Brit/pol/ #2022: Crannog Edition

Devon couple couple reject Travelodge offer, prefer crannog life

Boris Johnson to become radioactive peach monster after drinking Fukushima pop

Austrian "Far Right" to join coalition

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Other urls found in this thread:

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lad don't tripfag I beg you. Just bully the other yank off the board

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Why? What did I do?

nothing really we just like watching yanks fight

I fucking HATE americans

nth for the royal navy and big black niggers

Attached: big black nigger royal navy.webm (480x360, 2.06M)

'cause our navy is the stronkest now? you sold your last aircraft carrier to fucking TURKEY, you couldn't project power if you had any

the American navy is more powerful than every other navy in the world combined, then there's the air force on top of it, plus over a thousand nukes, and we have the army and muhreens, 90 million gun owners, massive agriculture, multiple enormous mountain ranges, #1 economy, military bases everywhere, primarily northwestern European of descent, holy shit, unfathomable power

all of that being said, I hope Britain will be pure British and very stronk someday in the near future instead of succumbing to gunless 1984 paki rape apocalypse, just as I hope muh Murica doesn't drown in dumb, stinky beaners


*becomes a tripfag*

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yet with all that you have jewes literally squeezing you dry.

This… is England. You may not like it, most of the world dont, but this is our island fortress… our sacred home… our jewel in the shining North Sea… God bless her

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the white men in red shirts say we must fight for the firewater he-who-rides-zero-turn

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before you continue to post on Zig Forums you MUST watch the entire Fred Dibnah's Magnificent Monuments series start to finish… ok? Only then can you truly understand why this all matters.

Fred "the one man race war" Dibnah

and you don't? jews controlled Britain (and France) since the 1800's, wasn't until the 1910's that they controlled USA

this "no, YOUR country is in a worse situation!!1" debate makes no sense, we're all in the same deep shit except Eastern Europe which is piss poor and irrelevant


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Attached: You dickhead.webm (640x480, 136.63K)

please.. you need to watch more freddy dibnah

1960s Royal Navy officer cadet film.

Oh wow, a Jew was a slave owner. What a surprise

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Actually getting fed up with burgers who think they can waltz in here without a scooby doo of our history and culture

im not the one making a big song and dance about my extremely stronk country

>match with a far away girl on tinder
>she messages me first

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smh I am leaving until this dumbass fucks off tbh he isn't even anglo american, isn't one of these burgers a nigger blood? or was that essex lad being a bully?

why would you come to british politics board and chest thump about our shithole country? we already do that in every thread on Zig Forums this place is comfy if you lurk for a while and learn how to not be a giant faggot

that was me being a bully tbh, as was this post tbh I like yanks secretly

Wonder how 22st is doing right this second

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Panama is Scottish clay tbf

t. pleb

You're the only yank I like tbh and are one of the best posters tbh

Anyone seen the advert for McMafia on BBC? Drama about a rich """"British"""" yid getting into trouble with the Russian mafia. Ridiculous how people will likely not see it as the propaganda it is

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Don't talk shit about my zero turn who I got from a deported Mexican whose customers are now mine.

Have a bit of a soft spot for him tbh mostly because he's the one who redpilled me

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comfy video

not even memiing but how is what he did any worse than what george washington did, as far as treachery is concerned.


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Pretty based tbh.


Woes is such a fucking autist

isn't he like 36 in this video?

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every time lmao


Transmission between heterosexuals via conventional sex is so minor it almost should be considered negligible.

That statistic would be very variable depending on menstruation and circumcision amongst other things.

Basically AIDS only kills gays and niggers.

It might not even be a real disease and may only be a set of symptoms resulting from degenerate sex that infects the bloodstream and overwhelms the bloodstream, but that's next level tinfoiling ;^)

I love her lads

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smh mark hammil should have wrote these movies, I feel for him because I like his characters in cartoons and I think he got hemmed in by luke and he is actually capable of making something better than cuckwars, wing commander 3 is a better story than cuckwars. this actually gave me feels a bit

tbh luke was like baldur or sigfried, he shouldn't have become some jaded recluse it doesn't make sense. he should have become kang

not in Hollywood. The jews must have a nigger or a woman in the place of every white man

Won't be long before we're 36.

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speak for yourself thats literally twice my current age

only 9 years for me smh
still I have really done alot since I was a normie at age 21 to make something of myself.

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time isn't even real tbh, its just how we make sense of the samsara world tbh

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Ban pls

Same here, Even at 23 I was a normie just before I disovered this place. There was a weird period of being semi redpilled though so it's hard to put a date on these things.

Stop appropriating vedic culture

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18's within the rules lad

I didn't mean to bully wews but I won't be like him at 38 or whatever, I am already making 30k a year and I want to eventually start my own business and drop off the grid when I am in my 30s and live like an actual hermit in the woods. I hope the happening happens in the next 3-5 years though otherwise I am just going to check out of society and write stuff for the indian archeologists to read in the remote future.


I hated being your age lad, I was such a fucking idiot then just smoked pot all the time and played MTW2 and got beat up a couple of times by normies. people will treat you like shit until you are in your thirties because of the age distribution making everyone think white "men" look like 50 somethings

When I was 18 I was super into boomerrock music and living between friends house because my Dad had kicked me out, presumably because he thought it was good for me. Kek.

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This was the rarest flag I collected when I was on /int/ many years ago.

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Top Scottish nightclub 'evacuated' after reveller POOS on dancefloor

At least in England it would likely be a wog. I sincerely doubt it is a wog tbh. Some muppet from Muirhouse probably. Could be very deliberate on the other hand. kek

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>Hey UK, (((Canada))) here, your PM is a traitor just like ours. At least Trump supports Israel and the Jews without being a complete traitor.
Fuck off you cunting Jew

There's idiots on this fucking board that might fall for this but I'm not one of them. KYS

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Someone bomb Canada flat pls

don't worry the leaves will all burn in huge bonfires on the day of the rake lad

Canadians are filthy slime

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Finally something I can get behind with full enthusiasm

hullo CSIS, have a nice KYS. You're welcome
p.s. Kill Trudeau you know you want to

I always hated pakis and wogs. I once bricked a synagogue. I was nine and the cops let me go because I couldn't explain why and they thought the jews were bullying me too hard. The fuckers wanted to prosecute me. The cops told them to fuck off and grow a pair. They took me to a supermarket an dropped me off. Based


What country was this in? Are you in Palestine?

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I miss tenentsuperman

His posts made me masturbate too much though.

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One in five NHS hospital trusts ran out of beds in the first weeks of winter


Bit of a waste of quads, lad

Good use of quads
Let it all collapse tbqh

checkin these quads

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You've got to balance the good with the bad, lad.

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Amazing feeling when you check the paper and it's clean.

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This better be a shop.

'I'm 53, separated and skint': Nigel Farage reveals the 'price he has paid for Brexit' claiming the referendum triumph has left him 'unable to walk down the street alone' in case he's attacked

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>stage performance by a German speaking Welshman

He is our national hero.

Good guy tbh, Britain's should be proud to have someone like him. Seeing him and Trump share a stage was the epitome of the campaign for me.

Based BoJo. Renewed Imperium alliance when?

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Liverpool is spilling over into Denbighshire and Flintshire smh the Saxon plague knows no limits

Greetings from Germany

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