Why do some of you stay up until 4am? I thought being a nationalist meant improving yourself? Get healthy, hit the gym and read books. A lot of people lurk here so leave the childish stuff and anime off this board..
Henry Miller
Is Bernard Cornwell's Azincourt a good read?
John Powell
Jacob Johnson
It's hard when all you want to do is kill yourself.
Anyone got the webm of that alien-looking startshit guy laughing and then the webm being played 40 million times at the same time or some shit? I think I had it saved as "big laffs", but I lost it.
Here's a happy white English dog on top a English hill, next to a English river.
Sort it out lad. Yeah, it's all depressing, but use the anger to better yourself. Get a dog if you haven't already, take it on country walks, that's what keeps me sane.
Just more American butchery of our language tbh. Nothing to be proud of.
Tyler Perez
Cor that's a while ago
Angel Wright
I mix my post-workout shakes with coconut milk. Best thing to hydrate you apparently, even better than water.. 1000cal shake? Wew lad, you bulking for winter?
Good lads. But remember 'getting big' is just a normie pursuit intended for attention seeking and self-validation. You need to be healthy and fit in addition to strength, that includes mentally.
i don't really consider someone fit unless they do lots of cardio and mobility work on top of lifting, as well as knowing some form of martial art. big muscles will do a lot for your confidence but they won't actually help in a confrontation with someone who knows what they're doing.
Jonathan Gray
Well not routinely but I have done, yes.
Christian Moore
Yep. I'd say about 70% of my exercise is running/swimming/hiking etc.
Nicholas Moore
(checked) Why don't you marry her?
Charles Brooks
tbqh getting fit is only half of it; need to learn how to shoot, hunt and survive.
No use being a UUUU if you need to rely on protein powder to sustain your muscles when shtf.
Matthew Adams
Do you think they haven't heard of us, or should I go for a pint with the IT department?
It's maddening how quickly things have escalated, they must be pushing some serious accelerationism on their end as last decade you'd be hard-pressed to find a single person who'd support it. One example I use to show how things have changed is that hack Rowling's works; the way she's retconning characters details "hermione is black, dumbledore is gay, this other fuck is a jew, this one is pansexual, etc etc" for literally no fucking reason is only being done to appease her ridiculous fanbase, but if she had actually planned for these characters to be like this then surely she would have written it as such when first publishing her books. These changes only show how much the socjus nutjobs have pushed within the last few years.
They're fucking trains. How can a train have a race? Infact, African trains make literally no sense. The spear-chuckers don't even have asphalt roads, let alone a functioning rail network.
In fact they've been tearing up their tracks and leaving them to decay. Also someone pointed out ages ago when they first started forcing diversity, that the Chinese, Indian, Mexican, and every other train wouldn't actually be able to meet the British trains due to the differences in the tracks.
It's not about trains having a race, it's about loopy pencil-pushing Americans (and I should check who (((owns))) Mattel) vandalising and spitting on everything that is quaint and lovely and homogenous.