Why is leftypol so Fucking Soft?

It's like you faggots expect the revolution to show up on your front door step handing you the reigns of power. We should cranking out a never ending stream of information promoting violent acts towards the wealthy and privileged, but instead must of you fucks are armchair socialists. Just getting up to walk to the kitchen while claiming to be "le communist revolutionaries." Pathetic as fuck!

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Hello officer


Fuck off! Whining like a bitch because you know it is true.


I agree comrades! Who's with me about raiding your local police station for arms?

Hello, FBI?

Hello FBI

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Join a militia, or if there are no local ones get a gun and practice.

And whenever you're all about to do anything, post about it to leftypol to make sure you get monitored. Post lots of manifestos to 8ch to ensure communications crackdowns. It's a win/win!

All you fucking pussies saying “hello officer” just go ahead and kys or gtfo. You are controlled opposition by way of your cowardice. Stop pretending like you don’t take action because the po poe are watching, you do nothing because you’re virgin ass armchair warriors.

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Nice try FBI.

Haha, yes comrades, let’s commit some crimes!

Yes you fucking cowards, all you fake communists suck! If you’re serious about revolution tell me your plans, your location, and your personal information.

Together we bring down the system!

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violent acts are only necessary in certain circumstances but yes leftypol are armchair little bitches which is why they complain in the mods thread to ban shit they're little easies don't like reading

this, Zig Forums's real cowardice is the unwillingness to actually fucking read and effortpost

hello officer. i know its hard for you since we're not retarded incelrage Zig Forumscucks that think terrorism is a viable political program.

Promoting pacifism is exactly what the state wants you cowards to do. A revolution must be violent. You stupid cowards should read "How Nonviolence Protects the State"!


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Lurk moar

Good argument, coward. No keep eating pizza at your moms basement, you fat piece of shit.

You just don't fucking get it do you? If anyone here is doing any praxis that is worth a damn then they're most likely not retarded enough to report to Zig Forums of all fucking places. What kind of autist you have to be to wish to be like pol/'s lobotomite incursions?

Get more creative, glow nigger

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Why not? Do you know "Indymedia", retard? Radicals should show their power! Keep eating pizza, you fat fuck.

I agree with OP. Fuck these armchair cowards! Also, can I interest any posters here in purchasing an unregistered firearm in a parking lot?

The only glowniggers here are people like you who promote pacifism.

Fucking based comrade!

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Y’all are fuckin incompetent, goddamn

How are we incompetent if we harm the capitalist system? You do nothing to abolish capitalism, coward!

That right there is what we call adventurism. At the moment the best strategy is building communist parties, building links between parties and unions, and educating working people. Read the board rules: "USE YOUR HEAD, DON'T ACT LIKE A FED"

Didn’t work for the New Left…

why would this guy be FBI? if you get the slightest criticism of your actions it's not the FBI you big babies.

To anyone critizicing the OP, do you really think this can end without blood? The issue is who will be on the receiving end.