Brit/pol/ #1928: Anarchy Edition

UK is confusing the EU over Brexit, says Corbyn after meeting Barnier
Labour leader says he told chief EU negotiator step-by-step how he would reboot talks as PM in 80-minute meeting

Storm Brian to bring heavy rain and strong winds to UK and Ireland
Met Office issues yellow warning for strong winds as ‘weather bomb’ develops over Atlantic

Norfolk police plan to axe all community support officers
Proposal to scrap 150 PCSOs criticised as potentially devastating for crime prevention and public safety

Dramatic moment police storm house of terrorist who plotted UK bomb attack

Salford woman who forced boy, 11, into sex jailed
A woman who forced an 11-year-old boy into having sex with her has been jailed for 15 years.

Teacher who grabbed pupil off windowsill not struck off
Adrian Dursley, 33, faced action after he was seen taking the ten-year-old boy off of the windowsill at Court School primary, Llanishen, Cardiff in 2016.

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(give it a rest spacker)

nth for based dicky

Good lad

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leave it out lad, we don't want a repeat of last thread

Good lad.

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Hertsposter does it again.

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haven't watched this yet but on Zig Forums they're saying spencer btfo of a bunch of leftists


Ta lad sorry about threadcucking you ;^)

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This tbh

Wow i hate shitposters

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Herts is BBK tbh

They just screamed the entire time and he managed to convert a based black guy.

I was laffin my ass off. My face is still red

I skipped to 26 mins and he's fucking destroying them. The face of Chad Nationalism. Why do we dislike this guy again?

cheese pizza is great

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I know your game, lass

Where is the kekistani flag. As a based and fashy Kekistani I demand it.

At this rate we'll have a MAGA army of base black men.

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They will fight for us, they will help us kill non-whites. Blacks can be white nationalists too. MAGA.

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*zaps dionysiac bongo bongo cancer*

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Lad don't insult Dionysus like that. Bongoans are the filth of Marduk

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There is only one God and his name is Kek, and Trump is his prophet.



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Asians wuz aryans an shiet we wu atlanteans muhfugga

I didn't watch the whole stream. It literally starts on a rabbi?

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Christianity is the only white religion. Praise Trump, the second coming of Christ.

factually untrue

Turning the golem on their masters.

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It's tenuous but I'm still going to bring it up to annoy you every so often

stop bullying yankautist lad

it's not his fault he was born with mental defect

He is actually staunchly anti-pedophile and has psychological trauma over the time an underage girl was turned into a grown woman through magic and he was tricked into having sex with her, though, and kills all nonces on sight.

she is a nice waifu lad

He literally had sex with a 10 year old girl in one of the games.


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*kicks you*

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Trvmp is the last hope of Evropa.

Hail Trvmp. Hail Victory. Hail Zion.

Is that the golden one?

Cheers lad.


>He literally had sex with a 10 year old girl in one of the games.

That's the girl who was magically changed into an adult woman, lad. And he regretted it ever since and blocked it out of his memory and had massive trauma over it, smh.


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If you have a problem with that you are shariablue/endchan/megooka/mewch/CIAnigger/JIDF tbh

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*hands up, move out the way old fag*

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Venti if she was fully huwhite



22st registered as a female with the NHS..

He's 18 stone 5 pounds now you Hertsposting bully

There wasn't a Green Party in the 70's, lad. It was the Ecology Party.

Are big beards aesthetic if you're not fat and not a chinlet?

I meant the green movement lad. They've been around since the 50's at least.

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you like that one dont you

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In Europe general yes.

Anything is aesthetic if you are attractive.

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venti has blue eyes but her face structure is too nigger so she would look more alpinoid and not have the weak jaw of bush imo

is it okay to like varg?

*swipes sword*

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hullo fellow whites.

As you can see I am an aryan god. Btw if you have brown eyes you are a shitskin.
t. yank

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What are we going to do about the /newbrit/ problem
They have their own board but want to shit this one up as well

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Sure but some looks are trash tier. It doesn't matter how you look if you have a top-knot you're a faggot for example.

Her white genes are Slav. She's really pretty tbqh.


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Yes, just like if you wear a graphic t-shirt you are a manchild.


California wildfires cost state over $1bn – insurance commissioner

Based wildfires

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anyone remember that lad who did commentaries on gordon in response videos to him while wearing a suit and standing in his garden?

I like big boobs, blue eyes and high pitched voices. I don't even watch female Youtubers laddo.

Graphic T's are an essential piece of the bugman uniform.

coasties btfo

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Was it a suit? I don't think the pants were the same fabric as the jacket.

it's all a bit hazy tbh i was just wondering if he's still around

Finally get to post it.

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she actually seems pretty cool

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Thanks, lad

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"for king & country!"

*cocks barrel*

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Bassets are great

I'd literally rather just have sex with a nigger than a mutt.


Tbh if I'm going to fuck non-whites I would rather be honest about what I'm doing than be a delusional


He made a new video recently. I can’t recall his channel name right now.

I would rather have a half white child than a 7/8 child since they would both be niggers, and at least the half white would know he's really a nigger.

Pls stop.

Yeah she's a good lass.


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what did he expect tbh

Cheers. I will make good use of this image.

When's the last time Blumpfy visited a shoe factory? I'll wait.
