Brit/pol/ #1986: Are Charlie Edition

Oxford Circus: Two men quizzed after Tube panic

Australia knocks UK Brexit trade plan

UK cold snap to continue over weekend, Met Office warns

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Good lad

When Godwinson was slain, the last link between the rulers of and the founders of England was severed. He was the last king to also be one of the English people.

Succinctly put lad

fifth for Harry can't race mix right.

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He was the last legitimate English king. Everyone since has been a usurper.

Fears grow for missing 14-year-old girl who was last seen getting off a ferry in Southampton

Hope she doesn't meet any kebabs

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She looks 20 something

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some number for local christmas

good lad

good lad but nothing will come of it and you'll regret not spending the night shitposting with us

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He wasn't English he was a Saxon

He wasn't even a noble kek tbh. He just had political support.

Our next Monarch is more likely to be a strongman who rises to power in these turbulent times and crowns himself or subordinates the monarchy to his will.

She's dead, Isle of Wighters are too pure to survive off the mainland.


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Thanks lad
aahhhhhhh lad he only LARPs as an Arab because he's a closet memriposter tbh

Cheers lads

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That sounds like something a muslim would attempt

They are a candidate but they're so inbred, materialistic and thick they will never take power here. (Unless enough white lads convert).

Implying godwinson isn't native

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It makes sense tbh

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That's how Anglo-saxon england was, less blue blood and more strong arms.

Anglo-Saxons and the English are different genetically unless we are all Brussels?

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what is in the water in norfolk tbh


There were no wog Fremen.

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Ahh maybe I'll get a cool scar like that

fremen are based on arabs though tbh

Are you saying the Anglo Saxons blood run through all Englishmen? Because that's provably false, the genetic stock in England hasn't changed majorly in five thousand years, Saxons have been here for 1500 on those.

Anyone have the memri that goes
"kill the faggots and fascism won't exist?"

Haven't seen that one before kek, saved

Here you go lad

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fascism is the implicit last stand of faggots

To an extent yes the identity of english directly comes from anglo saxons

There's a bot with loads of them.

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Do we have to suffer communism in order to recover our country?

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Not just to an extent lad
That made from a monk (in the 800s iirc) who wrote some propaganda to help unify the English people, while you're right English people see themselves as Anglo-Saxons but they are wrong in thinking so.

No bother tbh

Bookmarked tbh, cheers lad

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I think this just became my favourite channel tbh

English people are far more united in terms of genetics than any of the celtic peoples, matey.

Joe was right tbh

You're welcome lad.

It's the only good thing to have come out of Islam.

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Not really we are pretty much genetically equal to taigs as we both came from the Iberian peninsular and haven't been turned into mutts by Muslims like the Spanish were yet.

'''Archbishop of Canterbury warns churches must learn to embrace complex modern families

Cambridge University colleges hold new chapel services for gay and transgender Christians in a bid to be more inclusive
>Reverend Andrew Hammond, chaplain at the college, said he believed Church teaching needed to change on controversial issues because what mattered was the 'quality of the love, not the gender of the lovers.'

Meanwhile in the real world

The Anglican communion is on its knees tbh, and rightly so.

My money's on the hydra tbh

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No, England and most of Scotland were actually settled by continental La Tene tribes like the Belgae. Even Roman historians commented on the differences between the Welsh and Dumnonians compared to the Eastern tribes. It's a nice neat theory that everyone before the Saxons were just 'celts' who came from Spain but only Welsh DNA seems to back this up solidly.

If a group of people you confine under one 'celtic' banner have such differing genetics then why are you disputing the fact that English people, who have significantly different DNA due to Anglo/Scandinavian input to celts can't be considered their own ethnic group?

Based cutting yourself off from society so you can count your coins by yourself

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Falklands Islands to be protected by Iron Dome technology
What are (((they))) playing at.

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God must be taught by us
t. Archfaggot (((Welby)))

Really makes you _

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Jewish invasion by khazar titty monsters.

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Given that the Hydra grows more heads after each one is cut off, is the maker of that image /ourlad/ mocking Peterson a little by saying we shouldn't have abandoned nationalism for what it created doing so?

Damn that's pretty clever

Can anyone confirm if Jones is a Soy drinker?

This thread.

There's still two parties dived who if your right or if they came from Iberian area
I've never claimed we are Celtic lad, just we aren't Anglos

Culturally yes, but racially no.

Name one thing wrong with miscegenation without LARPing.

Sure: Filtered

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You're setting up a circular argument with that condition tbh. Define what ISN'T larping

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Anglo literally means English, lad. The English were an amalgamation of Germanic/scandinavian settlers and the pre-Roman tribes.

not belonging to one ethnic group is mentally damaging for someone, as neither side accepts them as "their own".

Wow people on twitter disgareee… with us h-h-how intrenzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz

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English and Welsh have no marked genetic difference. They work on a conitinuum you fucking mong. I.e. both are essentially cultural in nature.

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It removes identity and thus makes the resulting offspring favour things like globalism and socialism.

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play me a song, monkey boy

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That's not true in the slightest, while it appears we have a bit more Scandinavian then is thought, but no one thinks with any authority the people of this island have that much German blood in us.


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more fucking labels in cult right memmies than a ben garrison
also I M P A CT


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Interesting that women aren't as interested in robomen as men are in robowomen.

This is nothing short of willful a denouncement of DNA science. Lad i'm not saying it's a bad thing, i'm just saying someone from Essex is not the same ethnically as someone from Pembrokeshire. Smh it's like arguing with a fucking 'one race human race' leftoid.

Are you saying there's some sort of threshold that germanic genetic influence has to cross in order for English people to be deemed ethnically different from the rest of Britain? Why aren't you denouncing the large genetic differences between the Irish and Scots? You seem to think that the entire archipelago has one uniform ethnicity when this has been disproven with nothing more than a cheek swab.

Men want companionship, women want cummies.

Type 23 Frigate Base Shake-Up To Begin In 2018

So he sacrifices his principles because other people don't meet his standards. Does that mean he wouldn't fuck a non-white girl if we were all super moral and religious? I doubt it. It seems like an excuse. "You guys aren't perfect, so I don't have to be perfect either!"

No I think he was just pointing out the hypocrisy here, rather than using it as justification.