ITT we shamelessly plug effort posts that were made by ourselves or by our comrades on leftypol. Why, you ask? Because we have 1 trillion victims of communism threads around and not a single poster or lurker is capable of or interested in following all of them at the same time, so there's a high chance that good posts, analyses, debates, graphs, OCs, etc. are missed by the community. It is an error of the highest degree to leave productive, creative, inventive, and/or general deep posts to be left unresponded to. This thread aims at fixing this problem. We must have a thread that highlights the best of the best, motivates people to interact with the best of the posts, and offer meta commentary of other threads, debates, and so on. In this sense you might consider this to be a /meta/ thread of sorts, but one with a very specific aim: separating the wheat from the chaff.
Please follow the following self-explanatory form. Please try to engage the linked posts in their original context (threads), and leave meta posts about the general goings of said threads.
(Where "no platform" ends up:)
(Lenin vs. terrorism included:)
(Critique of terrorist's last message to his "comrades":)
p.s. don't be shy! Plug your own effort posts shamelessly. The whole point of this thread is to advocate the genre. The worst can happen is that people ITT shit on you. p.p.s. if mods cycle this thread, make sure that you delete off topic posts. If BO would decide a few rules to this thread it would be appreciated.
Notice, future posters: when you TL;DR the best of a thread from SEVERAL posters, use "HIGHLIGHT:" instead of "TOPIC:"… The latter should be used to identify one effort poster.
Jack Thompson
Chinese Characteristics is the future 💦The💦Tankie💦Fears💦The💦Dengist💦 BOTTOM TEXT
I would have missed this completely because I wouldn't have bothered to read all the rest in that that thread just to find the good parts.
Ian Long
Hey, OP. Just look at a mirror, do finger guns, and shout: UPBOAT FOR YOU, SIR! No need to make a thread for that.
Eli Bailey
NP user. I always find the historical analysis of pre-capitalist systems interesting: it's what got me into marxism in the first place. I first read the CM when I was studying the English Civil War and it all clicked about the conflict between bourgeois and aristocratic classes.