I agree with Styx, Germany should be eradicated from this Earth. They've literally only caused suffering since their unification. Reminder Kaiser Wilhelm II caused the communist revolution in Russia purposefully by letting Lenin into Russia. He single handedly caused the deaths of hundreds of millions of people.
I think Harrisposting has been a British tradition as long as singing 10 German bombers has, it's elementary to the pysche.
Carter Jenkins
some libertarian fags on the Zig Forums back in the Ron Paul days used to regularly leave a copy of "The Black Book of Communism" at the grave. A waste of money and time, tbh.
I hate them tbh lauren southern is a stupid leaf whore who pretends she is American like any leaf who wants to be famous. she also never talks about her own country but gives lectures about the history of mine even though she probably knows nothing about anything except make up and shitty blow jobs
Daniel Phillips
Imagine if they had a high status male to marry and have kids with they wouldn't need to be on the internet getting bullied
Tara is throwing a right strop and people are bullying all of the e-thots, Lauren is trying to run damage control on taking ethnic sausage, and basically every single one of them is making up shitty excuses for not practicing what they preach. What a glorious evening.
Her video on why she wasn't having children had some of the most pitiful excuses going, it was so fucking obvious from that video that she was little more than an attention whore who was cashing in on easy patreon donations.
tbf you get worse than that on normal dating sites
Michael Brooks
Luke Robinson
Those won't be enough, they've annoyed a lot of people now with their shitty reasoning and are being called out across the board, and acting like stropping children. It's their own damn fault, they have been preaching about "based traditional women" for over a year now, and not one of them is actually acting upon that.
'The "trad"thot is immunised against all dangers: one may call her a whore, crypto-feminist, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But call her childless and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out””
I've spotted better looking women stuck in traffic tbh.
Ethan Rogers
Women literally cannot help but create and exacerbate drama. Like says: it's all fucking narcissism. It's utterly revolting. There really aren't that many women I can find attractive on account of this childish shit.
Connor Gomez
All I want is an /ara/ wifey who'll take care of the kids and treat me like one.
Yesterday I was defending these women as useful (which I still think they are tbh), but getting really irritated by their thot narcissism tbh. Do they really not realise that they're not original or interesting, and people just watch them for their tits?