Brit/pol/ #2001: Hotwheels Edition

Two police officers suffer serious injuries in stabbing incident

Five injured as car collides with pedestrians in south-west London

Hero police officer clings on to van hanging precariously over motorway bridge with driver trapped inside

Mother arrested on suspicion of child neglect after toddler wanders into shop alone

Person dies after being electrocuted at Manchester Piccadilly train station

Fate of London, Mumbai and Delhi are intertwined: London Mayor

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Other urls found in this thread:

jewesses tbh

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I live next to that graveyard, his tomb is always covered with flowers & nearby are various socialist leaders who wanted to be buried close to him.

He is truly the idol of this present age.

no lad dont soil your sausage in that sows snatch

can we also have a filter on Jewesses?

sick of it tbh

This needs destroying and his bones digging up and scattering on the nearby A1 at rush hour. I look forward to reading about it.

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I would very happy to accommodate their wishes

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Goo la


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shameless repost

I agree with Styx, Germany should be eradicated from this Earth. They've literally only caused suffering since their unification.
Reminder Kaiser Wilhelm II caused the communist revolution in Russia purposefully by letting Lenin into Russia. He single handedly caused the deaths of hundreds of millions of people.

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nth for no bullying

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pleasetanktheprice pleasetanktheprice

Shouldn't it be a pit in the ground like the rest of the workers?

t. man who started it

What about bullying the eternal thots who are being called out currently?

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I think Harrisposting has been a British tradition as long as singing 10 German bombers has, it's elementary to the pysche.

some libertarian fags on the Zig Forums back in the Ron Paul days used to regularly leave a copy of "The Black Book of Communism" at the grave. A waste of money and time, tbh.

GCHQ actually factually fucking confirmed

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Thanks m'lad

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The ultimate nigger

I hate them tbh
lauren southern is a stupid leaf whore who pretends she is American like any leaf who wants to be famous. she also never talks about her own country but gives lectures about the history of mine even though she probably knows nothing about anything except make up and shitty blow jobs

Imagine if they had a high status male to marry and have kids with they wouldn't need to be on the internet getting bullied

top fuckin lel, subtle as a brick

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The irony is they had a comfy country once smh



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4 U


*makes amends*

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Tara is throwing a right strop and people are bullying all of the e-thots, Lauren is trying to run damage control on taking ethnic sausage, and basically every single one of them is making up shitty excuses for not practicing what they preach.
What a glorious evening.

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"Prince Harry and Meghan Markle want to poo into their hands and throw it around the reception whilst screeching"

Good taig.

the white genocide mene is one of the best exoteric menes created in a long time even if it isn't perfect. mantrafags are 10x better than whores

Is that legit?

My fucking sides

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>"hurr hurr white genocide amirite hurr hurr"
>"hey maybe I should cash in on that white genocide stuff"

> W O M E N

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never saw that coming

/tv/ is always right
pic related

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lad, don't you know spamming "DIVERSITY IS A CODEWORD FOR ANTI-WHITE" is the best way to win people around to your point of view?

Welcome lad

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That's what some of us have been saying this whole time, these women are worthless for any movement on our side.


by Jove! what is that

women have supporting roles only inside the home in any serious movement

When she is on some yt video she gets hammered in the comments. Her dirty little secret is out and she is living on borrowed time.

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Her video on why she wasn't having children had some of the most pitiful excuses going, it was so fucking obvious from that video that she was little more than an attention whore who was cashing in on easy patreon donations.

They are good as figureheads, but not as leaders.

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It's the future lad

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it an area effect spamming device to shift conversation lad

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didn't she use to do cosplay?
all the signs were there
maybe if alt-cuck wasn't full of beta male white knights they would have seen it too

rape is so crude though, its for the savages
didnt we invent a specific chair/crane contraption to waterboard thots with in the puritan era?

Yeah, she's commented on how she dresses up so blokes on the 'net can whack it to her.

Careful lads, she's got an army of white knights that are willing to die for her.


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Really can't say anything better than that.

Any women who does cosplay should ring alarm bells in the heads of men as attention whoring.

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Reminder that women are a memi and can't trusted to do anything.

Best Christmas present ever.

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Hotwheels converted to Christianity

You have problems.

I'm already regretting it.

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kEK Dyslexic Myspace angle

tbf you get worse than that on normal dating sites


Those won't be enough, they've annoyed a lot of people now with their shitty reasoning and are being called out across the board, and acting like stropping children.
It's their own damn fault, they have been preaching about "based traditional women" for over a year now, and not one of them is actually acting upon that.

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Still great films though, and there are worse liberties taken.

It's like they have a godlike ego. The more orbiters they can gather, the better they feel.
Truly narcissistic.

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if they were what they preached none of them would be on twatter in the first place
how blind are these betas?

nice tashe

Why are they so mad that they're being told to stop being hypocrites?

reverse fat girl photo angle or what?

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she is really quite hideous looking tbh

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u wot lad.

'The "trad"thot is immunised against all dangers: one may call her a whore, crypto-feminist, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But call her childless and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out””

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they somehow found a way to make me like Sadiq well, if I didn't already know better

There is nothing like a good bit of Christian [spoilers]Imperium[/spoiler]

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I've never understood the thirst for her, she's really nothing special.

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The films lacked poetic language and cut some of my favourite scenes tbh

vid related

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Also that's a Chink not a Nip

It's a mutts wet dream

I've spotted better looking women stuck in traffic tbh.

Women literally cannot help but create and exacerbate drama. Like says: it's all fucking narcissism. It's utterly revolting. There really aren't that many women I can find attractive on account of this childish shit.

All I want is an /ara/ wifey who'll take care of the kids and treat me like one.

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for a second I though william luther pierce was the narrator

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I think i just banned the wrong person, if i did just appeal it tbh.

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That scene was included though, lad.

If it's me I'll chin you

Yesterday I was defending these women as useful (which I still think they are tbh), but getting really irritated by their thot narcissism tbh. Do they really not realise that they're not original or interesting, and people just watch them for their tits?