Brit/pol/ 1918: Managed Decline Edition

Talk of Stormont deal has no basis in fact, says DUP

Rough sleeping among elderly people doubles in 7 years - official stats

Brexit: EU 'to prepare' for future trade talks with UK

No new thread in nearly an hour?

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Bump because not showing up in non-mod mode catalogue.

Good lad

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Lads, it's the turks not the jews!

The paedophile kike who pretended to be a nazi is now on podcasts discussing history.

What's the difference?

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Probably wont publish my comment.

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Ignore the grammar fuck up.

MDE #JWOKE Retweeted

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Lost count of my no fap days. Definitely over 40.

I took some preworkout this morning and my balls tingled a lot. Close one.

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Very comfy lad.

kek, you can't get much more blatant. Also you'd have to bash half your brains out to believe these 3rd world opportunists are going to all be "doctors, nurses and engineers" or cure fucking cancer. They are the cancer. As for "babysits your kid", lol.

is this sluggishness Zig Forums-wide, or is it just buckling under our board's 300 * ~700 posts (is the thread limit 500 or something)?

Good lad but why are you posting skanks?

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There there, might as well look at em.

Remember when Varg took feminine passive aggressive shots at TGO? Lost respect for him after that. Not because I like TGO a whole lot but because Varg acts like a girl.

They're there*

cheers lad

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Yes.That was the first thing that came to mind and why i posted it tbh,i just couldn't imagine people in the west let alone 'ambassadors' organizing or supporting a fucking boycott on anything unless it's a company that doesn't support poofter marriage like chick-fil-a.

I didn't even know that was a thing tbh,or at least i haven't seen it sold anywhere.


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Don't be so sure, lad.


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Isn't that what female youtubers essentially are? Glorified gf simulators? Along with the freind simulators and the all too repulsive "loud based black friend" sims?


Three stitches in my right hand.
Joys of working security lads

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What happened lad?

BASED libertarians tbh.

Ouch lad. Did some cunt try to glass you or something?

Paki whistled at a young Japanese woman, user pulled his katana and made a kebab but not before Muhammad's Scimitar grazed his hand.


Working the gates at a football match, cops wanted one side delayed for 15 mins to stop the two sides fighting.
Had to tell 500+ players they couldn't leave while the opposing team jeered them from the other side, imagine the result.
Few lads threw punches which wasn't so bad then one pulled a knife could only block it since he blindsided me while I was grabbing another.


Ow. Sounds like fun. Hope you're alright, lad.

Shit film tbh, but then again, the original was shit too

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fuck off your filtered

Should heal within 2 weeks

Sadly it was whites acting like pakis

Braving Ruin>Woes>BPS>Joe


It's too bad you're filtered, but then again, who isn't?

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We gave our decent homes to immgrants. millennials can live in sheds in the garden.

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Disgruntled Leaf Network > all of them

Then how come the majority of film critics, reviewers and general audiences massively shat on the film when it came out and only got popular in the 2000s when "muh cyberpunK" hipsters started to pretend that it was good?

*retires (You)*

Wew. Does he even own the land or just the cardboard box?

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I don't even disagree that the original was bad but your lust for (You)s is shameful tbh

Very powerful stuff. He's been on top form since he came back.

Goodm ladm

Haven't seen the new one but the original was garbage tbh

Err, got a single shred of proof to back up your claim?

Don't bother watching it tbh, just wait for the bluray release and pirate it

They're even worse. Well done.

Tfw no young adult Emily Browning gf. Or even the chinky

I feel like Overwatch borrowed from this film with the bunny robot thing.

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I reflexively get extremely angry when people talk about gun bans tbh. it always feels like we are one step away from a firearms restriction, I think they are gearing towards ammo control though. I had to fight the urge to go and reflex buy a bushmaster xm-15 because of the vegas attack.

Why was it garbage, lad?

Nasty. Hope you get paid a decent wage lad, not sure I could be doing with all that; though I suppose it keeps you on your toes and gets you out and about, and a good reason to stay fit too. Had the chance to get an SIA license once but that all fell through and they never started training.

If we acted rationally we would, like I said I personally boycott things but there is no organised element like you state correctly. The hard bit to wrap my head around is the collective identity of essentially all nonwhites, in that they see themselves 'as' the collective and not a part of it as it is explained to us. Completely alien and why we need these things enforced tbh

minicabins are cool IMO but its just another example of our society training us to return to 19th century poverty so they can enjoy their pensions

oh shit is this that faggot spic "white" nick fuentes?

And ride around with it in your dodge.

They ban arbitrary shit on purpose. It's to create such paranoia that you don't even want to buy a gun out of fear of getting charged with a felony for putting the wrong strap or sight on your gun. It is intentionally incoherent. The cucked right thinks they're doing these things out of ignorance but they're not. These are commie tactics utilized by (((intellectuals)))

It's in fucking worcestershire
tfw almost certainly would know people who know this guy if I cared to look

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We don't already live under this? What a lot of shit. Whites who live in homogeneous groups are the most xenophilia. We aren't Asians.

yeah the sig brace thing and the shotgun barrel length thing are clearly designed for entrapment purposes

Got my SIA licence at least the course for free which was nice through knowing a guy running the training.
based localism tbh

24 mutual friends on facebook with him..

The NRA is doing it atm too because it's currently run by CEO's of gun companies. Trump's election fucked over lots of these companies due to people feeling more secure and no longer panic buying.
Then suddenly a random fishy mass shooting just happens out of no-where and the CEO's of said companies start calling for gun bans, causing more Sandy Hook-tier panic buying.
Hmm… Really makes me rinky dinky roo

why is that a furry deer avatar?

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yeah sandy vagina was the start of the death of the affordable AK tbh

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you should have the queen reinstate the fyrd lad, pretty sure that was the basis of the second amendment.

Err, lad, the English bill of rights states "Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions". We have a right, it's just that the based government ignores it.

Sound tbh.

Everyone's acting was atrocious apart from Rutger Hauer and the writing's nothing special apart from the (genuinely clever) unicorn scene at the end, but the significance of that is kind of taken away from by the fact that Ridley Scott's a hack and removed all ambiguity in an interview. I also felt like some of the character designs looked really out of place with the aesthetics of the rest of the setting tbh, namely the weird doll looking girl. It's just such a forgettable film outside of a handful of visuals tbh. Even Rutger Hauer's death scene feels anticlimactic as hell, no idea why it became such a popular scene.

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the NRA is implicitly r/TheDonald tier. The good news is, is that they're becoming less relevant culturally. Most of the young right don't even think about the NRA.

Actually, lad the Bill of Rights says 'may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law.'
The 'as allowed by law' part is the key part tbh because it refers to other laws and implicitly recongises their ability to impose restrictions on the right to bear arms.

I was just about to say this.


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Did you guys see that the Skeptic™ Mouthy Buddha appears to be going rightward?

You know the other Skeptics™ are going to blacklist him for this series.

He looks like a nobhead

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Appreciate the art lad


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I'm so sick of you Zig Forums bigots smh


*praises Jesus*

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Gold top I trust?

Is their anything more loathsome than a conscious philosemite?



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smh lad she was an assassination android
the reason she looked like that was her target had an obsession with making mechanical toys she was trying to act like a broken toy for him to fix

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Comments like these make me wonder if there's any push in Japan for diversity and a wonderful range of restaurants.

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Was it pre-recorded or did he have to participate in the later episodes knowing brit/pol/ was watching his every move?

I have pondered the memitic mysteries and divined the portents and hereupon cometh upon a question. Wouldst thou engage in sexual relations with the 1988 Kylie Minogue?

this is not one of those archaic language arguments American always have about their constitution

It's been a while since I watched it tbh, I knew there was some narrative explanation for it
Still don't like it though

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