Brit/pol/ #1949: /ARENIGE/ Edition

Nigel Farage goes after the Jews

A new survey shows white millennials think a lot more like whites than millennials

Halloween horror as car 'crashes into shoppers' in London - one dead, one injured

Deadly Halloween attack in New York branded 'terrorism' by authorities

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oh wew wrong version

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Bulldoze that shit and build houses for immigrants now!


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Now what would you be in that thread for

I had a dream where the Based NA blew up my house.

I just saw it while scrolling past, honest!

Most of these larpers are against God as they want to be able to touch themselves, nought virtuous about that.
yes I know that it's referring to Buddhists and Sikhs and the like

Wrath honestly doesn't seem that bad

Its not its referring to people like Aristotle and Virgil who lived lives which would be considered Christian and advanced doctrines similar to Christianity but died before ever hearing about Christ.


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You've got all eternity for it to stop being fun

GCHQ confirmed for being unable to read spoilers :^)

lol. Look at that ginger plank. What a numpty.

Sikhs and Buddhists are just heathens if they continue their faith. Dante was referring to the classical pagan philosophers of antiuity

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I would imagine heaven would get boring as well if it was for all eternity, at least constant fighting keeps you active.

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More students, young Americans turn to paganism

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Is this real?

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I'm not sure, although it wouldn't at all surprise me

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Wow it really is the new atheism

Hey if I wanted eternal peace I would sit in a costa coffee for the rest of my life.


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I called it! :^)

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Hey lad, the local costa coffee is in a waterstones and it's fairly comfy, you can buy a book and have a drink.

smh tbh lad, THAT is supreme comfy.

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>"hurr christianity is fairy tales but oh em gee I believe in fairies" in the same fucking breath

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I hear it all too often.

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>"hurr Christ says to love thy neighbour but he also says to stone the gays? Christians are such dumb bigots!"
Drives me up the bloody wall with how bloody stupid they are, it takes less than a minute to get a brief explanation of why they're wrong and perhaps ten minutes of thorough explanation, but no they've listened to the (((telly))) and so they are the authority on the matter, not the Christian sitting next to them staring daggers at them.

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What did he actually say, just out of curiosity?

And the icing on this cake of rage is that if I were to explain the differences in moral and ceremonial law and that it's actually the Jews whose covenant would be telling people to stone gays, I'd be an antisemite for it.
If people want help finding God then I'll help them, but I've lost patience with these hell-bound bastards, they've no interest in learning.

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This is why a doctrine of election is such a comfort to a Christian in our evangelistic efforts. God has His elect even among the normies.

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War has changed.

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Isn't it funny how "WE'Z ALWAYZ BEEN BRITISH WE'Z ALWAYZ BEEN IN DIS CUNTREE" ends up with them being criminals.

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Why would they bring them back to Britain?

I saw a piece on the news about this video the other day at work. Despite the overwhelmingly negative public response, they've decided to double down and are now showing the video to schoolchildren. They showed the kids being asked what they thought about the video after having watched it in class and they responded with the kind of multicult platitudes you would expect of impressionable young minds constantly bombarded with liberal propaganda.

I personally am looking forward to the late stages of the Kali Yuga and the Age of Warlords.

They all know they're grasping at straws with this. Any one that opens a history book knows that the major demographic changes didn't start till 1948 then again in the 1960's and then finally in the 90's under Blair.

The Caribbean was a bit of a war zone, imprisoning them there would mean that the frogs would have reinforcements should they capture any areas.

He should double down
If he gets shoahed it will be a big red pill. Jews. Shooting themselves in the foot forever

It was nothing. A car accident
This was "worse"
Halloween horror as CLOWN gang use machine guns to spray crowd with bullets at London rave

And even those barely changed it.

Reap what you sow

Wew, watch the video, it's all wogs at the rave. RWDS?

You can barely understand a word they are fucking saying in the video yet apparently they are speaking English.

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Alot of work was put in after the 1948 act to reduce the rights of commonwealth citizens to migrate and stay here. That was all thrown out the door with labour in the 90's.

tbh, if I am asked I always praise wonders of multiculturalism, suggest buying homes at the worst muslim infested areas praising the authentic local take-aways and vibrancy, and claim that Britain should stop being so racist and welcome more refugees

Funny how the biggest proponents of multiculturalism are the ones who don't live in it, isn't it?

Tbh I don't mind the Jamaican accent on their own people in their own fucking country

Oh man I'd love to see him say that to someone from Uzbekistan's face

I'm beginning to be more drawn to accelerationism myself lately, the final and most difficult-to-swallow redpill of which is that George Soros is going to be the one who ends up saving us all.

Exactly. I've seen it so many times.

Yank education at its finest.

Wrong, who kills Soros wins.

Soros is a figurehead, yes he has power but striking him down won't end it.

Reminder that being anti-hedonist, patriotic, virtuous and self-dignified is the most rebellious thing you can do in today's day and age.

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But still enjoy getting bladdered at the weekend sporadically tbh.

No, you don't get it. He's pumping billions into subversive groups and institutions, the outcome of which will be a mass forced redpilling the likes of which has never been seen before. Him and others like him are forcing us to re-adopt our group identity in a way that our propaganda alone could never do.

Why didn't he strangle her live on air?

*crinkles your note*

Thanks! I get it now. Sorry for being so dumb.

One day we'll get to the final boss.

he should be fired

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What did it mean by this?

Peter Hitchens Talks Feminism, Transgender & Weinstein

"Nigel should know better" what a load of old rubbish. Everybody knows about the Jews power and influence, the information isn't even hidden only for tin-hatters with their third eyes open to be aware of, the Jews influence behind governments and media is blatant and not even attempted to be hidden at all, Washington Examiner should know better.

They deserve it just for the noise pollution, tbh

cant really listen to morality man unless I can see his jowls wobbling before me on the screen

'do you like our """hallowe'en""" costumes, user?'

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Build penal camps in Africa and send them back tbh

What is it a costume of?

I'm sure God is very happy that his children dress for the devil on the eve of the Saints

Him and his bloodline should be extinguished anyway
People get executed for less in America tbh and his actions have led to widespread murder s, rapes, poverty and death


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A slut

Something spooky on the streets of Britain: Hallowe’en revellers hit the town in some very fancy outfits (but some of them will be feeling pretty ghastly this morning)

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She was on point with the costume design.


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I have a theory about sexy Halloween costumes.
So, all women want to fuck monsters, right? Twilight and shit. See where I'm going?

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You're spot on. Monster = Chad

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yfw the proles know something is deeply wrong but are unable to articulate it so just get leathered instead

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I really want to punch that flatface gook behind the trump kid

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That's not even a costume of anything, they're just dressed as whores.