British spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) thwart terrorist plot to ‘blow up & assassinate’ PM May, suspects in /uk /412057-terrorist-plot-kill-british-pm-may /
Theresa May says 'good progress' made on /news /uk-politics-42249850
London mayor calls on UK to apologize for colonial massacre that killed hundreds of /uk /412160-sadiq-khan-massacre-sikh /
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December 6, 2017 - 18:49
First for SA is a limp-wristed gimp tbh
December 6, 2017 - 18:50
first image
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December 6, 2017 - 18:50
Fucking shaliday my based black lad
December 6, 2017 - 18:52
Is this the faggot from rebel media?
December 6, 2017 - 18:52
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December 6, 2017 - 18:53
If the pakis did assassinate Teresa May, would the deputy PM Damien Green be in charge if he is under investigation?
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December 6, 2017 - 18:53
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December 6, 2017 - 18:54
But you were second lad? Eat more onions and maybe next time you will be.
December 6, 2017 - 18:55
What on earth did I do to cause such salt.
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December 6, 2017 - 18:56
At least he's MAKING A DIFFERENCE Unlike us, lad
December 6, 2017 - 18:57
Nothing lad, i just like joshing you
December 6, 2017 - 18:58
Cheers lads
Shadily brother, remember to praise Kek to really stick it to those LIEberal SJW fascist snowflakes
December 6, 2017 - 19:00
I too look forward to the day that I'm high T enough to get arrested for handing out larpy leaflets.
Fair play lad, just seemed aeful prominent these last few days so thought it might be your time of the month or something.
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December 6, 2017 - 19:01
Do you have a patreon, lad?
December 6, 2017 - 19:02
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December 6, 2017 - 19:02
That's it lad, I asked you nicely. TELL ME HOW MANY ELROND PIC YOU HAVE I NEED TO KNOW :^)
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December 6, 2017 - 19:03
Would you do her if given a chance?
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285.38 KB, 522.11K)
December 6, 2017 - 19:03
Can't wait for Nige and Mogg cucking for Israel
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December 6, 2017 - 19:04
real boomer hours now lads
December 6, 2017 - 19:04
I'd gab her in the smacker tbh
December 6, 2017 - 19:04
who /unironictory/ here?
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December 6, 2017 - 19:04
(S)he'd probably use like Curry to lubricate, fighter would snap your dick. No thanks mate, lord knows what's hiding up her fanny
December 6, 2017 - 19:05
Lad, she's utter shit. She thinks Trump is disgusting and horrible, last time she was on Sky News' press preview
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December 6, 2017 - 19:05
Based Pakistani immigration boom
December 6, 2017 - 19:05
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December 6, 2017 - 19:05
I can't think of a sentence to top yours tbh
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December 6, 2017 - 19:06
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December 6, 2017 - 19:06
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December 6, 2017 - 19:07
Philip Hammond is an utter mong.
December 6, 2017 - 19:08
Charmingly Cynical is a BASED civic nationalist. All wogs need to be sent back to their homelands. They only voted leave because they don't want to compete with Eastern Europeans for work, benefits and council housing.
December 6, 2017 - 19:08
I just remember her shitting on Owen Jones once and I've liked her since tbh
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December 6, 2017 - 19:09
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December 6, 2017 - 19:11
MAGA tbh (Make Albion Great Again)
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December 6, 2017 - 19:11
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December 6, 2017 - 19:12
Phone interviews are easy lad. If you've properly researched the company you can keep your notes to hand and ace it.
December 6, 2017 - 19:12
Attached: Albion Born.webm (176x144, 2.73M)
December 6, 2017 - 19:13
Yeah lad, hit me up at
Th-thanks lad
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December 6, 2017 - 19:13
The app I'm using does it
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December 6, 2017 - 19:15
I could have possibly went to an event and seen her speak she looks a bit like a bird in her face birdfu tbh
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December 6, 2017 - 19:16
mugubba lubba dub dub
i'm talking about mogg on lbc lad
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December 6, 2017 - 19:16
Banning that lad for ban evasion repeatedly
December 6, 2017 - 19:16
It's the video interviews (where you film yourself answering pre-recorded questions) that I hate tbh
December 6, 2017 - 19:17
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December 6, 2017 - 19:17
"until it fell off naturally" for f ucks sake we've cut them off since the first monkey man found a sharp rock
December 6, 2017 - 19:19
ffs spoiler that shit
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December 6, 2017 - 19:19
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December 6, 2017 - 19:20
I am asking, because one muzzie lass was hitting on me, literally begging for my White cock.
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December 6, 2017 - 19:20
Upvoted lad
>ywn be her bird seed feeder
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December 6, 2017 - 19:21
Oh, thought you meant you had to do one. I gave up on listening to Farage tbh, historical/theological podcasts are far more interesting than what he has to say and Farage uploads the best snippets onto his facebook page anyway.
They're bound to start eating like animals soon for the "health benefits" and "bonding experience".
December 6, 2017 - 19:21
No sex before marriage lad.
December 6, 2017 - 19:22
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December 6, 2017 - 19:25
She has a good body.
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1.94 MB, 1.37M)
December 6, 2017 - 19:27
shit taste lad
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December 6, 2017 - 19:30
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December 6, 2017 - 19:31
up to you lad, I literally cucked myself this week and don't regret it, but sometimes I really do wonder why I bother
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December 6, 2017 - 19:32
even if nige comes back everyone else in urip will still be a weirdo and a car crash waiting to happen again
December 6, 2017 - 19:32
tfw not ANGLOing a indian
December 6, 2017 - 19:34
I don't care they're the only party worth voting for atm that has even a hint of a hope of putting pressure on the Torys to deliver.
December 6, 2017 - 19:35
So when is Sadiq going to apologise for the mass murder and enslavement of the based Sikhs by Islam?
December 6, 2017 - 19:36
Just in time for Nige cucking for Israel
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December 6, 2017 - 19:38
December 6, 2017 - 19:38
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December 6, 2017 - 19:40
She carried that around with her, hanging out of her vag, until it rotted off?
That's beyond disgusting
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December 6, 2017 - 19:40
>tfw never have to worry about falling for the civic pill because I never talk to women
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December 6, 2017 - 19:42
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December 6, 2017 - 19:46
December 6, 2017 - 19:47
david about to TAKE ACTION
December 6, 2017 - 19:47
Kinda hate how Nigel shut him down tbh. Could've inspired others.
December 6, 2017 - 19:49
She kept it in a "cool bag" and seasoned it with rose petals
Sounds off her fucking head, as is the journalist praising her
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December 6, 2017 - 19:49
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December 6, 2017 - 19:50
Lads, there's a girl at my work who I get on quite well with. She's half Dutch and half Colombian apparently. It won't happen, but let's say I did have sexual relations with her, would this be race-mixing?
December 6, 2017 - 19:51
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December 6, 2017 - 19:51
White girls with dreadlocks has my alarm bells ringing harder than those problem glasses tbh
December 6, 2017 - 19:51
tbh lads I'm trying to eat a whole raw onion but it feels like my face is melting and my insides
December 6, 2017 - 19:51
Just imagine if she's got a rotten placenta slopping around in her knickers too
December 6, 2017 - 19:52