What is the difference between nazi and nazbol?

What is the difference between nazi and nazbol?
Im curious to know, due to the fact that some people say that they are the same thing, im confused now

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Dictatorship of the Proletariat but racist
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The difference between Nazi and Nazbol is that Nazbol will never exist, because in order to create a fascist state you need the backing of the national bourgeoisie, which is historically always the case with fascist countries.

this 100% tbh fam

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Nazbols aren't capitalists

nazi: jews are the problem, jews are destroying muh culture (implying culture doesn't evolve and change)
nazbol: capitalism is the problem and capitalism is jews, jews are destroying muh culture
neo-nazi: jews are the problem and everything except whites (no one is white btw) is their soldiers
far right: a shit mix of american values, neoconservativism, nazism, white supremacy, libertarianism, authoritarianism, anti communism, fascism, primitivism, nationalism, imperialism
right winger: same as the far right but more moderate

Nazbols want actual socialism but they still get the bullet.

They're not. NazBol are basically economically Marxist-Leninist but they believe the proletariat should only be populated by people of the same national or ethnic identity.

NazBols should be honest and either be openly Nazi or study ML instead.

Nazbol is an inherently contradictory school of thought that inevitably either degrades into open fascism or progresses to Stalinism.

As far as I know, every Nazbol individual/organization of note eventually went one way or the other.

Introductions to some nazbol figures





Nazbols are fascists that prefer Marxist economics over Social Democrat economics.

Sounds like a bunch of nobody losers. Why would you go with one of these losers when you can go with Mao, one of history's greatest winners?

I'm not an expert, but National Bolshevism arose as part of the German reaction to the treaty of Versailles. The nazbol founders were communists who sought a policy sort of like Mao's New Democracy for Germany, which they perceived was doomed. The Nazbol faction was criticized by Lenin and most of the KPD and eventually expelled from the party. Nazbols clearly weren't nazis, and most of them were either killed by nazis or had to flee to escape persecution.

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Missing the important detail-who they wanted to ally with:

Fear me, Starscream trolls

Nazbol is the official ideology of real existing "bol" states. China is nazbol officially. North Korea is also officially Nazbol. Also Belarus transnistria and the DPR and LNR are all Nazbol and that's pretty much most of the communism across the planet right there.

Its pretty much communists who believe in cultural homogeniety or fascists who aren't quite so racist and are a bit more actually leftist.

this Mao crossover is highly interesting

the only non-retarded post

Definition of "official" :

Nazbol is like porn you know it when you see it tbh. China is pretty based and therefore nazbol your capitalist dictionary definitions of things notwithstanding. In all seriousness tho China promotes Han superiority Tibet pouter mongolia and Sinkiang provicnes unlike the USSR which promoted ethnic solidarity and didn't aim to russianize the republics

Juche is obviously nazbol.



Your joke was really funny nazi scum

What kind of nazbol country has leaders who condemn racism and "racialism", allows the presence of half white, half black, and even half Japanese Koreans like Kim Jong Uns mother, and accuses its enemies of racism?

They are upheld as "forerunners of the revolution" alongside Engels and Stalin.

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Why do you act like this is somehow "UnNazbol"

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some social welfare programs, that's literally it, the meme of "communism but racist" is that a meme, in reality there is nothing communist about them, i want you to point out the program of one of those parties that points in that direction, because even the nazbol party of russia itself, when it existed, did not want to take over the means of production completely, they still wanted to have a private sector, and just wanted slavic themed fascism, and other similar "nazbols" are just un-orthodox fascists, like strasser

Because Nazbol is not only a meme ideology like you like to infer.

Most ML states today are Nazbol

In what way?

Ok lets unpack this. The actual communist party of Russia is not nazbol and not racist at all however; it is pro Stalin pro anti-Western foreign policy which includes all the SJW shit gender shit and green shit and is in favor of having some sort of middle/smal buisnesses but nationalizing the main commanding heights of the economy if this was transplanted to the west it would be called fascism by western leftists, the Chinese communist party broadly speaking is pretty much the same thing.

Nationalist and socialist

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Russia is not Nazbol you're arguing against a point no one is making.
However Russians are very racist

Russia was ruled by a communist party for a very long time and the communist party is the second largest party that gets tens of millions of voters each time.
as compared to who? Americans?

Russia is not Nazbol you're arguing against a point no one is making

just in general. They don't like blacks too much

nobody is nazbol anywhere that was not the point i was making.
yeah im sure they dislike all 100 blacks that they have over there

Nazbol is the official ideology of real existing "bol" states. China is nazbol officially. North Korea is also officially Nazbol. Also Belarus transnistria and the DPR and LNR are all Nazbol and that's pretty much most of the communism across the planet right there.

Nazbol imperium soon


Where's the lie? Maybe you have the problem with the word "official" America is officially a liberal republic butc is in fact ruled by a fascist nativist oligarchy

Juche is nazbol get over it
Cuba is irrelevant and liberalizing

cuba is allied with all the major nazbol states like China North Korea Russia etc. They will be drifiting ideologically into nazbolism


Define "nationalist" in this regard. Note that internationalism doesn't equal no countries.

China is not internationalist at all. It doesn't give a shit and will do business with anyone from fascists to liberals to insane cannibals as long as they get something out of it they have no programme for spreading their system beyond their borders and aren't interested in seriously supporting movements in other countries that promote similar policies and values to them

Internationalism does not mean no nationalism

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I know, but it's important to clarify what kind of nationalism we are talking about here. "Nationalism" as in patriotism to the socialist cause and the building of socialism within your own country for the betterment of it and it's people, or "nationalism" as in blind devotion to your country exempt from context and ideology with it simply being a justification to engage in imperialism for it's betterment. The difference matters, and even Stalin addresses as much in his writings.

haahah holy shit lad this is gold

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National Soycialism is basically Ethnic Nationalism + Fascism + little bit of a welfare state (like modern European states with free education/healthcare).
Nazbol is pretty close to USSR and China

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Looks like a nazi, talks like a nazi, goosesteps like a nazi… you do the rest…