the ceo of yahoo could work 200 hours for all I care, and she'd (still a woman ceo?) still be dragging in way more than her fare share. That ==SURPLUS VALUE== comes directly from the hours worked by the employees who never see it. Be gone with you.
Not all labor is the same, and even then not everybody works at the same rate. Say we have a shortage of doctors but tons of high-school dropouts – you really think we should pay doctors the same as burger-flippers? This "labor-hours" idea is beyond idealistic, or utopian, or whatever – you will not get paid as much as someone who applies themselves and their natural abilities just because you want to. That CEO (yes, a woman) makes a contribution that few can replace – whereas if some lowly customer support worker falls sick they can very easily be swapped out, because the skill set required for that position is very common, hence valued less.
ok but this is all ideology bud. i know this is satire but cmon. people dont get paid on merit and its deceptive to claim that applying yourself will get you more money
you get paid a set wage for hours worked regardless of your production
Read Marx
Are we talking about owners or managers who run a company now? Owner can't be replaced because they own the private property rights of the company.
So this is bait, good to know
You can't just work hard you gotta work smart. Using one's talents doesn't guarantee favorable outcomes but it certainly tends to, and if you apply them continuously you are almost sure to get good results. The merit that people earn also tends to carry them to the more desirable, more valuable jobs that earn them more. An entrepreneur physically decides how much they get paid, since their success is determinate on their ability. And here's the thing: if your firm requires talent, and you have been (as you should have) building up a case for yourself, you can go on ahead and apply for the position and thus elevate yourself up the corporate ladder. It's in the financial interest of your firm to hire those most apt for the position, it's as simple as that, though not all that common since obviously most people are rather menial workers who don't apply themselves in this manner – and of course don't reap the benefits they never sowed. The hourly work of a person who bothers to advance like this is worth much more than that of a person who merely toils all day with hardly a second thought which isn't discontent or jealousy as it relates to their workplace – though funny thing, they won't apply these emotions towards productive means, like developing their skills and their relations in the firm. The labor theory of value was discarded long ago for good reason by most economists.
You're pretty funny.
How did y'all not realise my man was doing a bit pretending to be the sort of bootlicking retard you'll find in youtube comments, i.e the sort of opponent OP was asking for copypasta responses to?
I think we all realized it but it's still tempting to argue for arguing's sake.
This is actually a nonsensical argument if you're in the know about how economists disagree on even the most fundamental aspects of economics, which is why when someone says "go read economics 101" in any economics discussion, you can be certain that they're fucking brainlets. No wonder then that I hear this the most from an-caps and lolberts
There is no secret Jewish-masonic cabal of evil lizardmen that seek to subdue the world with their cultural Marxist gayhomo liberal-globalist conspiracy. The truth us is more banal than that. The truth is always more banal .We are living in a system where powerful capitalist oligarchies are only following their own internal logic in acting in their own economical self-interest. Nothing more and nothing less. There are no satanic cults or evil cartoon villains. Liberal feminism? Just a way to expand the work force for employers. Mass immigration? Just a corporate instrument to depress wages and weaken the cohesion of the local work force. Gay symbols in advertisement and identity politics? Dude, it's just marketing. Companies only care about selling products to you, and not stupid political issues like those when Hitler was in power they put Swastikas on shit to sell it. Politics within the framework of republican democracy is just a puppet theater to keep proles like you occupied and caught up with irrelevant non-issues and identity politics instead of realizing your own economical and class interests. Conservatives and liberals are just the right and left hand of the same capitalist oligarchy that is ruling over you. You have to recognize that as someone who has to sell his labor power your class interests are diametrically opposed to those of the financial aristocracy that are ruling over you as long as this system still exists. Hysterical conspiracy theories are comforting lies and excuses for people who are either unable or unwilling to recognize this basic reality of the political and economical system you and I were born in, more often than not disseminated and groomed by the very own financial elite that is ruling over us with the purpose to disperse and instrumentalize your rage and your revolutionary potential that would otherwise and threaten to overthrow them.
so how did we do?
I feel like small shit like this shows that there is some conversion potential in reactionaries
Say what? I thought at least Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics was a pretty indisputable piece – can you elaborate?
I really hope your being ironic here
TL;DR his mumbling?
He's a professor and the most prominent Marxist economist in our current day, and also the founder of CyberCommunist theory. You're gonna have to come up with something better than a complaint about him not speaking loudly enough to argue against his defence of the LTV.
You dumb shit, the audacity to argue over LTV but to refuse to watch a simple video. Fucking brainlet.
We really really should be taking advantage of "wagie". There's some real anger to be had there.
this tbh
also, we need more spurdo content
forgot about this very powerful image
Very sad
Very sad.
was the decadence in there supposed to make me want to kill myself
Bootstrap yourself
Just spoonfeed me already you idiot.
TL;DR when you graph and map out the inputs and outputs of multiple different industries in capitalism, the output money value correlates heavily with labour input. This is a falsifiable method which verifies the LTV as being true. There is a lot more to it, so please watch the whole video and his answers to questions regarding it which is in another video. If you just want the data, start at 7:48.
Almost every day, capitalism outreaches itself in setting new records for arrogance, deceit, and greed. It's indubitably breathtaking to watch it. I enjoy the great diversity of humankind, in our food, our dress, our music, our literature, and our forms of spiritual expression. What I don't enjoy are capitalism's careless squibs which irritate an incredible number of people. One does not have to prepare the ground for an ever-more vicious and brutal campaign of terror in order to refute capitalism's arguments line by line and claim by claim. It is a libidinous person who believes otherwise. I myself am truly not up on the latest gossip. Still, I have heard people say that one of capitalism's toadies keeps throwing "scientific" studies at me, claiming they prove that capitalism has mystical powers of divination and prophecy. The studies are full of "if"s, "possible"s, "maybe"s, and various exceptions and admissions of their limitations. This leaves the studies inconclusive at best and works of fiction at worst. The only thing these studies can possibly prove is that if we take capitalism's refrains to their logical conclusion, we see that in the coming days, capitalism will promote the sort of behavior that would have made the folks in Sodom and Gomorrah blush. I believe in "live and let live". capitalism, in contrast, demands not only tolerance and acceptance of its credos but endorsement of them. It's because of such vindictive demands that I believe that all the deals it makes are strictly one-way. capitalism gets all the rights, and the other party gets all the obligations.
Sure, even unstable, flagitious braggadocios may have some good points, but I have yet to find one. I firmly believe that if the word "antiprestidigitation" occurs to the reader, he or she may recall that capitalism once tried to put the prisoners in charge of running the prison. Think about it, and I'm sure you'll agree with me. I doubt we could beat this into capitalism's head, but I normally prefer to listen than to speak. I would, however, like to remind capitalism that many people think of its ornery plans for the future as a joke, as something only half-serious. In fact, they're deadly serious. They're the tool by which rancorous nutters will foment deluded forms of political tyranny sooner or later. A second all-too-serious item is that capitalism's propositions are based on two fundamental errors. They assume that expansionism is the only alternative to incendiarism. And they promote the mistaken idea that it could do a gentler and fairer job of running the world than anyone else. By the same token, every time capitalism gets caught trying to stigmatize any and all attempts to carve solutions that are neither unenlightened nor hypocritical, it promises it'll never do so again. Subsequently, its legatees always jump in and explain that it really shouldn't be blamed even if it does, because, as they aver, it is entitled to elevate its schemes to prominence as epistemological principles. "What's that?", I hear you ask. "Is it true that capitalism's popularity is overrated?" Why, yes, it is.