Is it over anons, is there a way to save the left here in the west?
This lispy faggot is giving us a bad name
Really worth making a thread over.
Don't defend this imperialist scum
Also there is a bourgeois mass brainwashing technique being implemented to associate socialism with homosexual degeneracy. Which ultimately makes us lose a fair number of potential supporters
Is it worth giving a shit about?
Whatever you say, /notpol/.
Plus I'm nazbol
Who hurt you sweaty?
he gets the gulag
not worth a thread
Who the fuck cares.
this deserves anchoring.
Time to have some real fun
Washington, DC 20009
maza is currently listed at this address
belongs to maza's stepfather, scott scherr
New York, NY 10024
his sister, isabel maza, is registered in this address
dunno if the info is up-to-date though
landline number: 305-640-8224
Here's his info. He also sends nudes to underage boys
phone: 3059055923
address: 1413 T St NW, Unit 201, Washington, DC 2000
Collection 1
Email: [email protected]
Password: 49574957
Email: [email protected]
Hash: a5a913e331ecf7349f424e183e6d199597e4185f 05-2014
Username: o_4i9hrf1sjq
Email: [email protected] 02-2014
Email: [email protected]
Hash: 48b2c7feb3eed5e5d20564f7df84355c8bf6335a
Salt: lYDraLhwHmf7mLslJJcN 2011
Username: dreadknots
Email: [email protected]
Hash: 4b5977cb4a493f221d147c8295b34647
Decrypted Hash: teamogui Compilation
Email: [email protected]
Password: teamogui
Username: 0124854909
Email: [email protected]
Hash: 4b5977cb4a493f221d147c8295b34647
First Name: Carlos
First Last: M
Date of Birth: 1985-08-01
Decrypted Hash: teamogui
Collection 1
Email: [email protected]
Password: teamogui
Grindr email: [email protected]
Grindr Password: 49574957
(now deleted)
address: 1413 T St NW, Unit 201, Washington, DC 20009
Still an employee, a worker, you """leftist""".
This belongs in the gender and sexuality general, first of all.
Rejecting gay members will decrease average communist party membership by half, I bet. There's a reason us fags love communism so much. Capitalism has the audacity to make use of our rainbows and our identity after having repressed us for so long, and it's no surprise that so many gays and trans are radicalizing leftwards.
the Modern homosexual is a result of capitalist alienation
will be sent to gulag if they continue under socialism
I'm okay with gays being communist as long as they don't parade their gayness as something inherent in socialism. That turns off lots of potential supporters who are brainded religious cucks. But they outnumber the fags so that's why
Who gives a fuck
Yass queen
Trans are neo liberals. There's no place for transgenders in real leftist movements. Trannies will get the bullet too when the communist revolution happens
Class traitor, cops are workers too by that logic. His existence does more harm to the movement
No serious leftist actually rejects LGBT comrades irl, regardless of the fact /notpol/ larpers may try to convince you otherwise.
if you want to lick my sweaty anus, the line begins over there, comrade.
yeah when exactly are we recruiting the braindead religious cucks???
….. do you know what neoliberalism is? are you aware of the definition of the word? or do you just hate trans people and want to guilt them by association
Don't defend this guy homos he sends nudes to kiddies. Oh wait most fags do the same thing anyway
Were gonna need some cannon fodder after all
He does not because this is the most transparent psyop ever. Basically Zig Forums is mad at this guy because he has hurt their beloved closet-queer Steven Crowder.
Not our problem. Go away.
Trans people are used to weaken real leftists movements. There's no place for transgenders in a communist society. They will be shot and sent to gulags when the day comes.
I'm glad to be a part of a real-life communist organization that has a progressive, pro-LGBT position. Hopefully this reactionary shit is limited to the bottom of the barrel.
pic related
prove it?
Cops are directly employed by the bourgies to supress the workers, they are class traitors.
A journalist who's actively trying to unionize against his employers is not. Now fuck off with that IdPol.
You are part of a liberal organization. Trans get the bullet first
words have meanings, comrades. what does the word "liberal" mean?
Tired meme
you're a meme
The socialism is when gay, and the gayer it is the more socialister it is