Brit/pol/ #1938: Pink Edition

Brexit: May 'confident' MPs will get vote before exit

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Cheeky sod

Was just about to submit my thread as well smh

nth for homeschooling

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Ever seen Ethiopian food? No? Neither have they!

Mud pies & shit flies.

>"akshulee that vision was given to Peter so that he would not refuse to go and preach to Gentiles. All law is still valid. God & science forbid pig"

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Good lad

Why would god play tricks on people?
That's the work of the hebraic snek!

If this guy is an actual pastor then it's rather shameful that a mong like me is able to correct him.

Bloody yanks….

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This Week on the Alt Right - LIVE

Now that my thread was too long originally,
I'll post a few headlines

New Remain Campaign Urges Young People to Emotionally Blackmail Grandparents over Brexit Support
‘If you care about me then oppose Brexit’, young people will be urged to tell older relatives in a new Remain campaign aimed at sabotaging Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union (EU).

jessus was a brown gay man who smoked weed and said love everyone
I know more about jesus and the bible than everyone im an athiest


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I hope that every single grandparent that hears this clips the uppity little shit 'round the ear.


Same here. Made me rage tbh.
I did see an article about Richard Branson saying that when all the older generation dies off then the youths should battle for another referendum.

Fucking hate that bloke.

based mark collett advocating for white victimhood and moral highground-seeking

Distorting history? Cambridge to ‘decolonize’ syllabus, teach more black & minority literature
Lecturers have been told to include more black and ethnic minority authors in the Cambridge University English curriculum, after students complained of “institutional racism.” Critics say excluding “old white male” authors will distort “historical truth.”'

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good fuckin white british people make me sick the less of them the better

Old people voted Brexit for no reason but out of spite xd


This is why it is good when a church has a comprehensive confession of faith and catechism.

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nth for cutting edge political cartoons.

Lood Gad

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I quite like that one tbh

Don't care, I have oneetus.

But caring about my children is the reason I voted to leave.

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Y-you too

Thank (You)

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me too tbh

Why is abortion fine but the death penalty for pregnant women not fine, according to the UN?

Don't worry lads, there will still be space for a few old white males in the new syllabus. :^)

Cute tbh bandwagoning tbh

Oh I didn't realise bees weren't in decline on the continent as well as here. Really changed my opinions.

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(You) are amazing!

(You) are worth it!

(You) can do this!

I think (You) are a great person and I like being around (You)!

Don't get too attached to me lad I'll only end up hurting you

White, male, colonial, masculine. So many problematic elements I don't know where to start. Obviously something as repulsive as this should never be taught in any school, least of all as history where it might threaten to bury remembrance of the holocaust.

Seeing Blade Runner 2049 a second time lads

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>It closes today and I need two referees to apply because it is online only

Hopefully I can contact them tomorrow and ask if I can still apply given the circumstances. What a fucking joke.

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fucking hell

Mogg is outnumbered but never out gunned ;-)

Pretty good lineup tbh

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Tempted to go again myself tbh, might go next week when work has dried up.

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Greer is our greatest ally in fighting the tranny menace tbh

Jacob Rees-Mogg tears into ‘Brexit bashing BBC’

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the NEETbuck market is pretty saturated, isn't it? How does she expect to make anything?

That title is cancer, looks like the telegraph as well

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Probably the first one in a while that could be semi-decent/entertaining.

Mogg's a decent lad, better than most of his ilk at least but still not what we need

This man's anus fell off, you won't believe what happened next! My boyfriend is made entirely out of crystals, here's why. Put a shotgun in your mouth, what happens next will blow your mind!

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Loads of these glorified blogs write like that these days. Can't understand why.

Haha that Corbyn, so down with the kids

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The legacy of this little known ideology (by normies) is enormous

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lol what a down to earth bloke haha got my vote

Is that something to do with Google?

It's a Channel 4 show where you watch some regulars watch TV

Story behind this?


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Why would you want that story?


This time the normies have gone too far.

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But lad, there is no belt in that image………

Well it's pretty obvious what's going on, but what cpuntry was it in and did they get away with it?

Tbh I believe in the messianic return of bowden

Get away with it? It's part of the lesson, lad.


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As do I.

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better than nige tbh

This is going to be us in a couple of years' time tbh



He is the light of my life other than god in these dark days. He was an avatar of a higher being in my opinion

Sounds like she has been playing too much New Vegas tbh.

That is not remotely funny. They're trying to create an image of what the people of Britain are like also. It's masturbation for producers. It's utter bollocks


at least we can revel in the fact that Irish are coming down with us.
All those IRA bombings were for naught.

One day they will be part of the UK again tbh

Doesn't even have an Oirish accent. Come on lad, at least pretend.

Domestication comes later lad.

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all channels are fucking aweful tbh

I saw and trailer for a new program on 5 called 18-30 stone holiday where you watch some fat cunts have a nice well deserved break.

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put directions from Luton to my work in google maps today tbh

I saw that too on my lunch break, I almost threw up.

NYC Professor on IQ, Genetics, and Race

Lad…… Not even memiing I think the education system is designed to grind out non-conformity and the wildness of men.

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I only got NV a week or 2 ago and still haven't played it yet

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He will return one day

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I blame the normies for all this.

Not only do they watch it and encourage more of this cheap garbage telly, but they are happy to pay for it.

Poor lad.

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It's a bit like the vidya equivalent of LoTR tbh. It's a real landmark title and people are still talking about it.

Really makes you kek

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