Brit/pol/ #1909: Brexit Statement Edition

LIVE: May delivers Brexit statement to Parliament

UK Government Targets Internet ‘Trolls’ with Specialist Police Unit

French police pursuing gun & drug smugglers arrest British Border Force officer

Brexit nemeses MAPPED: Member states hold ALL the cards and THIS is who REALLY hates UK

Britain 'draws up battle plan for war with North Korea'

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8ch is e x t r e m e l y fucked right now, I posted mine half an hour ago.

good lads

On the mod catalog I could see all the threads appearing, however only mods could see them, as when I open a non-mod tab they didn't show up, until SA posted the first post in this one, it activated all the rest I guess.

This treacherous cow needs to hang.

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Waitwot, are they saying that we're all spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) when imkikefy is literally a spy.

This site is so fucked

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Reminder May is a communist

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It's beyond fucked at this point lad. nail in the coffin if my IP changes

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the yank panevropa complex is strong with him

So is Brexit done for then?

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it had less problems when that wheelchair-bound brittle cripple ran it

The Irish PM is literally telling us to delay brexit another 6 years.

By which point we'll be overrun by third worlders.

we're already overrun tbh

I/b/ got shoahed last night
I heard Imkampfy is also hex

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Funny lads those Ruskies, funny ha ha.

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Dear gay pooinloo paddy, feck off innit begorrah


has he said anything about the progress of removing all the toilets in Ireland?

Latest ICM has CON & LAB level
CON 41 +1
LAB 41 -1
LD 7-1

UKIP is dead. AMW's new party will sill be the death blow it is designed to be


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AMW's party will get nowhere.

these polls are worthless

they don't take into account the Merseyside LOCALISM Party

Labour seats —14
Conservative seats —1
Merseyside LOCALISM seats +15

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Britain's biggest family The Radfords welcome baby NUMBER 20 - and vow it will be their last

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must be like throwing a cocktail sausage down a well

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She will get members unhappt with UKIP
She will also get nowhere
It's another divide and rule tactic

I’d love one day for Sultan Khan’s entire family to end up stateless (once they have their British citizenships revoked) and to have to live in an airport lobby for the rest of their lives. Who Here?

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Christ these fuckwits must get high off of posting their comments.

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/b/ got fucked by another chan

Birmingham Crown Court

Birmingham Crown Court

Birmingham Crown Court

Knifeman breaks an elderly woman's leg and threatens tourists in Nice with knives before being overpowered by police

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geeee whizz if we were governed by logic its almost as if we shouldn't fuel a population boom among the poorest and stupidest of humanity and support our domestic miscreants by a vast and luxurious welfare state

Its not the viciousness but the hypocrisy of it that gets me. They're just brainless moralistic input/output machines LARPing as skeptics.

read that as "Knifeman breaks into elderly woman's leg" tbh

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Its interesting that population is only a concern for environmentalists when it is the anglos and whites having lots of children


You can look up all court listings in the UK
Here's the listing for October 6 in Birmingham

The absolute madman is a propah ledge and only takes basic child benefit that he's entitled to, he owns and runs a bakery that pays for his family, and the adult children all work. Meanwhile these farts are screeching that he's destroying the planet when he alone is providing more for the country than all the mozzies in Southall. The hypocrisy of these bastards just makes me want to smash their fucking heads open, this man works hard and has raised a family with love and care. God bless him.

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it really gets the ticker tocking

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The frogs must go

they want to dump all their excess wogs in england so

>"hurr why are you bringing real-world politics into it, it's always been about killing nazis, you stupid bigot!"

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encouraging people who believe in man made climate change not to breed is good eugenics though…

What's been going on with Wolfenstein?

marxists own the rights to it now

frogs staying was never an option

Well it's stuff like
>Ku Klux Klan are BFFs with the Nazis, bcoz dey r both waycis biguts!
They're flooding it with social justice wankery.

The point is that its the wrong people. Its dysgenic. Their encouraging relatively intelligent people who can afford children to remain sterile while billions of low IQ bantus who can barely afford food are being encouraged to have 8 children and all move to Frankfurt.



why are liberals such shit at world building?

tbf there's a fair precedent for that. Especially around the early and mid 20th century.


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they arbitrarily define absolute good and absolute bad, assign things they like to good, things they dont like to bad and then mix mash everything put in the two categories together

What I am saying is no Yankee Marxist would dress like a priest

Bradford police

marx is literally just a moronic jew's purposeful misinterpretation of hegel for the sake of his tribal network system

yeah that's the weird part.

You may as well have all the Nazis just dress up as rabbis

read about liberation theology

if that is the only description a shitskin did it

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But they are making it to appeal to SJWs who hate religion

liberals only tolerate catholicism because of vatican 2 and liberation theology, if the allies had failed to win ww2 there would never have been a vatican 2 tbh, they are shitty historians

you didn't read about liberation theology, it was a communist entryist tactic into catholicism

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but current leftists that play these games aren't that smart. they all pray to richard dawkins


Leftism has always basically religious

I forgot. My bad

this tbh


exactly. To get round the issue with overpopulation in Asia and Africa, and make it an issue solely for whites, they're pushing that obvious overpopulation issues in Africa and Asia (desertification, lack of water, pollution, famine etc) are in fact climate change's fault, and therefore white people's fault.

therefore more blacks, chinks and pooinloos = no problem, more whites = big problem

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

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what is rick and morty

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funny how they only "muh diversity" as and when it suits them
Their intentions are clear as crystal.

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Wouldn't you like to know Clegg


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The backlash against Rick and Morty is great, not that I've seen it but it's obvious enough it's trash.

fathers and sons is god tier tbh

Lads we've hit peak snowflake

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It reads just like the copypast

can't say poland isn't controversial

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r u avn a fkn gigl

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This is the logical result of it though. People who belong to the original identity covertly trying to affirm its traditional boundaries through the language of the appropriators. The feminists, for example, are secretly inordinately pissed off about trannies.

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First season is fine. Second season is ok. Third season is trash. It is a memi show that millenials like because they get to think they are smart and it is very nihilistic and tells them to take no responsibility for anything