Brit/pol/ #1953: BIG Edition

UK interest rates rise for first time in 10 years

The UK's race to get its own nuclear inspectors

EU nurses 'turning their backs on UK'

Emmanuel Macron writes Eiffel Tower poem for UK schoolgirl

Gavin Williamson replaces Michael Fallon as defence secretary

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Other urls found in this thread:ödde


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Nth for his giant conk

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An older lass once grabbed my cock and bollocks through my legs

Time for Zig Forums to confess how they've been sexually assaulted by women

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Apply for a grant and buy a machete then you can carry out late term abortions on them after asking them to sign your petition for late term abortions. Perfectly lethal legal and you'll get off scot free should the contract be challenged in a court of law

Fuck off Jock Neil what have bar mitzvahs got to do with are culture you virtue signalling cunt, I hope you get bashed in your skull by a claymore

Never happened to me tbh

I want that feeling

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We need to set up a support group for young men who've been groped by roasties tbh

This from Harman the pedophile enabler and defender



Lmao, the lyrics are all about fucking a girl like an animal

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Nick is live in five.

Never happened to me. Probably because I dismiss women and literally treat them like small children.

It's what they really want tbh

I guess that makes sense


She just creeped up behind me outside a bar and grabbed me tbh

He is a good lad, only 19 and probably the best Right Wing American pundit. Refused to stop calling them out and got sacked from his gig at RSBN.

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What's RSBN?

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Based Edwina Currie tbh

Right Side Broadcasting Network, they cut their teeth broadcasting all the Trump rallies.

She has been fucking based

oh right that's where I've seen them

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I have a lesson in how pozzed Germany is for you
I attach an interview with Dickie Spencer did with a German journalist
Richard Spencer IMPALES THEN SODOMISES German journalist WITH TIKI TORCH-1
The journalistödde
He went to Aston University in Birmingham
Basically him and the Turk are sodomising a Somalian kid

I am speechless, truthfully.


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She's actually been good and is talking common sense. I love how Harriet PIE Harman is screeching about protecting women from predators.

Piss break time

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D-did you watch Question Time?

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When I was learning ju jitsu in primary school, I got to train with a girl about twice my age at the time and she pinned me to the floor and when I tried to wriggle free she whispered "you've got no chance wee lad" in my ear
It's not assault though
And I liked it tbh

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From what I gather, it was just a 'let's bitch at men'-fest.

Question Time isn't real lad they're all just actors


Fucking hell that got normalised quickly

Sweden is unironically worse than a ME country. At least in the ME only the most butthurt muslims blow people up over "muh version of islam is better", in Sweden every non muslim is fair game and Allah demands they be raped and murdered.

That's a good video. Thank you. Interesting link to a British university.

I just think a lot of people missed it and it is a genuinely funny interview and the wiki on the journalist was the icing on the cake tbh
Have a (you) for your underrated post la'

At least in the ME you can shoot back.

Your welcome. Gave me a laugh tbh

Good point tbh. In the ME someone rapes your daughter you kill them and their entire family and the government won't step in.

Harriet Harman is never being invited back on lmao, fucking utter cunt

99 in the ashtray



I turned on, saw Owen Jones, and turned off.

I wish. I wish it was just a surreal comedy.

Senior EU Minister: Countries REFUSING to 'Open the Door' to Muslim Migrants Will 'Destroy Europe'

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Tbf lad it's more about her being a complete libelous cunt who will lie about anyone she doesn't like

Me too. Knowing that he takes a muslim load up his arse made it even funnier.


Psychopaths and soulless materialists who're happy to go along with the psychopaths so long as it lines their pockets.

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I think I'm doing it wrong.

I love him lads

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everyone needs to die

kill kill kill

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What's your squad? :^)

He's a fucking communist who will be dead when we are fighting for our lives
Literally Socialist Workers Party
The EU is run by commie manlets from NOTHING countries

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wut happened?

The only good politician.

Is dead one.

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Poor lad's a tortured mad genius.

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MI6 'doesn't trust Boris': Security services 'wary' of sharing information with the Foreign Secretary (and don't like his jokes)

*raises stone axe*

death to the oppressors

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i dunno lad I just jumped randomly into the game after the little intro, literally just played 2 maps so far

Going to a gym in the morning. Good night chaps!

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The two outspoken critics are both Jews you'll see in the article

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I disavow.

your gay

real men do calisthenics

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top kek

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Is this the legendary based jew?

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Must be pretty fucking annoying tbh.

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Helmer questioning why I be on Question Time
Musta missed when I dropped 50 woke rhymes
That subverted media timelines and gave people back the power
I'm on fire like the Grenfell Tower when I spit
So Helmer lad just return to your sofa and sit.

*mic drop*

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You need a coordinated squad tbh lad, we can do a game this weekend if you fancy.

only ever had an old lady grab my bum and hold it while in conversation with another old lady while I stood next to her tbh



sick of that spic tbh

It's funny 'cos he's a yid

peng fam

Swear to God lads, the amount of times I've grabbed lasses arses in nightclubs I'd probably be branded a serial rapist if I was an MP

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remember that they are the ones demanding equality :^)

kek. It's too real lad, if you were black you would be held up as a pinnacle of modern Britain and the BBC would fawn over you like a newborn. What you typed is literally what they get fellated by society for.

Yeah I dropped in on a random server and everyone was just doing their own thing, or nothing much at all, pretty much chaos on a small scale. Maybe lad, could be fun.

When I was in school, like seven or eight, there was this disgusting black heffer a couple of years older who used to corner me and push me against a wall. Eventually I got sick of her and punched her in the face, and she got all indignant about it like she'd done nothing wrong. Was she sexing me up?

Even gorillas have less animalistic mating rituals than wogs.

I agree with varg tbh, the wicker man is another psyops by the manleteraneans

Having a four man coordinated squad works bloody lovely in that game, you can sneak around the Huns, drop into their trench, and gun the whole lot of them down.

Dunno lad, when I was 17 a 13/14~ year old girl grabbed my arse and another girl shouted "sexy" straight after when I was in sixth form

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Chubby/going on full blown fat lass virtually tried to rape me when I was out once years ago. And you know what her technique was (I could tell this was a routine at the time)? Telling me about how she was raped at 14 or whatever it was she said, trying to put you in a weaker position to tell her to fuck off.

Women throw themselves at men and grope/kiss without consent all the time, you just deal with it one way or the other.

This tbh, you either play along or ignore it. I've had birds playfully pinch my arse and me return the favour more times than I can count.

xddddddd absolutely DESTROYED

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I still have oneetus, lads. Can't feel attraction to any other women at all. They're all so uninteresting.


apparently many Mosques are digging private water wells so they have their own water supply

That means in the event of a collapse, and a breakdown of the state system, Muslims will have control of water supplies. if you want to drink, you have to convert…

occurs at 37:37

So she's donating all of her wealth to charity when she dies, leaving none for her kids? Good to know. What a nice person.