Brit/pol/ #1965: Brexit Countdown Edition

Barnier’s ultimatum: Britain has less than two weeks to clarify Brexit strategy

Article 50 architect says Brexit can be reversed

Theresa May facing more questions over Priti Patel Israel meetings
Oy vey

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first for nobody

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I tried to read Spinoza's Ethics and realised I was a long way off actually "getting" it.

I'm going to build up to it tbh.

I know it's a bit early for a fresh thread but I wanted to get it out the way for the night shift.

what do you lads want for Christmas?

A huwhite xmas tbh

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Good lad

Been thinking of getting Yakuza Ishin imported from Japan tbh, it doesn't have an English translation though since it was never localised


My country.

Shit. I forgot the links

Top Lad.

I forgot the song.

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Can only hope.

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Good lad.

was gonna say. Edited

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So can his birth

What's he doing?

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Name a Prime Minister who hasn't dissapointed all of us in the past 25yrs.

Theresa's legacy would be getting us out the EU unscathed. If she fails, then would we be shocked?

Yeah, no subtlety.

I find there's sometimes something about the mode of writing and prose with some 17thC etc writing that you've got to acclimatise to, especially when it comes to philosophical writing. Also makes you realise how much modern writing seems dumbed down in comparison, or perhaps just our way of explaining has changed, or maybe I just need to read more.

To remembered well by anybody in the future all she has to do is obtain a no-deal brexit, which requires literally nothing of her, and she'll probably fuck that up.

One has to remember education was a rarity back then, so our (presumably) state-school education doesn't even scratch the surface of theirs.

miss him tbh

Selling his body on street corners to old men

This divorce bill bullshit is pissing me off, asking for billions and billions for nothing, wanting us to pretty much stay in

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I think she'll get a no-deal tbh.
The EU are on a power trip at the moment they think the ball is in their court and are just fucking us about by playing games. Tbh, the next 14 months would be enough time to get deals elsewhere if Theresa pulls her finger out. Right now she is concentrating on getting us some sort of deal. Personally I'd just abandon the prospect and look outwards.

The next GE is on the 5th May 2022, and if she want's to keep Corbyn out she'll have to really work hard and fast. I also think this whole sex scandal stuff stirred up by the media (which isn't anything serious like rape or violent abuse) is a trick to distract the PM from keeping her focus on what's important which is getting the best deal for the UK.

£10 billion, £20 billion, £100 billion? how 'bout we're paying none of it

Wow lads, stop the presses.
The Westminster sex scandal is the biggest load of hot air except for potentially a couple exceptions. Nonce rings are blatantly still being covered up

This will all only cause women to be scared of men and vice versa

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Meanwhile in Burgerland…

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Fucking hell.

People have been sending letters like this since the inception of the written language on paper.


was he of the "fat guy eating a mango" fame?

"fit" people eternally btfo

This is getting ridiculous now

What the fuck is this bullshit?

Aye, true.

Adiposocaust when?

Sort it out lad

There is something big going on behind the scenes.

Is he a wog, lads?

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Fucking Marxists.


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Is that epilepsy?

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I like to live on the edge

Based anti extremist man

That escalated. Fat people can lose weight so easily it's a disgrace they aren't fored by the state

Yeah that's the one

Found a new dog lads, I love him

I've often wondered about the historic variation in accents and dialects. I'm from the rural south of County Durham and young people I hear increasingly speak with only a very mild accent that I could distinguish as being from the area, it's increasingly just a generic English one. I've seen interviews of FWW soldiers from the area and their accent is very strikingly unique compared to the Geordie/Teessider/generic English borg we have here now.

Surprised that wasn't defunded tbh

tbh I think my mind just blocks out hertz posts.

Evolution tbh

Is this what they call thicc?

based northerners do it again

Aldi's is all white too.

Truly is the best Christmas ad this year, no over the top shite, no racemixing, just a lad being a good brother. Second best is Aldi's, little bit over the top but consists of two carrots so there isn't any racemixing or anything. Cheeky "pea'd myself" joke as well although a little bit risky tbh

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Wew lads

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Really don't understand the fascination with supermarket Christmas adverts tbh lads
Why have they become a thing everyone talks about?


marks and spencer made a soppy fancy one a few years ago and then made another the following year

then everyone started doing them

It was John Lewis I thought that started it

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It's our last cultural tread to Britain's peak in the late 1800's, and it is commercialised for that fact.


Been on keto for 2 weeks now and I've lost 2 pounds. Haven't even started working out properly yet.

so many missed opportunities

also what the fuck is this?

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American Horror Story

I lost about ten in two weeks just on diet and I wasn't overweight.

m&s has done them since like 2009

This is the second time they've mocked Liberal cunts and did the Drumpf male angle

lads you forgot about this brown chap

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This video kills the Steiner

Lad the first thing that people posted about was the trailer for this season and I assume that clip just posted is from the most recent episode


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The weight loss at the start from no carbs and calorie counting was very quick. I did no weights or excersise either. But I was obseesive and kept a diary of everything I ate. I talked about this before but I had to stop or I would have murdered someone. Moody and decreased libido and constipation like you wouldn't believe.


U wot?

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I've eaten barely 1200 calories and less than 10g of carbs a day, and I've had some exercise. Haven't experienced what you did.

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You aren't in ketosis yet, you need to eat 20g of carbs a day lad, that is very hard.


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They released a season trailer a while back before the season started airing which showed parts from various episodes of the new season. One part including the blue haired guy humping the TV when Trump wins

I've checked my urine though, it's full of ketones. Always the purple colour on the test strip.

At least I think this is the case, going by my memory and assumptions

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Sorry lad was lazy, didn't read you are on 10g. That's fucked up if you only lost two but you may aswell keep going for a few weeks

I don't think it' healthy at all long term tbh

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Why not?

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It puts your bowels to sleep, is unbalanced. It was terrible on my mind, and as soon as I went back to carbs I got my libido back and could take more than on shit a week and not fly off the handle.