Brit/pol/ #2005: Jerusalem edition

US to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital

US Troops Will Stay In Syria "As Long As We Need To"

Big boys foil plot to kill Mummy May

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sexualizing nuns is degenerate

Morning viewing for those who missed out last night.

Time for bed.


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is 22st driving his truck rn lads tbh?

No he's asleep please don't post pedal steel trucking music

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Poison reservoirs tbh lads


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Did any of you go to /lolcow/? I did a few times just to try and branch away from this board. It was pretty funny but a bit mean.

The Peter Coffin saga was hilarious too but yeah, mostly they're just autistic bullies who target people to deflect from their own fucked-upness

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death to bullies tbh

block head joe deserves the axe just for crushing his spirit

He fucked his own shit up tbh. If he'd shut the fuck up when they got cancelled they'd have been back at AS within 18 months under a different brand

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wew Zig Forums

Do something, like stockpiling guns and letting them gather dust while you sit around complaining, tbh.


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Time for work normies.

Mornin lads. Anyone else workin in the /comfy/ sector?

Saw this in a train station yesterday. Really pissed me off
I hope the irony wasnt lost on the poster designer

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Since when is this a concern?

Since pakis started exploding

Why don't we just lookout for pakis instead?

because it's racist and pakis enrich our boring culture with their vibrancy

You lads remember the absolutely dynamic energy Zig Forums had around the election and around brexit? Felt like every day we were achieving glorious things. Real shame to think about how it now has so much less impact and sway, and how it's no longer a place to spread redpills it is just a Trump appreciation hugbox.

I think Zig Forums has come to the end of it's life cycle. It happens. It's probably time for it to be replaced by something new.

We aren't on Zig Forums so what does it matter? I've bitched here many times about how Zig Forums should still be brit/pol/, personally I don't see Zig Forums as a buch of burgerkooks like many here do. It was fun being a perma general on Zig Forums.

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A victim of its own success. The memmies were so successful that normies wanted to see them at source and eventually the fuckwitted drones came to outnumber the creatives by 1000-1

Zig Forums never had energy, it was a forced consensus that Frumpf was based and anyone who questioned his obvious Hebrew ties was denounced as a kike shill.

I see them every morning. Rather funny that they'd make a poster this specific when pakis don't do any of that level of organising, they just grab a van and knife and go.

A lot of outside parties are doing their best to fuck with the place now too, it's pretty clear. Whether they're actual paid agents, or just Goons and Redditors, it goes on.

They sure are retarded to, easily to point out. Don't browse it much anymore.

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Oh, hooray.

We're already getting cuckchanners tbh

Some interesting comments here the other day about video images being manipulated. But isn't it easy to tell by examining file data the extent of manipulation? Also wd it be fair to argue that it's rare for a newsworthy event to be captured by a single camera, so we'll usually have several 'views'?

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Plexiglass Is "Racist"

She's doing more damage to herself than anyone else could've done anyway tbh.

It must take some balls to open shops in these areas. Taxi Driver tire hassle every day of your life. Fugg dat sheeeeeit!

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I think this one has it right Zig Forums might have had a forced consensus on Trump but to say it had no energy is just untrue lad. I think the overton window shifted a lot in the election, and dank memis had an undeniable role in that.

Very true, you wouldn't believe how starved the public was to see something creative and influential art make a return, kind of like the early renaissance when art paved the way for expression in dark times and places.

I take it that you're talking about this

We are already dealing with media manipulation without this advanced tech to trick people, half the time it's done just by not recording or only recording certain parts, other times it's image manipulation or camera angling. This tech just means that they'll be able to keep lying to the public, but now more effectively.

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The God-Emperor Trump stuff started out as a semi-ironic memi crafted by people who have been around long enough to realise that he wouldn't actually change anything but would trigger the fuck out of liberals. Around the time Trump won the primary the memi stopped being ironic and criticism became verboten

memmies were a symptom, not the cause in itself. The cause, as ever, was the economic and political disenfranchisement of the huwhite working and lower-middle class who have bared the brunt of the 2008 crash and have yet to see it rebalanced.

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The Hamburg 'scuffle' reporter sounds like a robot unconvincingly trying to sound like a human.

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Not what it means. Why does everyone make this mistake? Snowflakes are "special and unique". A snowflake is someone who always has to be the most unique person in the room. The kinds of people who invent new genders, or claim they have the spirit of a dragon.

MSM doesn't understand memmies.

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Those are people who tell you they have no discipline meaning they can be controlled or corralled into believing anything you put in their head.

Last porno palace in Paris: French capital’s favorite erotic cinema set to close its doors

The comments on here are getting rather bigoted.


Did a spastic make this?

It's supposed to be ironic I think

It might be worthwhile becoming a court artist, even with my average drawing skills it'd be easy work.

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Wow he actually said something accurate.

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What do you think the future looks like lad?

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No wait, I got it.

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Disheartening tbh, no wonder (((they))) like to use it so much


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Holy shit, my sides. He's such an autist haha

Her fans are rabid mind, once again makes me embarrassed of "our" side smh.

Bitcoin has gone up yet again. What the fuck lads, I thought that drop would be it for bitcoin

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But even then these people still have their uses, even if it's as limited as normalising right-wing concepts and ideas. Until this whole rotten system collapses in on itself you can do a heck of a lot worse than chucking a vote their way, just don't expect much from them and always keep a look out for a better alternative

What the fuck is going on with Bitcoin at the moment? I never know if it's spiking or dropping smh

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I love this memi

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Do you have any evidence of the beeb bullshitting? Need to fill up my fake news folder

When the Empire tried to get different tribes to integrate into one country it turned into shambles, it'll only happen again.

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Rwandan genocide 2 when?

What is it with wogs and stabbing?
She's lucky that mussies don't have the tactical abilities of even taigs

Well there's that first video for a start, the beeb also ran with it. There's also the blatant manipulation of information and rewording of stories to suit their side.

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Have they forgotten they live next door to Somalia?



but the jewish women were the highest paid

you were right the first time

into implies they were invited

They already have millions of Somali refugees living there iirc

No it doesn't lad

Cheers lad, thats golden

They have though, by our (((elites)))

>moslems WEing

Anyone fancy filling in the ones I missed?

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Even if it were true, so what? You put beans in water, and found out it tasted pretty good. Fucking wow.

To their credit they have proven able to copy and use most iron age technologies, unlike the Africans.

I never really understand the purpose in these posts. Muslims could have invented pretty much everything and it still wouldn't be a valid reason for them to emigrate to our nation on mass.

It's like great, you're not totally devoid of talent but can you fuck off back home already.

I think normies think it's all about being superior when the reality is I could careless about who is better at what, I just want them all to go home and take my country back.

But lad if you don't have immigration then you can't have the stuff haha

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Don't forget the Celts were happily using soap before Islam even existed and I'm pretty sure the druids had a grasp on Astrology

All those concessions for trade agreements with EU but in the end the only way to have something foreign is to bring in foreigners.

It all hurts my head so much.

They have no actual argument so have to twist and turn the debate as much as possible just to try and stand their ground, it just shows that we are in the right.

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i thought stimulants were haram?

English sparkling wine has been beating French Champagne in competitions recently and that's not even mentioning the food and drink we already do