The milieu were I grew up included some guys behind this stuff, at the fringes but at least there is a service set back home which is a present from an actual bomber. Sometimes I ate out of it to acquire nihilist wrecker powers, the superior theory of Lenin can make you oversocialised.
It's been massively misrepresented and the silly bourgeois student Bonnot gang cosplay exaggerated as fuck because, once again, NATO and USSR shaked hands, these people were denounced as adventurists by the Communist party for killing CIA and Greek regime torturers, despite massive support amongst the population, all the 2008 shit was a tribute and the anarchist community in Athens was born from the craziest fucking trots and leftcoms mingling with radicalised penal convicts, because Greece had Gulag as well, and wolf's tickets too. You couldn't even get a public sector job without a 'certificate of political allegiance', basically they could strip you of most rights without any sort of trial, just look or act vaguely leftist and you're a second class citizen, not to mention shit like banning congregations over 5 people and anti-hooliganism laws that were basically Hoxha-tier (2nd pic).
The name 17 November actually comes from the 3rd pic (my mom was in there btw so fuck unironical tankies). The amount of subversion against these movements saw the large Communist parties advocate for law and order (as in Italy), denounce all sorts of Eurocoms for screeching against Prague while sitting in their asses and calling the people facing fascist tanks "anarchoatomistic deviants", "water carriers for the mill of reaction" and "petty-bourgeois adventurists". (at least the KKE was called simply socialfascists, no need for male hysterics without the party line).
In toto, about 500,000 people were disappeared, tortured and exiled after the Civil War, and that's about 10% of the population at the time, so there really was a big fucking undercurrent of mass support, and no, Greece briefly became a 'first world country' using oligarchs as the battering ram against Yugoslavia and a supply drop for Israel, open a map lol. So, except for even the banned at the time party denouncing you in pursuit of USSR foreign policy and peaceful coexistence, a total restructuring of society along post-fascist lines using EU funds and Gladio skullduggery and pretty much a complete annihilation of the left, (often physical, one of their favourite 70s things was breaking the leg bones one by one, takes a long time but you're really fucked after that, apparently, I've only had it narrated to me by survivors, and of course the torturers called it phalange because we wuz Spartans and shieeet).
The COINTELPRO shit included the deluge of consumer loans and American TV shows, of course, fascist restructuring and you should really read Eco on the issue, apocalypse postponed is the english title I think. But most of all it was focused on academia and theory, you see there was a thing called the long march through the institutions and even the Komsomol shitters studied at the time, but many very smart people ended suiciding themselves or spending lots of time between forced conscription and prison, and the ones who survived that became radlibs and miniOrwells denouncing everything, at least Negri is alive but I see him with suspicion too, I love his books but still there's a snake in the back of my head, maybe some Italian can clear this up.
I don't know much about the US, so thanks for the posts Yugofag.
I suppose you're American but I can assure you Tito was as based you think, maybe more.
And before you call about muh expropriation and muh DotP, you have to understand that this was the first class struggle against a 'national' bourgeoisie which was almost entirely transnational, shipowners don't even pay tax in Greece, they have Lloyds and Suez on speed dial and the largest merchant marine in the world now staffed with Pakistani and Philipino slaves.
Also the fact that most other European workers instantly fell for Zig Forums tier memes, I mean it's so ingrained that even reading this post you can't stop thinking "fucking lazy brown monkey lol".
Finally, the 日本赤軍 is a strange story, their siege is what happens when you go full MTW, they were basically 'read Settlers' and 'read Mishima' at the same time after some point, case in point the Israel massacre. There are loads of books on the subject and some have already been shared here.
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