Brit/pol/ #1933: Defenders of Britain Edition

Poppy Day is cancelled by the police: Outrage as forces insist they cannot afford to man remembrance parades amid budget cuts

Dead BODY in found in the back seat of a man's car - after police pulled him over for a routine search

Police arrest gunman who held two members of staff hostage at bowling alley

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great fucking threads tonight lads
might just go to bed tbh

*screeches incoherently in yiddish*

Is it safe to post now?

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Bump for shitty OPs deleting their threads.

Quality board

I fucking knew he would delete the thread eventually.



Degenerates out.

Don't make me use this.

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muh disc0rd dindu nuffin, why do you persecute us so!

Why is that Pepe stabbing the back of his head?

is he Welsh?

praise heitler

i wish i was born a german master race instead of a subhuman anglokike


Attached: hale hidler.jpeg (657x527, 31.29K)

Never happen tbh?

It is Bongo Bongo Land tbh

Anglo's are generally better tbh Germans are too autistic. Hitler was interesting though.

We need to purge all Bongo Bongo Land users and sympathisers

Was hitler even german.

When I went to germany everyone had brown eyes and looked vaguely slavic.

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Who remembers?

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Yeah, wonder why

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Good lad btw, was just making a thread too for what it'd be worth considering this shit show

Adds up tbh

ah yes, the BASED pole of Zig Forums

im afraid in 50 years everyone in the isles will look vaguely paki/arab

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Nah we keep to ourselves and so do they

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but when they hit critical mass what stops them from taking over, enacting shariah, and castrating all white men

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That's just a racist conspiracy, lad, it'll never happen

>implying that your not filtered

the vanguard

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Good memories from halfchan threads tbh

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swarthy Celtic strain you should know about them tbh


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kek, I remember this post.

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but America was 95% swarthy 50 years ago and now America is 65% wog

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Err… Reported to met police for hate speech, enjoy getting stabbed to death by a paki in prison, bigot


how are hate speech laws any different from the way the aristocracy would throw people in dungeons for speaking against them

nothing has changed

its only gotten worse

it only gets worse and worse and worse

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tbh when "white" Americans go beneath ~35% it's over and the wogs will dance on the corpses of swarthy yanks

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Oh so that's why the thread wouldn't update.
For fuck's sake.

I thought I had killed the thread. For fuck's sake

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I bet you all told each other in the secret Bongo Bongo Land too. Please let me in

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theyr estrogen flavor

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*kills (You)*

Not even Alex's filters are safe

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Zig Forums is a psyop and always was

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Never forget

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Take control of yourself

im in control

are you

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Ted Nugent tbh lads

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What did you do tbh?

Woke post tbh.

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He wanted me to make OC and I kind of declined but didn't and he misunderstood me I guess and expected it to come one day, and then he called me a nigger and wouldn't elaborate on why until I guessed it smh. He was actually going to pay me to do something.

didn't feel nice tbh I'm a good but lazy boy

What happened lad? Did he discover you only support NA ironically?

Ahh I see. Thanks lad for sharing that story

Kek nah I fucked up I guess smh. I did tell him that though and he just said it didn't matter since they like them unironically.

No problem, lad.

22st is it true that you had sexual relations with a livestock animal in the pussy

pls respond truthrfull

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Probably saw his OC's bulges.



stop trying to cover up his deeds

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I don't understand what your problem with those are smh. Chad has a bulge

no, lad. Where did you get that idea?

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i have video evidence i was just trying to give you a chance to confess

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*pets cat*

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I doubt it, lad. You're not going to trick me like you tricked Gordon into confessing it smh

i know what u masturbate to tbh

dirty dirty lad

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What the actual fuck?

Can't explain that.

Chad is an evidently masculine figure, as opposed to some of your drawings.

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I think it was a red Devilish™BASED NA™ Pepe he wanted to commission for one of his videos. Would have done it tbh.

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New, lad?

Ahhh don't say it

So it's okay to look at bulges as long as they are masculine? smh

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I guess "Pepe" should have had a ™ behind it as well

My trip fell off, lad.

Is this your work lad?

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Just saying that image is part of Zig Forums's culture and history.

Kek, no, which is why I find it so hilarious. Shame NA was killed tbh.

It's not the presence of it that makes a drawing subversive, on a feminine figure it becomes so.

I didn't think it was you who drew it. Didn't know you were so degenerate tbh.

Oh, those bulges. I thought you meant these.

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Just like Michelle Obama

keek please please do a childrens book im begging you lad

One day, lad Which means never smh ahhh


if you sent me a big folder of your pepes i could mock one up, you should do that i'd enjoy it

you don't save a lot of them though aaaah you just draw then forgot them smh, like the saxon getting his bum poked with a spear

Fuck off helmer

Kek. I try to save them now, lad. Here's my dad

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we all do that, lad. smh