Brit/pol/ #1910: Are Trees Edition

Current migration rates will destroy the countryside by 2070

UK Government Targets Internet ‘Trolls’ with Specialist Police Unit

French police pursuing gun & drug smugglers arrest British Border Force officer

Brexit nemeses MAPPED: Member states hold ALL the cards and THIS is who REALLY hates UK

Britain 'draws up battle plan for war with North Korea'

Attached: countryside (2)

Other urls found in this thread:

first for herts

2nd for Herts against Squirrel

get a room

Off to see this tomorrow tbh

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>film proves 2D>3D

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Noisy ass yank boomers have moved in over the road

egg their house tbh

ring their doorbell then run away tbh

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Kill all normies

Attached: Pierce.webm (486x360, 5.35M)

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We rise up using


Like flashmobs but more fashy

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This is a countryside thread, any more mention of sodding Rick and Morty is prohibited beyond this point

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You'll like the plot twist at the end.

If this reddit sauce thing is anything to go from, we need to reduce the population by at least 90%

>posting spoilers

everytime you use the word fash GCHQ arrests another daftie.

I could watch Ray rowing all day.

fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash fash

Who said this?

Attached: good lad good lad.webm (720x540, 2.01M)

Haha pickle Rick xD

I'm not going to post a spoiler. But there is a twist at the end which is really good. The first left on a cliffhanger ending, this one does the same.

The one where he makes his own birchwood canoe in Canada is VERY comfy viewing. Gonna do some bushcraft tomorrow tbh.

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Me I fucking hate the term fash.

ow the edge.

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Then maybe you don't belong here also it's a school night go to sleep

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Jailed: Gang that carried out 38 robberies in Tower Hamlets [ robbing other pakis ]

Top kek

how fashionable of you

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t. 18 year old

Feinstein: no gun laws could have prevented Las Vegas massacre
California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein said no laws could have prevented the Las Vegas massacre last week that took the lives of 58 people and injured more than 500.

Copthorne primary school Bradford

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oy vey, what did she mean by this?

That's… unexpected?

No shit Sherlock.

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Been a lost cause for years now, just glass it and move on.

the (((1%)))
>so many clues as to (((who)))

lad you weren't even in secondary school when brit/pol/ was first made lmao

You all take me awfully seriously sometimes tbh

particularly you, linksposter

I never hid the first fact and the second isn't actually true but you forget this everytime we talk smh

Actually I like most posters here
Yes, even you, SA.
But it's a fact that a lot of people here now don't seem to know what this place was like even 6 months ago

Anyway I've inadvertently started metaposting so I'll stop

Not just Bradford is it though…

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What's the point in educating them anyway?
All they'll end up doing is being kebab shop owners, taxi drivers, nonces while the women stay at home cooking spice stuff.

who is this?


Yeah it was flooded with nonsense.
I understand where you came from regarding "funposting", but when left unmoderated it turns into what your board has now become, which is why people opposed it and wanted stronger moderation.
Calling others newfags when you joined during the worst period of Britpol is hardly something to be proud about; endless shitposts with absolutely no substance weren't Britpol.

Do we have any figures for how many mozzies actually go on to anything better than that? (not counting the affirmative action hires)

I find it difficult to hate the kids tbh.

Normies will never wake up, we will be outbred inside 50 years and the UK is on its deathbed tbh lads

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The normies won't wake up, but a NEET vanguard of alpha males will start the English Liberation Army and save Brittania, starting the Third British Empire.


It won't be so much of a problem when they're dropping like mayflies.

Why would you want to? Don't be a MUH FOOD silly bugger lad.

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I shall not stop until the world is scoured clean of non-Anglo influence. Then we can drill to the centre of the Earth and awaken the druids tbh.

tbh I can't remember what this place was like 6 months ago because 90% of what was posted was fucking garbage


our diet is one of salt. Spice is the street-shitter's salt.

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tfw you will never return to the motherland and join a christian paramilitary

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Absolutely disgusting
Burn it with fire

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In short, a lot worse than it is now.

Are they actually fucking surprised? They've allowed pozboys to donate blood and it's no longer a felony.

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Then hate what they represent. Or if you can't hate then at least be mindful and aware and don't shy away from what they represent. More than half those in the pic look obviously inbred to my eye, the ones that don't look openly hostile and aggressive already.
Each and every one of them will either be a burden/massive net recipient or a criminal; OK, I'll be generous and civic, only the majority of them will be a burden or a criminal and maybe one in a classroom isn't a waste of our resources. And all of them will continue this trend.

wew Zig Forums
I just remember endless gay shit and waifuing drowning out any substantive posts or OC

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We don't need them to, at first. We only need to attain power over them.

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Matt Damon, Russell Crowe Helped Kill Harvey Weinstein Sexual Harassment Story in 2004

Don't worry lad, I will take your share of the niglets when the bloodletting begins.

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>Zig Forums got autistic
He started the fight and then ran off, how dare we want some actual Britpol discussion, we should want threads filled with blogposts and mummyposts instead!

This, they'll sit back and then join the winning side as and when it suits them.

So why are Syrians allowed?

They're only children, but you just have to be aware that they'll grow up into exactly what you know they're going to turn out like.

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I do hate what they represent and that they even exist. But for me, kids are innocent unless proven otherwise.

Do wonder what happens when the state can no longer support the NHS, would we hit Victorian levels of child mortality? These kids are only kept alive by the white tax payer, and when he's a minority his money will not be enough to support the 10 inbred paki's they spawn.

The memmies are true lad

I just find the thought of solving a problem before it becomes a problem very appealing.

To be fair I did throw the first punch, purely as banter mind, he didn't have to reveal that he was squirrel

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/newbrit/'s latest thread

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that autism though

A disease doesn't intend to kill you, but it still kills you. They don't have to be guilty to be a problem.

Never said they weren't a problem.

What an odd place.

22st makes up like 1/3rd of the thread holy shit

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Does a scorpion need to be guilty of stinging you before you are comfortable killing it?

True, but executing children is what the ethnics do, but even at our worst we're not savages.

>"Anyway I've inadvertently started metaposting so I'll stop"
He does this every time.

But they are not a disease, we can shove them into the Middle East rather than lethal injections.

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Is one of you that faggot Scrumpmonkey?

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I wasn't suggesting you did, lad.

the winning move is not to play something something natter natter

A child won't sting me. That's my point.


>this is the quality that we should be having in our threads
Just leave them over there tbh

Lad you are talking about the near genocide of a group of people here, you can't start moralfagging over kids the blood must flow