Brit/pol/ #1917: Wretched White Water Edition

Man denies kidnapping, raping & butchering teenager before stuffing her into a freezer

Rough sleeping among elderly people doubles in 7 years - official stats

Brexit: EU 'to prepare' for future trade talks with UK

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Other urls found in this thread:


Good lad

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Good lad

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being in a union with scotland is shit enough without the leafs and dingos attached

Top lad.

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First for dago weathergirls

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How to Live as a Dissident

It's good tbh lad, even though I hate Joey and revere RB, saw it floating on halfchen

We've allowed the non anglo thot posting to become unironic and it needs to stop.

report them and filter them


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Didn't see this Joe posted yesterday tbh

Np tbh tbf

We have to pay lads. Some old drunk from Luxembourg said

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Do Germans count as Anglo?

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depends on how much soviet semen is running in their veins


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She is a half French and half Lincs thot

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We should send some sp1es in to stoke their paranoia


Fresh Kipper

Trying to look for it now, but can't find fuck all smhh


Didn't see that fresh Joe in my subbox, youtube spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) tbh
Have you listened to Masseduction? it's great tbh

You have to go back to Poland Mariusz

someone needs to take over their beach

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What's it say?

There is a new Ray Mears series tonight lads.

ITV 20:00

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cheers lad

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There is a German on Zig Forums who thinks he's British and always posts with the Hertfordshire flag, hence the name (someone else in the thread call him "Hertschwuchtel", meaning "Hertsfag"). Apparently he is a tranny, but that's not for certain. He's been posting his embarrassing shit there for a long time. Pic related. It felt good to chase the traitor off our beautiful board.

uh no

Np lad, I love this retro stuff

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t. a former hippie

What a traitorous cunt

What's the secret to getting married without getting your shit fucked up?

murder your wife after she gives birth

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/Lippe/ is on the news alot lately isn't it

I've just found a bunch of live performances of some of the new songs tbh, sounds really good so far
I like the way the riff from Cruel's in Sugarboy tbh

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Potatoes are immigrants you retards

Cheers lad, they're fun to make - if they're well received I'll keep making them.

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What the hell is up with this memi?

Doesn't that mean that they aren't British because they still are monkeys?

The guy who directed Platoon has been accused of noncing lads, just after he publicly criticised Weinstein for noncing on Twitter

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truly we are blessed lads

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have some rage fuel

Everyone who has been 'outed' after Whinekike is white or not a full tribe member - like Oliver Silverstein who had a jew dad

I'm really pleasantly surprised tbh, it reminds me of Marry me a little bit, Young Lover is probably my favourite song of the album, I love her voice, gonna listen to Sugerboy and Cruel again, didn't notice that smh

They're great tbh, they have a really cozy atmosphere to them

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fucking nips

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‘Soldier of Allah’ Dwayne Dibley jailed after making hospital bomb threat on Facebook

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Classic Londoners eh

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how does Japan manage to have such a vibrant culture without any niggers?

Yeah I get the Marry Me vibe too tbh, especially with New York, I quite like that aspect of it since that's probably my favourite album of hers, just wish I could find higher quality vids of the songs smh

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Imperial revival soon then?

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Thanks lad, feel silly for not thinking of that smh

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This is the gayest music I've ever heard and I spent 2 years of my life clubbing in Berlin

Soundcloud is for brainlets tbh
Np laddy

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The fuck is doing that?


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first pic is obviously fake

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This would be Japan if the Jews could have their way
Back in the 80's this used to be one of the most affluent parts of Johannesburg. Welcome to Hillbrow…now the most violent and dangerous

[George Burns voice]

You're a fag.

I unironically wouldn't mind supreme leader ray mears

I unironically wouldn't mind supreme leader Stefan Molyneux, tbh.

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wew lads…please….ease of on teh gay

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Harvey turned her dyke smh

She's an uber liberal too, don't really care though

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Ray Mears is on.

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Feel like I'm gonna have to massacre some savages in American Conquest

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kek, good lad.

aaaand my internet goes to shit.

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Cheers lad.

I can't deal with it tbh lads

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He loves them tbf, he loves all tribes

Cheers gents, good catch

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thats a spic not a dago

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This tbh.

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Dagos are spics

WeeeW isn't this how Steveo died?

I bet the kike wouldn't walk in there tbh

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He'll be there for you

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