Brit/pol/ #1919: Big Ian Edition

The Government urgently needs to establish its Best Alternative to a deal with the EU

I’m more convinced now than in June 2016 that the referendum outcome was the right one

The most audacious lie of the referendum campaign was the Remainers’ claim about immigration

Philip Hammond plans daring Budget to boost Brexit with proposals including cutting airport taxes and freeze tax on booze

Cabinet remainers join calls for Hammond to go

DUP orders Theresa May to rein in 'divisive' Philip Hammond

MPs move to block Theresa May from signing ‘no deal’ Brexit

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Other urls found in this thread:


Praying that the DUP are just pushing for proper Brexit with their move to block no deal

For Hapsburg restoration

It would've been better if they had united Germany tbh.

Good edition tbh

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Archduchess Gabriella is best Royalfu

Nah, Germany is for gay boiz like the Hohenzollerns smh

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Turks attack Pegida demonstrators in Holland. Cops do fuck all.


broke: stable states with developed industry consisting of one ethnic group
woke: nightmare leviathans with dozens of competing ethnic groups fighting for power ruled from a tiny fringe metropol which loves starting world wars

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Surprised no one ever brings up Austro-Hungary when talking about multicult.

lass . . .

*assassinates you in Sarajevo*

Are you a turk or a Kraut?

We need to invade Canada

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Because it was an Unironic success

I know, you probably just meant reforming Austria into a parliamentary Monarchy right? It is a bit gay as a republic tbh. The Habsburgs were such a huge part of their culture.


Was looking for enrichment vids on jewtube. It seems very quiet.
Wop got snackbar'd in Turin yesterday by muslim Nigerian

Yeah, Constitutional Monarchy is the best form of government imo smh

Your autism is coming out again lad.

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I can see a strong argument for both sides tbh, it certainly wasn't good if you were a (((Slovak)))

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The country managed to fight a world war for 4 years with massive casualties while consisting of a massive multi-ethnic Empire with completely different nationalities who didn't even speak the same language. Impressive tbh.

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Aaah even the music is like a fairytale kingdom.

they'll pay for this tbh.

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pls can u not photoshop my wife she is mine pic is me btw

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Yes and they must ALL come here and chop down our countryside for their new slums

u and ur girl lukin cute 2getha bro 💯

He looks like Owen Jones kek

Glaswegian arrested for wrongthink.
I wonder if they used his IP or if he uses his real name somewhere.

IP address on its own is plausibly deniable. Someone likely recognised him and reported him.

Who pushed this out? Soros? EU?
stretching the necks of thee people who shill this is 'inevitable' 'necessary' and 'desirable'

Looked at the url, assumed it would be they started a competitor business. Nope just whining. sigh tbh

Lads I am looking for some affordable British made shoes and it is difficult tbh

I'm looking for an affordable British made wife.

And it is difficult tbh.

Aren't we all

How old are you?

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They haven't found a single skilled person amongst the migrants.

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Oh wait Palvin is Hungarian. Even better.

People need to realise that police officers don't give you a second thought. The idea that they spend any time reflecting on you is delusional.

bit swarthy

yes they do tend to disappear once you apply a 2 inch layer of makeup to the face

Lmao I know she is the eternal thot. Once we enslave the Slavs it wont be an issue.

I just can't stand how Anglo women want to be men. They're the worst outside of black women in that regard. They hate being women.

where are all the low tech gf's?

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It's an empire of illiterate slavs being corralled by a minority German elite. Of course it's not going to be a powerhouse. But it was a Great Power regardless, which is quite an impressive feat, and a prestigious Imperial power on the world stage. It was beautiful, lad. I do prefer Pre-Augsleich though tbh.

This is when the borders were at their most aesthetic.

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Do we have to

Go for younger girls and they just assume you don't have social media because you're "omg so mature older guy"

No I was just LARPing. Colonialism without a full blown genocide never works out forever.

Austrian election results are in

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Rural Ukraine, do you want me to contact Dimitri?

memi responsibly you might worry Gloucestershire poster

Heard my dad and his girlfriend talking about how terrible it was that she heard some teachers say that their dream was to teach a class of respectful white kids. I almost said something. I didn't.

Why do they all look like they are made out of plastic?

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if she drops you over something so inane, she wasn't worth it anyway.

Human suits are slipping in craftsmanship these days smh

The normie rises tbh.

because they are

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does your mummy have a bf?


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Pilz in jerry talk, but mushroom is better. He's the bloke who found out the Austrians have to pay the Pentagon £500 every time they turn on a Eurofighter jet.

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wow SA has been hitting the gym hard



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how young is legal moral? I don't want to be a creepy faggot sneaking into the student union.

I've met a few Ukrainian girls. they had very hairy arms. too swarthy for me tbh

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So I have a job.

But now I don't know what to do with my life.

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she sounds based. I'm a bit older than most lads here so it wouldn't be weird or anything. I could take you fishing lad

Depends on how old you are tbh. 18 or older is always moral though.

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Keep working until you die

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Would you buy it lads

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I don't spend enough money so it just accumulates.

Do you think it's true that we have to ask the yanks if we want to fire Trident?

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Not even if I had a 100% discount

It was the best one tbh.

Daily reminder that FPÖ were leading opinion polls until now and that this election is a shit result

CoD 1 > CoD 2 > World at War



all downhill from here

Probably, lad.
Typhoon is the same as the Eurofighter, so we're probably paying the yanks to turn them on too.

Medal of Honor > CoD tbh

no chance, i'd just play the original if I wanted to.

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Agree tbh but I also give BO2 points since its singleplayer is a better RPG than every RPG to come out in the past decade other than New Vegas

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based God tbh

A. lone wolf pill

B. subversive normal fag pill

C. long game pill

D. shitpost pill

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Most definitely.

wtf Zombies was the best part of CoD tbh

Never played 1 and 2 or I did and don't remember because I was too young.

MW2>Black ops>WaW imo tbqhwy

What about Niggerfield? Even their DLC had a bald black woman on the cover.

Any age is moral so long as they are post-pubescent

Damn that looks cool as fuck. I loved all the COD campaigns tbh. I evne complete WaW on veteran.

The grenades man…