Holy fuck, why is this motherfucker so fucking dumb?

He represents just about everything wrong with first world anarchists, him and his fans. In topics of idpol I'll give him that he's knowledge, but idpol is pure fucking garbage anyway, anything else and he's just dumb as fucking shit.

From watching his streams I've concluded that he doesnt know or understand what imperialism is. Doesnt understand how America functions. Doesnt understand why markets cant usher in socialism. Knows fucking nothing about Marxism-Leninism. Knows fucking nothing about the USSR generally besides the typical CIA, Nazi bullshit most Americans believe. He legit shouts REEE TANKIE whenever people try telling the truth about the Holodomor despite never having a fucking ML on his stream.

Legit follows a fucking meme ideology.

His fans are even fucking worse, I was in the FBI for a while and fuck are they fucking dumb, they're actual anarkiddies, if you dont incessantly shit on every socialist state to exist they REEE TANKIE at you and last time I was there someone said historical materialism and dialectical materialism are stupid and that Marx is wrong…except they couldn't even tell me what either of those things were beyond some brain dead post modernist shit, and they've never read Marx, holy fucking shit. They legit thought Marx was a direct translation of Hegel. And the FBI is even more hardcore idpol than he is, they legit defend landlords if they're from the right group.

Holy fuck

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Other urls found in this thread:


They're kids, cut them some slack, they need a single braincell ideology and this guy feeding them petty boug ancom is way better than them following 10000 ancap, fash or "classical liberal" e-celebs.

Honestly I wouldn't deny that he's definitely better than the fucking army of reactionaries out there looking to spread propaganda, I'm more just annoyed that even the "dirtbag left" is shaping to be as fucking retarded as the breadtube left

You sound like a pissed off 10 year old.

I mean he's kinda cringe, but, I don't find "REEEEE IDPOL" a necessarily convincing argument. We don't live single issue lives and every working class demographic is going to have it's own issues with in that demographic.

Also, being a Tankie is the meme ideology.

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And who is he?

Youtuber named Vaush


What's this mean?

The pseudo democratic social democracy ran by an authoritarian dictatorship?

Yes that one.

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I thought he was fairly anti idpol tho?
At least that's what I heard when someone made a thread about him a month or so ago, I've never actually heard him talk about idpol before, at least I can't remember.
I thought he was pretty good when I first watched his streams, but then I started to just get annoyed with him, nothing really about his politics, but just himself as a person.
Also Sage for smelly e-celeb thread



I'm right and you know it.

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It means autocorrect is dogshit I meant his fans

Fuckin retard


OP is a fucking autistic 14 year old.

Why is it a "social democracy"

Isn't that what left anti-communists are fighting for? The retarded right to be slaughtered for your ideals? Isnt that your whole thing "muh Catalonia" "muh Paris Commune" etc.?

Lel, this coming from a tankie.

Can you be more of a fucking liberal?


Not even an anarchist, but the biggest enemy of a tankie, is a tankie.

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He does fit the stereotype of the anarkiddie that doesn't read theory at all but he's also proof that livestreaming is a much better form of online praxis than making videos about the USSR that barely anyone will watch, and also that rhetoric and ability to communicate to the general public in an entertaining way is just as if not more important than knowledge. Basically we need someone like Vaush, but also someone who isn't Vaush, if that makes sense.
Also yeah his fanbase is cancer but what else would you expect from a 'Breadtuber'.


He's about to start his stream in 20 minutes, let's tell him about this thread and watch him react to it

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E-celebs related post should go to the /leftytrash/ thread, especially when they're about "Literally Who"'s.

There were markets even under Stalin. Using rationing before reaching post-scarcity is dumb.

Wow I didn't know Zig Forums saves names across boards.

Sometimes he’s alright, but the idpol stuff I don’t get. I mean, yeah, he’s an anarchist so of course he’s not going “reeeee tankie” ML. That’s just a given. My main contention is that he thinks kids as young as 8 should be allowed to transition and acts like it’s a non-issue in modern psychological debate. I just graduated with my bachelors in psych, and it’s still a contentious position to take, as far as I’m aware.

Does he support that? If he doesn't and you are just referring to some kind of liberal consensus, then you are wrong. I only hear advocates of hormone blockers, which is to me a pretty reasonable solution.

Lets fucking not pla

He actually does and I know they dont. He was debating one of his listeners about it, who was actually pretty dumb and didn’t know what he was talking about, so Vaush got to steam roll him with his point of view without any real opposition.

Hormobe blockers at age 8 are child abuse


He doesn't. He advocates hormone blockers, a point he stresses time and time again during his streams. He also stresses that there's virtually no one who prescribes hormone blockers to 8 year olds because it's pointless. is an idiot and probably a reactionary NPC.

8 year olds aren't producing those hormones either way you dingus.

They’re too young and most places won’t even prescribe them at that age. standard age is around 14, if i remember right.

Nah he said it during one of his livestreams. Maybe he changed his view, but that’s what it was last time I watched him.

Nobody cares about that. You wouldn't accept this argument from someone who's anti-vax.
```You would have to argue that it causes irreparable harm to the child beyond what they could potentially gain from alleviating body dysphoria.```
41% off themselves so I'd say this is a pretty serious mental health problem and not something you should waive off with half assed arguments from moral disgust that you don't believe in yourself.
I'm not for or against it as I'm not knowledgeable enough on the topic of hormone blockers and their effects. I just don't like seeing people making NPC reactionary arguments.

Well, yeah, because it’s not analogous to the situation. We don’t even know if they have a problem yet, because they’re too young. You find me a reliable scientific instrument to discern they do, and you might have an argument.

Fucking FBI, man.

Hormone blockers fuck up your bones.

Your argument has assumptions baked into it that you have not supported.
This is why I said you have to argue this point: "that it causes irreparable harm to the child beyond what they could potentially gain from alleviating body dysphoria"
This would be completely irrelevant if it were true that hormone blockers caused no irreparable harm. We wouldn't care to make absolutely 100% sure that they do have a problem because the hormone blockers would be harmless anyway.

No, all I have to argue is that there are too many lurking variables to play guinea pig on a vulnerable population, actually.

That’s on you to prove then, not me. It’s not an act of incredulity on my part if I’m cautious about wanting to prescribe puberty blockers to children like vaccines. lmao

No this is literally it.
You simply don't like hormone blockers and you're not willing to engage with the scientific evidence surrounding them. You're content arguing against them completely from ignorance and fear stemming from your own lack of knowledge about the topic. This is indistinguishable from a debate with anti-vaxxer actually.
I've heard from the likes of Vaush that they are indeed almost completely harmless but I don't care enough to engage with that topic further that's why I don't argue for either position, I'm only arguing for rationality.

Does he have longitudinal studies for children as young as 8? I fucking doubt it, my man. There’s not many IRB boards that would approve that. At most, he might have a handful of correlative studies, but I highly doubt it substantiates long-term effects. Most of what he cites is correlative or from studies from small sample sizes that are older. There’s a few decent meta-analyses for kids around 14, like i said, but nothing as young as 8, as far as I’m aware. If vaush actually said that, he’s bullshitting you.
Well, maybe you should stop comparing puberty blockers to vaccines, then.

*older populations

It would surprise me if he said anything like that. What I remember is,
1. Vaush pokes fun at reactionaries who believe 8 yo's are being made to transition. (I believe Steven Crowder made a "8 year olds are getting their dicks cut off" comment.)
2. Vaush explains that children are never treated with HRT, and at most get puberty blockers.
3. Vaush explains that even this is never done to 8 year olds, and that it only begins to make sense at 11, when children enter puberty.
4. Vaush defends the practice of using puberty blockers, and shows evidence that its effects are nearly completely reversible in teens.
This is the stream in question: youtube.com/watch?v=eUJVifP5l0Y

You fucking wot?

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If I had a chance at the time I'd take hormone blockers and never stop, and stay a cute androgynous shota forever.

Stopped reading right there

He mean D i s c o r d, it just autocorrects to FBI

Probably chapotraphouse fans
Seriously why are the fans so fucking bad if the podcast is decent?

Kek, didn't know that