Brit/pol/ #1975: Divine Intellect Edition

Brexit: EU gives May two weeks to act on divorce bill and Ireland

'Be ashamed, Alex': Salmond courts controversy with RT

Don’t alienate your allies, you’ll need them to face China – Tony Blair warns Donald Trump

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Other urls found in this thread:

jewesses tbh

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Thread ruined already

Twitter gives neo-Nazis, racists Dec. 18 deadline—and could then kick them out entirely


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Good CIA nigger

I don't get this, they are giving a December 18 deadline - but what do they want users to DO before that deadline?

Normally a deadline is a date that's set by which something has to be completed or achieved, but what are they asking for?

Is it just a statement to say, "We're just going to kick you off on the 18th", because no task has been set?

cunts tbh

They are already making a loss, the platform is slowly dying, they're not getting many new users, and they decide to to this.
This is such a stupid move.

Good lad

t. literal nazi

Np lads

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Sri Lanka violence: 19 held amid Buddhist-Muslim street clashes

Trouble wherever muslims are


phew, good thing bigots are being stopped from communicating online
I mean it's not like they can exchange ideas in real life or anything, right?

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Pretty Boy Floyd>>>>>John Dillinger tbh

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But lad, that's the point. We want you to communicate IRL so we can send in our wogs to disrupt your meetings or have our agent provocateurs shut down any of your leader's speeches . If you try to fight back we'll arrest you on hate speech charges or tell your employer that you're a neo-nazi so that you lose your job. Also muh CCTV and hidden microphone bushes.

That's what happens when you let the ADL in your door

This is the most disturbing thing

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this all rests on the political capital of taboo. That all goes out the window once there are enough people who are disaffected with the way things are.

guy literally got hunted like an animal by the state
john escaped from prison twice plus he wasn't a normalfag and had a memable facial expression

floyd looks like scott steiner/most germanic midwesterners tbh

lads read this lol
this has to have been written by a fucking kike


In which case they ought to be banning all antifa accounts!

sounds like good a PR opportunity


How are they planning to do that

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basic web trawling? linked accounts?

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Most "nazis" use anonymous accounts though.

The very fact they get ticks is indicative of them being known prior to twitter.

Every single time.

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theyve been planning this for a LONG LONG time


fuck that is so strong.

Expect to take in all the alt-roite refugees during Xmas week.

What happened to Mark Collett's nazi fake tit barbie doll gf?

deported back to Poland

It's such a Jewish grating sound


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Is that really the woman that got enriched?

She should be grateful and honoured to be the reciever of such comprehensive cultural enrichment tbh


Reminds me of that fat coalburner on fb who got black eyed after telling white lads how inferior we are.

It's pottery.

Getting Fedora 27 was a mistake.

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Notice how it's 'Sickening rant' instead of 'racist rant' despite the racism being right there in the title,if this was wypipo shouting the odds at POC it would be a different story.

This new Microsoft AI is fucking filthy

Attached: ZoFilthy.JPG (946x678, 44.69K)

Today in the Daily Diversity
Fucking useless thots

isn't Fedora already using Wayland?

She doesn't want to lose her precious virtue signalling followers.

I hope her big mouth gets her into more shit.

>As a non-binary Person of Colour in the music and art world, we aren’t going to see ourselves represented by the mainstream, that’s why we must create our own stream, carve our own river, and build our communities along that river so that we can nourish and feed ourselves, artistically and emotionally

Absolute pure cancer



As far as It's still using X.


maybe they can do that in fucking africa


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This new Microsoft AI wants the D so bad

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Was it Sideshow Bob?

Nogs can't behave like humans

The only reason to get a Twitter account was shitposting. They banned all my 350 accounts, so I gave up.

Ha, feminist gets rescued from a feral POC by a fucking huwhite male!


I hope SA's missing as he's planning on bombing the BBC.


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Was he lonely?

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Really, I don't get the mentality of some people on here.

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They were a colony. They were British. And they got sold out by the jews till they all died or fled.


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yeah it was also civic as fuck

You have just described the MO and raison d'etre of the Empire lad.

It's ours.

The radio show has been awful; they know that it's almost impossible to paint Mugabe and ZANU in a good light but they are doing their utmost, all the while making Rhodesia sound as awful as possible.
They actually fucking referred to it as the white government/armed forces, fucking unbelievable.

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Help for builders

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Africa is a beautiful continent, which is why it should be ours.

One day we'll replant our flag.

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whats an MO

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The chinks have got it now.

And they are throwing 6yr old niglets down the mines for platinum and lithium.


modus operandi

okai :3

Got to pay their donors off somehow.


America should have never left the colonial era tbh

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He's interviewed in the other video where you see a nigger also getting bashed

tbh as soon as they let in the italians and jews everything went to shit

No a physics teacher

If we don't help them then the chinks exploit them

What even is pidgin?

The nigger got bashed?


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Letting in the Jews destroyed this country too tbh

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speaking of Italians and Jews,is this peak coastcuck?

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Did she claim the nigger called her a "normie"?

I seriously doubt that

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