I mean, it's possible that I'm simply an irredeemable liberal, I've certainly been accused of such in the past, but I think it's good to criticise actual paternalist traditional patriarchy as opposed to 'more female drone pilots' style feminism.
Love based the game on preindustrial Korean culture, not the modern era (though you can certainly draw certain messages about the present too). I would say it's about the viciousness and brutality of traditionalism.
As for the timing mechanics, that's only one small section that is easy to solve, you can finish it in like 1 minute and the game gives you 15.
However, you are a bad boy overall for reading that much into the reviews before playing, you've probably spoiled a lot of it for yourself which is sad. The best way to experience it is blind IMO. Anyway, I think it is an inspiring work, along with the sequel, that gives you a chance to do typical VN stuff as well as kind of serve as a cultural anthropologist. Plus, in the sequel, you find out more about how the whole system came to exist.
I personally find the idea/situation of the Mugunghwa fascinating, but I won't go too much into that for the sake of spoilers.
I don't think that has anything to do with my post, sure free will doesn't exist but we have to act as if it does as human beings in trivial cases like this else all of existence becomes an absurdity. You know what I meant, if you don't want to be exposed to this kind of topic you can avoid it. Free will is an illusion true but an important one.
If someone else is being unkind that's no excuse to take it out on the world. I'm a gommie so obviously I think people shouldn't flaunt their wealth, but it's natural to want to talk about your relationships. Someone else having a relationship doesn't mean they're exercising power over you in the same way as with money. I like talking about relationships personally and I can understand why it would upset you to hear about it when you don't have one but this isn't r9k, you can't expect everyone else just not to talk about things going on in their lives. Wouldn't it have been more constructive to maybe ask some Anons about advice on how to get into relationships than to badger OP for being a dirty femoid? I mean I hate to be cliche but the reply kind of writes itself. You have access to a woman to talk to but you choose to just be mean to her (and no I'm not saying this just to be a white knight, but if you are sort of scared of women but still want to be with one as I perceive you are, it could have been a useful learning experience).
Really, you're going to take advice from Schopenhauer, a guy born rich and could have done anything he wanted but couldn't stop whining about existence, and ended up becoming a miserable old fuck who pushed an old peasant woman down the stairs and killed her cause he was in a mood?
Judge ideologies by their fruits my friend. But to return to the point, OP wanted specific advice, and sure, maybe she just wanted to talk about her guy she was dating too but that's not any more wrong than you wanting to talk about all the dates you're not having. You can't be triggered just because someone else talks about their relationship. I mean, you can, but it's not exactly constructive.
Attached: angry shibe.jpg (600x607, 35.62K)