America planning to bomb Iran, I can’t fucking take this shit anymore

America is planning a strike on Iran apparently, all the peons and simps around the world are already trying to justify it whilst talking about how America will “flatten Iran”.

I’m trying to hold the misanthropy back but I can’t, I fucking hate the human race at this point, I utterly despise the first world for being America’s fucking lapdog bitch, I despise those in the Third World that want to be its caged parrot like South Korea. I just can’t take this shit anymore, if America gets away with attacking Iran then this world deserves to fucking end, fuck this world, nuke it all to hell, all of it, maybe what comes after will be a less evil, dogshit species.

I fucking hate life and I hate this century.

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The darkest hour is before the dawn, comrade. It will get very bad before it gets better. If we are going to have another World War, then it will be an ordeal no doubt, but it will set the stage for change. As Mao said in his Paper Tiger speech:


Don't fret friend, the US navy is about to go up in flames (see ) the straight of Hormuz closing means a crashed world economy, ample opportunity for revolution.

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Don't lose hope friend. We have had darker days than this, it might be bad, it might not, but don't give up. Remember the darkness over Stalingrad when all seemed lost, when it looked as if the line would break.

I just can’t believe so many fucking people are in America’s sway still, the whole of the 21st Century has been a tale of buffoons for presidents and brutality in the Middle East

And supporting some fascist Jews out in the Mid-East too

How the fuck can people stand by this shit anymore? I don’t even mean burgerstans, but everyone else? Are humans really just evil and worship violent power?

Could easily just be a part of the bluff process.

jesus Christ maybe lead with this OP

Yes, humans are nothing more than evil apes that worship power. This is why a strong socialist state is so important.

Humans are scum and exist to be punished and terrorized. I unironically call for a country to unload 300000 nuclear warheads onto the United States.

I honestly can't wait for the opportunity to kill 300 million Americans. I hope the next great recession plunges America into abject misery.

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It would be nice if even one of these war criminals was brought to justice for once.

People are under a kind of spell my man, of the ideology. People haven't had control of their own minds for centuries, blinded by this rotten setup. They're not evil, just afraid and misguided. And who can help them? Certainly not any government right now, but we can build our own support, look out for each other which is what it comes down to. Solidarity with all Iranians who are as upset as us right now, if there are any on this board in this thread right now, forgive us! Into the breach together, friends! As Durruti once said, the bourgeoise may blast away and destroy this world before it exits the world stage, but we will build the next.

Don't you dare poison the glorious Stalin Stache flag with your idealist, bourgeois bullshit.


shut the fuck up retard

the picture is a poignant, but the covington kids were getting yelled at by black israelites and then some native dude literally walks up between you banging a drum. i can't think of a more apt reaction to such a farcical situation.

That was cool af tho and fuck those papist bourgeois little shits

I mean the black Israelites shouting at them, they trigger whites so hard and that’s fucking funny and based

black israelites are crueler to black people than white people, they harass them on the street calling them niggers and slaves.

Idk, I am black and see them around the city all the time

They mostly silently walk around looking goofy and reading scripture

Besides, what black person would give a shit about these dorks lmao

I just like how they trigger white people

Nukes, mostly. No one should forget that if the ruling class ever faces final defeat, they will nuke the world out of spite and try to torture and kill as many people as possible. Hitler and the Nazis did that, except they didn't have nukes and rounding up their political enemies was a labor-intensive process. They've spent the decades since then cowing most of the people into submission, elevating the most sadistic of humanity to the top, so that next time they need to do a Final Solution type thing, it'll go a lot faster and kill a lot more.

The gentle collectivist "they don't know better" view died with the Soviet Union.

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How will they? If they’re facing final defeat who would stand by them to end humanity?

The United States and its complicit population is responsible for the majority of problems in the world. In a world where the current 327 million Americans are not culled, they will continue causing problems. Even if a small 27 million of the American population dies, world affairs will dramatically improve. Unironically, exterminate Americans with nuclear weapons or support space aliens that will kill them.

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Hey fam

The colonized Americans are good tho

Except for the ones that become cops and soldiers

jewpost is not reliable

Did the Nazis stop exterminating their political enemies just because it was clear the war was hopeless? They kept on going right up to the bitter end and the capture of Berlin.

Unless the entire military, including the men operating the nukes, were to rebel all at once, they'll have their final weapons - and all the chemical and biological weapons they have stocked - ready for use in case of final defeat. Everything we have seen suggests that America's leadership will, like the Nazis, exact revenge against their own people if (when) they fail to conquer the world, just as Hitler blamed the Germans for not being fanatical enough. These people are more disgusting and grotesque than even the Nazis at their worst, and that's saying a lot. Plus, they have a fanatical core of Jesus freaks who have been raring for the apocalypse so that their fakeass God can come down and send them to heaven, or something like that. Even if there were a civil war, the monsters will be able to drag it out for quite a while, and they would have first access to any nukes that are left.

My guess is that the rulers are banking on WW3 to solve their problems, which is why they've allowed the country to go on auto-pilot and remain so ass-backwards about the failures of the present economic system. There is no plan for the future, just war and misery.

Man…America is truly the most evil country in human history

Life is a fuck

Just let them do it, we need it.

The base is prior to the superstructure. Class is prior to nationality. Our target is the global imperialist bourgeoisie, and our people are the global proletariat, no matter where they are. To blame all these problems on "the Americans" (i.e. any person living in America) is fucking stupid.

It's more that fascism was never defeated (hence why the Nazis didn't keep fighting an insurgency - the Nazis could just jump on board with American anti-capitalism). America is the most brainwashed country for sure (and they put shit in the water to make sure Americans stay retarded, water flouridation is fucking grotesque and should tell you all you need to know about who the Nazis are), but it's really a transnational movement that has infected the world and has its tentacles everywhere.

If base was dominant at all times, no communist movement would ever arise, or they would arise constantly.

Iran has been preparing for decades for this. They will hit back hard and deal a lot of damage.

If Israel uses nukes on Iran, what will be the result? Will this lead to a WW3 scenario?

It's post like these that make me understand the gusano mindset of wanting your country invaded.

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Fuck it, let's do this thing. The US is going to lose. There is a good chance Iran will attack Israel, and if we're lucky Russia will get brought into the whole thing. I'm sick of waiting around for WWIII. War NOW!!!!

Nigga, you aint a commie. Get the fuck out of here.

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Remember to join

antimaterialist desu
read marx instead of that retard hobbes
also read lenin as it seems you are confused about the nature of states

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join hezbollah.

Wtf i love political islam now!

The absolute state of Zig Forums.

I mean it's one thing to want to dismantle the US government but to want the death of 300 million people is downright reactionary idealism

Well Americans are already talking about how the US military will flatten Iran, which means they want the war, and if they want war they should see fully the horrors of war

How are you not a Fed

Just because I’m bitter at the people in this country? Lmao does this meme make sense when someone is just venting? All my life I’ve seen the people here cheer on the deaths of innocent men, women, and children. If you’re brown Americans don’t think you’re human, why the fuck wouldn’t I hate them by now? They’re already parading the defeat of Iran before the fucking war, it’s sickening, it’s fucking evil.

Nationalism is not a problem inherit to burgerland m8. The working class world wide often fall prey to it. Stop focusing on idealism

Inherit to just burgerland*

Nationalism is not a problem that is inherent* to burgerland alone.

"Idealism" in Marxism contexts has nothing to do with beliefs, hopes and dreams a la Wilsonian idealism, it refers to whether reality is material or ideal a la Plato's forms. It is completely reasonable to expect the improvement of the world from killing 327 million American people.

imagine the us trying to invade iran lmao


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Do you even read? America is not the only capitalist and imperialist country that ever existed in this world. Coming from a third world latin american country, I don't fucking blame the USA for all our problems because I would be forgetting the support imperialist relations received by the local bourgeoisie. Putting all the blame in "america" is completely un-marxist. Where is the class analysis? What about class struggle of all proletarians around the world? If you just don't believe that the principal problem and the deep cause of all of our miseries is the relation between capitalists and workers, just please get the fuck out with some other liberal who believes the problem is "white people" or "le evil nations".

What really bothers me about americans like you, even the ones who are the most dispossessed and should be more woke like black people, is that the have so deep inside the bullshit "american exceptionalism" mindset. Even if it's for the wrong reasons, it's always about how unique America is. Dude, read a book, seriously. In my country, the bourgeoisie killed 30000 people in a genocide, and most of the people remained silent because we were winning a world soccer cup. Yet my explanation is not about evil white people.

huh i always see them in center city philly harassing black people. ofc wh*Tey is triggered by them but what aren't white americans triggered by


The thing is, imperialism is an organic phenomena of capitalism. Capitalism tends to be become global and thus imperialist in some way. So it is perfectly compatible with the fall of one empire and the rise of another (which is certainly the case today). See Great Britain and the USA. Thus the problem is always the capitalistic way of production. In other words, humans are always bearers of certain relations: a businessman is a bearer of the capitalist relation and so on. And the solution is not targeting certain personifications of this relation, but to destroy the relation all together. Destroy the capitalistic relationship between capital and labor and this problems will fade away.

That’s the thing, I believe America is the last capitalist empire in much the same way that Tsarist Russia was the last feudal empire, it’s the last chip that has to fall and capitalism will be no more.

Who is celebrating flattening Iran though? Not a burger, but in my neck of the woods not a single person believes the U.S. narrative, and from what I see neither does anyone in America, aside from the usual suspects.

the usual suspects are unfortunately most of the population

Well, you're wrong.
e.g. there's nothing stopping the EU from turning ultrafash and start bombing shit on its own, higher military spending can be hypernormalised very, very fast, look at the lib screeching over Russia.
And that's completely ignoring China, Russia and the rest of the world, or do you assume Indonesia and Brazil are socialist?

No, I’m assuming capitalism is near death, the planet it needs to consume is dying, and the next global conflict will not only halve humanity, it’ll also leave a multipolar world to pick up the shattered remnants. Capitalism doesn’t last beyond America.


1890s were multipolar as hell, how did that turn out? And the climate apocalypse is already happening in Brazil and those places, the cores of imperialism will survive and turn fash in the process, optimism like that leads to Freikorps in the streets.

I don't meet a whole lot of people who are enthusiastic about the wars. In the run up to Iraw there were a few who though "well, if that's what makes oil cheap, let's do it", but when it didn't make oil cheap that was the end of that.

How anyone buys the "they hate our FREEDOM" shit is beyond me, and judging by anti-war attitudes I've seen in Republican Trump country, I don't think anyone does buy it. Maybe some contrarian radical centrists do now, but they're dorks and who knows how much of that is internet astroturf - probably most of it is that, rather than any organic support for war.

What a good part of America does like is the military gibs, because that's the only business that is actually making big money these days and they're attached to it. They like money, that's about it.

Fear mongering! They will never do it. USA cannot even execute successful coup in Syria, they will never go to war with Iran.

It took two world wars to get rid of monarchies, and it will take no less than two to get rid of liberal democracies.

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Sweden, UK, and etc?


Isn't Trump doing a bunch of 2020 campaign commencement rallies right now? I doubt he'd want to steal the thunder from those by bombing Iran, it'll be a few weeks a least if this isn't just a psyop

The Russian Empire wasn’t feudal at the end, retard

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90% of its economy was, Petrograd and Moscow were the exceptions.

The Russian Empire was on the verge of bourgeois revolution, it was still feudal however

>I believe whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you… stranger. -Khomeini, probably

It would be hilarious if he gets re-elected and the first thing he does is bomb Iran. Would be worth it to see Zig Forums meltdown.

We live in an islamic republic

where is that from? I don't see it on his twitter.

No Social Democrats teaming up with Fascists creates Friekorps. Not “optimism.”

America will not go to war with Iran alone, but in a collition with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, and the UAE, sure.

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There were no fascists yet in 1918, just ordinary alienated poor proles, who should have listened to all that great theory and shit on both the treacherous party and the bullshit propaganda.
They didn't though, and maybe Trotsky's retarded screeching about permanent war communism was one of the reasons for that.
Also the Gulf State militaries are a fucking joke and you should stop being an Americanised caricature of a leftist, because that's also optimism.

just because an economy is agricultural based doesn't make it feudal. By you definition France and Italy were "feudal" until after WWII as they had majority peasant populations until post-WWII. Only Britain and Germany were truly >50% urbanized by the late 19th century, among some other exceptions.
Also, there is such thing as capitalist farming or peasant small farming that is independent of feudal relations. Serfdom ended in 1860 despite the onerous taxes many peasants had to pay for it. Despite that, after 1905 peasant agriculture was becoming increasingly commercialized and made up of smallholders until WWI disrupted the pattern. So take your feudal definition and shove it up your ass

1905 was a bourgeois revolution idiot. It had moderate success but got eroded by WWI but mostly because the bourgeois were satisfied with what little representation they got so long as social revolution could be averted

How dense are you? Are you an amerifuck?

political group, Fasci d'azione rivoluzionaria, which was a fusion of two other movements: the above group, Fasci d'azione rivoluzionaria internazionalista and a previous group he started called the Fasci autonomi d'azione rivoluzionaria.[5]

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They started in 1914

Not in Germany, back to the McDonalds with you

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Stop overreacting. This is your first world-historical moment in your virgin teenager life.

Do you know what the term "dominant mode of production" means? You say 'peasant population' but how many of them in France worked under a land lease for a noble or in a indebted commune like in Tsarist Russia? This is how we define a dominant capitalist mode of production from fuedalism.

This board is populated by schizos with no self-control or discipline now. Expect to see more such posts in the future.

Where were you when Donald Trump started WWIII on twitter?

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If the USA goes to war over a fucking drone then this timeline is really a joke after all.

I support war with Iran because I stand with Peace. America is peace, Israel is peace and King Zog is peace.

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He linked to the video on Youtube but that channel it was on has been taken down since then

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Capitalism won't just solve itself in all of the remaining states, there will be another capitalist hegemon to fill the space. Undermining the fight against the capitalist class in other countries is a fatal flaw.

China will learn the hard way that the peaceful transfer of hegemony from UK to US was a caprice of fate.

fucking yank censorship

It wasn't even that peaceful tbh, the Franco-British domination of global affairs ended with a world war, and finally with a military crisis (just like this one).


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