Brit/pol/ #1924: Enoch's Nightmare Edition

Army could be deployed to protect the border if Britain leaves the EU without a Brexit deal

Unemployment drops by 52,000 but jobless rate stays at same level

Davis and Rudd contradict each other over whether 'no deal' Brexit 'unthinkable'

Two-year Brexit transition may be too short, warns Mark Carney

Brexit must be agreed by end of year to avoid firms fleeing abroad and causing new financial crisis, warns London Stock Exchange boss

UK Treasury rejects OECD's call for second Brexit referendum

Bill Clinton mocks Brexit voters and teases them for 'not knowing what they voted for'

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first for memmies delusion

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Austria’s Kurz Vows Zero Tolerance on Anti-Semitism
The more they push a "zero tolerance on anti-semitism", the more people will start to question it

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I haven't been able to find what exactly would happen if the UK just said fuck you to the EU and just stopped paying and just started controlling their own boarder and ignored EU regulations. What the fuck could the EU do to stop them. I don't get this no deal business.

Neither do I.

We'd leave, and the EU would come crawling up to us begging for a trade deal.
We have the upper hand in every single way, but the traitorous bastards in parliament are too busy trying to destroy the country.


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The Beeb needs bombing.

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This is what I thought. I've been reading up on how many of the lesser (not Frog or Kraut) EU nations are dependent on British trade and I would see a potential revolt if the UK just split off and current EU countries were denied to trade with them.


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Neo-Nazi quits movement, opens up about Jewish heritage and comes out as gay

It's a duty of every Englishman to defund the Beeb.


It's infuriating as it'd be the best possible result; all the cucks would be whinging about bigotry or some other shit, there'd be a surge in national pride as " 'cor that was ballsy, us Brits really bloody showed 'em eh", and we could just sit back and watch every country line up to do business with us.

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Better than mine at least.

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It would be like a Boston Tea Party moment for you. It would be a historic moment of triumph for generations to remember

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Kill me

Yeah except less of a hissy-fit :^)

Honestly I reckon that it'd do wonders for our image on the world stage; the politicians probably reckon that it'll damage us, but telling a bunch of cunts to stick it where the sun don't shine will only impress our Eastern trade partners.

More and more I have the feeling if Boris doesn't take out May for leading the Tories than the UK may be fucked.

It's already fucked lad

Yeah, I love how all the bad predictions on trade from a hard or no deal Brexit are the same people who say there needs to be another referendum. Makes you think.

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I was trying to be a little optimistic ;_;

Serves you right.

What autism mod are you using lad?

Can you tell me where my country lies?
Said the unifaun to his true love's eyes.
It lies with me! cried the queen of maybe
- for her merchandise, he traded in his prize.
Paper late! cried a voice in the crowd.
Old man dies! the note he left was signed old father Thames?
- it seems he's drowned;
England by the pound.

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It's so blatantly obvious that this back-n-forth is being done to damage Brexit that it's irritating no-one seems to be noticing it. The cucks crying about no deal being bad have absolutely no idea what said deal is to be about.
I've an awful feeling that they're going to do their utmost to have us leave the EU in name only

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looks like xenoestrogens have done their work then

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Hopefully this'll work out favourably and have more of our side questioning the kikes

nice OC lad have a (you)

Thanks lad.

we might be joining you soon ;_;

can i have one too

what a complete retard. Was the national front full of these larpers back in the day?

534680 you have to earn your (you)s sorry lad

This is what the left always does. Infect an institution and keep the word the same but change what it really is.

Take over the unis and keep the prestige but turn them into useless indoctrination mills

Take over culture and turn it into a degenerate cesspool but still be the voice and expression of the people.

Take over the Catholic church but and many protestant churches keeping the idea of religious value but watering it down and bringing in leftist politics (see Pope).

Take over the STEM fields and sciences and make it the new decider of what is true and what isn't but completely take the reasoning and rationale out and fill it with leftist nonsense. If the people currently in charge have their way they will do what David Cameron wanted. Renegotiate their deal with the EU and basically stay in. The only difference is they replaced Cameron with someone ideologically similar and instead of renegotiate staying in it is "negotiate and exit but we are gonna stay close to the EU and have many special partnerships."

Zig Forums btfo

>i want people to see what its like living a lie and being o the receiving end of this propaganda
so you want to be a nationalist?

spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)

Its almost like far-right groups are actually serious political organisations and not social clubs


a plant

I mean what do they hope to accomplish by this? Its funny how this whole drive against the far-right is being targeted at the weary symbols and personalities of 30 years ago who were already long dead or gone LOCAL by now. They really have no idea where the contemporary far-right finds its roots.

I just turned 25. As a present, my dad gave me a basket full of beer he had brewed himself and this letter:

"Buddy, at this point all you can do is give up and accept that life isn't going to be the way it was 60 years ago. Don't save for retirement, don't have kids, if you get married, be damned sure that she won't divorce you (you really shouldn't get married).

Don't even aspire for higher wages, because that just results in higher taxes. Would you rather make 25k working part time with a 15 percent tax (netting you 21250, plus government benefits) or 50k working full time with a 40 percent tax (netting you 30k, plus no benefits)?

Enjoy what you can, user. Friends, family, and small things, like used cars, motorcycles, video games etc.

We have 130 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities. That is literally double what the entire world produced last year.

Just sit back, and let it all go. Stop fighting it. It sucks, but it isn't your fault. You aren't responsible for the way that this country turned out. So sit back, enjoy your family, your friends, your hobbies, and work the system as best as you can (as there is no shame in this anymore; thanks to democrats, it is less honorable to be productive than it is to leech on society).

And most importantly, be happy. Go ahead and take a vacation to a national park. Go rock climbing, or drive a motorcycle across the nation. By getting out there and enjoying life, you are winning. The government can't confiscate that, like they can retirement accounts, bank accounts, or property, and you are enjoying life, something the extreme left is incapable of doing. Feminists don't enjoy their life. Black rights activists aren't ever happy. They've devoted their lives to being perpetually unhappy, and are doing their damnest to spread it to you.

So don't let them win. You can't change the political spectrum. You can't force productivity. But you can find happiness in any situation.

Happy birthday, son!"

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There have been bad periods throughout history, you can't fall into doom and gloom.
That said, it's a rather nice letter your dad wrote tbh

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This is a copypasta from Zig Forums or /r9k/, I saw it earlier this morning.

Interesting copypasta, though I disagree.

We can quite easily do a Godfrey >:^))))))))

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retake the holy land?

you got that off 4cuck didn't you?

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Yeah he did

Look up the Pogroms of 1096 but yes also that

>Many crusaders had to go into debt in order to purchase weaponry and equipment for the expedition; as Western Catholicism strictly forbade usury, many crusaders inevitably found themselves indebted to Jewish moneylenders. Having armed themselves by assuming the debt, the crusaders rationalized the killing of Jews as an extension of their Catholic mission.

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I think this attitude is going to become increasingly common. Nobody gives a fuck about working for anything because it will all get stolen to pay for Ahmed's seventh child and pedosexual advocacy in schools. The majority of people simply can't produce anything of value even if they tried because so much is now paid for by the 1% and automation is now undercutting them even more and will only increase so that the most rational thing to do if you are'nt an autistic coder, a think-tank intern or a banker is just to suck up the bennies and poast on XIanjiangese batik forums

Even though Weinstein is a filthy jew perv every single one of his 'victims' knew exactly what they were getting into and saw the cost of sex with an unatttractive man as a fair prize for a high paying job that takes little to no effort and almost infinite amounts of attention.

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Pretty much me. You make your own goals in life tbh.
Sometimes it's nice to just forget about politics and enjoy life as it comes.

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> w o m e n

The kikes always cock up.

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He offered me a high paying job, and said I wouldn't get it unless I sucked his dick. I was basically forced to! Assault!

Tbh, I don't think taking the nihilistic route is the way to go. The way to go is get married to the right woman and most importantly have kids. Whatever societal collapse happens, people will still be around and live on. The degenerates and niggers and pakis are all going to have kids and a lot of them. The only hope for the future is to raise children taught and raised correctly. Marx and marxist hate the family unit. The family unit is strong, instills values, and is harder to corrupt. That is why leftists love single mothers and poor people on benefits to give people the idea that fathers are not to be relied on for providing for their families and it is the government they should look to. We may loose this battle or even this political war, but the only hope to defeating the left and in some ways more importantly the Muslims is that we do not die out. If the West becomes the Western Syria then all hope is lost. In order to win 10, 100, 500, 1000 years down the road the people of the west must survive.

This is better tbh.

Whoever wins, we lose


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great quote

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My smoke alarm is still beeping. I might just fucking smash it.

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What if degeneracy, single mothers, pedophile rings, GATE programs, systematic anti-intellectualism in schools, MKULTRA, social experiments, abortions and contrived drug crises were all part of an elaborate attempt to breed an autistic class who would bring about the psychic unification of humanity through the internet and memmies?

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uh oh

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Worked on me tbh.

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That is why they were great. They knew they were fucked and their time was up but they said fuck you and fought just for the hope that there could be a future.


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Sounds like us tbh.

Is it raining, lads?

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Thank Christ that tech limitations forced Jackson to make them the way he did, else we'd've had them look and be as bad as the Hobbit trilogy.

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Change the battery.

They usually have a constant beep if the battery is almost flat as a reminder.


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When will Zig Forums have a cavalry charge on the armies of Calais?

At last I truly see

Ngl that scene legit gets me.

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Sam : I know.
It's all wrong
By rights we shouldn't even be here.
But we are.
It's like in the great stories Mr. Frodo.
The ones that really mattered.
Full of darkness and danger they were,
and sometimes you didn't want to know the end.
Because how could the end be happy.
How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad happened.
But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow.
Even darkness must pass.
A new day will come.
And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.
Those were the stories that stayed with you.
That meant something.
Even if you were too small to understand why.
But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand.
I know now.
Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t.
Because they were holding on to something.

Frodo : What are we holding on to, Sam?

Sam : That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.

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That is why LotR is so great and GoT is filled with fucking. One was inspired by real experience in WWI while the other is fan fiction


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A shame tbh, it fits so nicely having even Gandalf at the edge of despair, only for those horns to ring out.

I can't find it. I got the cover off but can only see circuitry.

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Just reading about the intersection between weird Hippie psychedelic spiritualism, Military-Intelligence Psyops is so eerie lads. Combined with all the random stuff I've seen across the chans over the years and I'm becoming genuinely convinced all internet political ideologies and subcultures are just psyops.

Aye, it's very fitting.

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Lad is that a wind-up smoke alarm.

Yes well it's definitely winding me up.

>Is it raining, lads?
It is where I am

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This one always gets me too ;_;

In a dafty mood today. Want to march up and down the street singing war songs smh


Ice is growing in other parts just as fast though they never mention that

Channel that into training tbh lad

Better than every metal song ever

*looks around the room confrontationally*