I think we should talk strategy.
We have many "tactical" threads, discussing issues, news such as China, Cockshott/planning etc.
But we have an issue: a lack of "direction".
Look at the Alt-Right: they went from a fringe tiny movement with the exposure and public relations of a group like NAMBLA or theistic satanists, and emerged with major "thinkers" popularizing cultural-marxism in different words with Jordan Peterson, converting liberals to conservatism and conservatives to fascism. Now it would be poor analysis to imply this was due 100% to "brilliant strategy work", however it played a crucial role.
They analyzed tasks for popularizing their ideas, by hiding their true ideals and masking fascist ideas as "rational" or "natural" approaches that seemed outwardly revolutionary to our previously boring political sphere.
They demonized antifa and cherrypicked rallies to make antifa appear like skinny soy retards, making popular anti-fascism very unfashionable. They took advantage of dissatisfaction regarding 2008's crisis, 2012 Obama, the imperialist war in Syria, the refugee crisis stemming from there, and the obvious democrat-republican establishment bullshit in 2016. However they are currently dwindling, their ideas becoming less popular on 4chan due mostly to a left wing pipeline that stems from our very board. At least 50% of us are pol converts, maybe more.
The Vanguard approach
We must influence the common cultural and political sphere with our ideas. I'll outlay some ideas of my own, feel free to contribute.
Popularizing the Socialist alternative
We need to defeat the idea that Marxism is "dead" and that an alternative with actual results that aren't muh 10 billion breadline gulags, we must make popular the positive socialist record, and put an image in popular consciousness that a concrete Socialist future is possible, dispelling spooks that you won't be able to keep your macbook and you will have to work in a grubby steel mill. This also includes popularizing Cockshotts work, and making the question-provoking claim: "Socialism was not technologically practical or possible until the 90s" (i.e computer FLOPS cost, the internet, mass data, mass internet banking etc.) perhaps we should make an open source planning software organization, and point to it.
Heterodox economics
Like before, we should put major emphasis on "reviving Marxism", i.e popularizing and making infographics on the LTV, exploitation etc proposing our theories of interest, credit. We should dispel the idea that intellectual institutional economics is dominated by Marxists, that economics/commerce/business degrees aren't Owning-Class propaganda at it's finest. We must shill Wolff, Shaikh, etc.
Public relations
Communists are intentionally unseen in popular discourse. Morning news shows host conservative pseuds all the time, and left wingers are relegated to radio shows, trending twitter posts etc. We must make high production value, well-done videos, infographs etc which can be widely and cheaply spread that not only dispel the popular right-wing mythos, but reinforce our world-view. We must clarify our definitions, such as Working Class "lawyer, carpenter, retail worker, doctor, engineer" v Owning Class "shareholder, business-owner, billionaires", Socialism "East Germany" v Social democracy "Venezuela", etc. We should also of course repair the relations of "economy-slowing" unions or "bin-kicking" anti-fascists, or "caviar rations naive student" vanguard, to the public at large.
Anti-War and Anti-Imperialism
Taking back the anti-war narrative from the right-wingers who ironically worship assad, and "abhor" the war in iraq, when they would happily teleport themselves in to a Waffen SS unit if they could, "Crusading" against Communism.
We should pull back the curtains on Iran, on the South China sea, on Afghanistan, Iraq, Central africa, deployments in South America and the expansion of Nato borders up to Ukraine. This should be done in a widespread "horizontal" way and we can easily control this, look at the protests in the UK for Iraq for example.
Keeping up the momentum, and dual power
The right achieved rapid growth and success, we should be wary of falling in to the same bubble that they have. While of course we want to seize rapid power it should also be long lasting, enough so that the growth will become dual power, dual power will become revolution, and revolution will become DotP. We should therefore analyze their fall from 2016 zenith (mostly Charlottesville and their reactionary edge blunt from Trumps victory, and loss-of-faith from Trumps incomptence).
With a recession coming, a war coming it is our time. Effort posters and revolutionaries can make a real and lasting difference, we just need the funds, the skilled free time etc.