Brit/pol/ #1954: British Engineering Edition

UK police investigate fresh sexual assault claims against Kevin Spacey

Jewish group demands apology after Harriet Harman repeats Holocaust joke live on BBC

'No deal' Brexit could add £930 a year to UK shopping bills, say experts

Four men jailed over sexual exploitation of young girls in Newcastle

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Good lad

does Nick Land have a decent book to pick up, or do you have to read through hundreds of archived blogposts just to get a couple of interesting paragraphs out of him like mencius jewberg?
I tried listening to an interview with him and he seemed like a shit communicator, even when I sped it up.

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You think making it a thread makes your shitposting invincible, I can leave the board without a thread lad, I'm that insane.

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This. Except the historical loyal spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) i.e. the anti-Bonaparte spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine).

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What did she mean by this?

His blog is pretty straightforward bar some passages of continental style theoryspeak. His books are more dense.

So sick of those comrade corbyn nike shirts I decided to make this.
Will the trendy kids be into it?

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this is the first vaguely decent looking women I have ever seen posted on Zig Forums in my entire life


Anyone else going on Sunday?
They've closed off all public transport from midday.

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Anyone else see Delta Force in that image?

nice looks 80s tbh

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no thread is better than a bad thread

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good lad, mummy will have tendies for for you

I agree, this is why I said they departed from the true Church of Christ

As Belgic Confession of Reformed churches states:

She looks decent enough.
I bet she's the type to eat toast in bed and leave crumbs everywhere.

I've missed Ray Mears for two weeks.

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You do realize that when he says "this is the first vaguely decent looking woman I have ever seen posted on Zig Forums" he is unintentionally saying Kate Bush isn't decent looking, lad?

These fucking kikes

Demanding that anyone do anything is always a power move

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Meg is better

She doesn't recognise the importance of 'labels' and is probably a Pentecostal.

She is a few notches below Meg.

Dean? Who is dean?

Dean posted his video.

I was imagining someone saying "I am just quote unquote Christian."

good lad, I need to keep up better with this channel, I follow herbie and webster more, they get esoteric basset tbh

*shoots you before you shoot me*

No, they mean


Many would disagree with him tbh

Righto, I will take your word for it.

Maybe I would maybe I wouldn't

meant to post the Cash version smh

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The chad vs the virgin

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Tbh what would happen if you drove bloodhound into that cube thing in mecca

this is a 3d render, isnt' it?

He scares me

I think he's going to do something really bad to keith

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how the fuck would I know?


nothing really

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I agree, none of the others even come close

Sounds like a laugh tbh

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Sounds good

Real women have elegance, grace and class

Thots from Bristol have student debt and fanny crabs

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The based lad who did this…

Literally a hero.

We need to blitzkrieg the truth all around.

Get the fucking kikes scared.

They cut and sucked my dick when I was a infant.

That is all the reason I need to hate them.

Everything else is icing on the cake.

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We're on the same team, lad

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If a populist politician is doing well then they wouldn't feel the need to involve themselves in broadcasts like that.
It just shows how desperate he is.



dont they only do that to their own?

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Cause Mohel or whatever. My parents specifically my dad is a christian jewophile. So they got my dick cut (nice dick reduction and lota pain forever yaya) to please yawhey.

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The Labour is in tatters right now and he's dong his upmost to market the party as 'one of the people'.
He seems to be the only labour politician doing that. Even his favorite pet Gibbon keeps shooting herself in the foot.

They'll never be in power at this rate I hope

my condolences lad that is very odd

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oh it's bins larping

Kek my parents have dedicated their lives to this cause. Another reason they still feel righteous in cutting my dick and ruining my life.

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He's just a man of the people lad. I'm watching it and he sounds so false, they are watching university challenge and he said the right answer (Trainspotting) after the other celebrity he is sat with said it, can tell he had no idea

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I don't think Phil Campion is really SAS tbh

Localities make up a nation m8. Does your local gov control immigration? Maybe if Hot Fuzz lol.

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I've never believed that

I had this feeling too tbh. Suspicious about any of them who show their faces/ have their names released.

Who cares if he was tbh

If I order pizza it's only ever from Papa John tbh, best of the chains tbh, not full of grease and a decent thickness

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And he is chubby tbh

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*blocks your path*

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I think someone posted virgin dominoes / chad papa johns memi and now it is set in stone

nevermind its some niggerball shit apparently

Lad Papa Johns is owned by a Conservative it's been on their shitlist for years

Something about the CEO donated to Trump's campaign or something

>that Y isn't even proper CMYK Y >:^(
Genuinely considering a print run

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Everyone is so mean to you. I wish they weren't

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Those are some fucking cool t-shirts tbh

facebook moggaboos are cancer

Not sure if civic or not

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Thick of it is a lot better that Yes Minister tbh

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the things i do for memi

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It was a good expose of how shit New Labour were

annabel is marginally better

Why have they pushed me to anime, I resisted for a decade but there is nothing else for me but old movies and tv shows. Just re-watched the Sandbaggers, fucking amazing.

Thanks, lad. It's in the bully's nature

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Needed a little something

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Looks Bulgarian smh.

What did they do?

Fuck sake wrong file
that could have been a lot worse tbh

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Here comes a trick

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