Recently the board is getting overrun with polposters trying to inflame reactionary attitudes and clog up the front page with stupid racist bullshit. The fact that the mods all seem to be sleeping through these events is fucking disgraceful.
I've decided to post to call attention to the mod laze. 50 labor vouchers says that they delete or anchor this post BEFORE they do anything to the polposters.
Fucking Mod Laze
sad but true
BO and modfuckers, if you need help just say it
i am willing to help
It's a recurrent problem. Mods need to sleep in shifts, or hire more mods.
There are many mods + the BO. They can't ALL be asleep. Moreover this shit has been going on for an hour at the least, not counting the minor bait threads that have been posted over the day.
we need some new mods from different parts of world
An hour isnt at all long.
Mods should honestly just have a hands-off attitude with the exception of spam and illegal content.
The old BO sucked so fucking much that I would choose minimal moderation a thousand times over than risk going back to those days. I got banned on 5 or 6 separate occasions purely for disagreeing with the BO. One time I got banned for 4 weeks for calling Hezbollah a reactionary organization (which they fucking are). That is absolutely insane.
Well it's kinda sad that a dead board triggered you so much.
I've got The times when The mods are gone all figured out. Fuck you guys and Zig Forums. The FBI isn't here cause a bunch of liberal trannies larping as communists isn't a threat to anyone. When the mods are gone again I'll raid even more. I've got infinite proxies
So how are we going to deal when another raider comes and the mods aren't around? Is there even anything a regular poster could do in that sort of situation?
Go back to >>>Zig Forums m8. Lack of moderation on other relatively major boards has shown itself to invite spam and derailment.
You cant do shit as i have demonstrated. Get used to it
And you Americans talk with people like that irl.
It must be quite the experience.
White American tranny liberals
There's a tranny option. Don't worry. We are propably whiter than Zig Forums.
as we all know, the only way you can be a REAL communist is if you are a THRID WORL PEE-OH-CEE WYMYN
you sure love projection
Its so easy to trigger this board
If one guy with a tablet can disrupt your board then you're pathetic. I'm not raiding Zig Forums cause I don't wanna fuck with the FBI. The FBI isn't here cause nobody here is a threat to anyone
We are talking about spam here, though.
ahhh! AHhh! ia m TRIGERD
And leftists are just sensitive liberals so I get better reactions here.
Man why do you have that on your PC? The internet has fried your brain. When you get up in the morning do you think, "I think I'm gonna go post some tranny porn on Zig Forums"?
Seriously how you gonna stop me? You cant do shit
tbh I dont understand why people raid anyway. Reminds me of that turbo autist I know who is an unironic nazi who "for fun" orders 200 hamburgers at once, or who spams people on whatapp to drain their data.
Well yeah, it's a dead board with some comfy discussions here and there. It's ok that you're not white, just stop browsing Zig Forums all day.
This is now a dead tranny thread. See you fags later when the mods are gone again
We literally had an user shilling in the Iraq thread that the US did not fund Al-Qaeda, that Iraq is a world hub of reaction that was actually the ones funding terrorism, and that the US is valid in what it's doing. Then they repeated FBI talking points for multiple post before being banned and deleted. So it's not out of the question.
You can delude yourself into thinking that you're damaging causes and having the most fun that you can possibly have, but child, you're picking on relatively low-hanging fruit. Zig Forums is past its best days. Go and work on your life and maybe your muscles too; if we Zig Forumsyps do not, then you will have infinitely more reasons to laugh.
H-hey MOOOOM I poshted it agen! Imma trigger de libtards so herd!
In definitely not fucking with Zig Forums I'd rather pick on this harmless board. I don't have to worry about the FBI or the next Brenton Tarrant finding me here.
Cause you're a pussy
I don't wanna get shot by some psycho white nationalist. I'd rather pick on you harmless tranny liberals cause you won't do shit
Hey Boomer, facebook is that way
Little pussy goblino afraid of a malaysian knitting forum?
Quite pathetic if you ask me.
lol faggot
I bet you thought you were picking on your bullies back at school lol
Anyway just report his autism for spam if it's spam
The mods see it easier if it's reported, don't ask me how, some mod just said that a while back and it seems to go quicker if I report. My guess is they keep a tab open for reported posts rather than the catalog or something.
Not even when you know you're dealing with a spammer you manage to stop responding. Get a hold of yourself.
We definitely need more mods. Self-moderation only goes so far. I liked the response of some people to flood his shit threads with pics. It was nice to watch him/them get angry about that. But this shit staying on the frontpage for so long is like an invitation to malicious retards, exacerbating the problem.
You won't, they love your kind of people.
Those Zig Forums guys are dangerous. I wouldn't fuck with them. Even the FBI is all over them cause their such a threat. Fuck thst
Honestly I think most of the bait posters unironically prove that this page is browsed by mainly soyboys.
in the "Die niggers" page (who i have an idea of whom the person is) the only response that came in from the leftypolyp was goddamned lesbian anime against videos of niggers getting shot. Jesus fucking chirst, learn to gain a backbone and respond to shocking content with actually shocking content.
not that half assed response of posting lesiban anime.
Touhou isn't anime
pic related
Lesbian anime is cute and wholesome. Complain if you like, but I'd rather have good content used for this purpose – not fucking gore or some shit.
i am not a nip so i wouldn't know
It just shows that you are a big pussy who is afraid of shocking images.
I remember the aleast good days when we posted in reaction instead of fucking jap doodles.
Honestly this.
yeah, i remember when someone suggested we ban people who respond instead of the people who bait since baiters generally have a miliion proxies, and he got fucking banned.
i would guess the low quantity of modding is due to an unwillingness to use FBI or a similar platform to coordinate
so basically you just googled "anime reaction face" instead of actually having a folder of memes
1. i'm on a borrowed laptop
2. trying to shame someone because they DON'T have a folder of memes is the most neckbeard thing I've ever heard of
Chinese people love Touhou though, there are even spinoff games and so on
It all makes sense now
gore spam. this is the dumbest idea I've ever heard. I wonder who's behind this
I only started posting because I like 東方, why should I download porn and gore in my PC?
or even better, mute the fucking thread
that's dengism 4 you
the lack of testorone in this board is way to fucking obvious now
no, it shows that you googled "anime reaction face" like a terrified nigger
except i have a consistent IP
… what?
yep, leftypol is a bunch of junior high nogs, also because the image barely enhances your point, and could have been said without visuals
Well if every bourgie Party official is forced to clear Embodiment of Scarlet Devil in Lunatic under penalty of expropriation maybe Dengism is a good thing.
Your strategy for getting rid of raiders is to spam their threads with gore. The result of this, smoothbrain, is a BOARD FULL OF GORE. If you think that leftypol not wanting to get clogged with gore is evidence of us being unmanly, or niggers, or whatever, then you're acutely retarded.
is this the true power of Zig Forums?
why is it called that?