Brexit: Theresa May says she 'will not be derailed'
Boris Johnson warns UK cannot become 'vassal state' of EU
Brexit deal gives more rights to Irish passport holders, experts say
Brexit: Theresa May says she 'will not be derailed'
Boris Johnson warns UK cannot become 'vassal state' of EU
Brexit deal gives more rights to Irish passport holders, experts say
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First for triggering leftards epic style
tfw not just a autist but also probably have alexithymia. why can't i understan myself lambs?
Shitty genetics and bad parenting
Nth for suicide is the final redpill.
druids tbh
also to not succumbing to the endless blackpill of airstrip one
Just don't make it the one and omly thing you post about tbh
at least you're local I guess, dunno what Oswald Mosley would think though
I've tricked my family into the homemade is better gift idea. had a very cheap last couple of Christmas's.
ok, pls don't check post history
tbh there are better symbols
could work in the iron guard, a fasces instead of a swastika etc
was just a doodle I did and a jocklad made that fancy version
Even Hitler told them to stop larping, Mosley would most likely also not approve.
Good idea tbh, but I'm settling for getting books for people.
So long as they get some usage out of the gift it's fine, it irks me to visit later on and see the gift tucked away still in its packaging.
Stop buying the family dragon dildos then lad.
The first step is to stop posting shit like that lad
heres mine
They look like they're made of walrus ivory
Any pics?
based daftyism tbh lad but none of those heads are of pagans
the chink worships consumerism and the nigger is a "christian", the SJW is an ayytheist and the other two are semites…
dont want to kill pagans i want you to convert tbh you're redeemable
same to you lad tbh
Watch the first 20s of this EPIC redpill
Because they don't exist
Why are they trying to commandeer leftist words?
Also fucking hell tgose look ridiculous, I can understand wanting a bit of whitening but having teeth that gleam like the Arctic in the sun is fucking mental.
Pamela Geller is disgusting trap looking fuck.
legit youtube screenshot
Which one is she
It's horrendous; I'd rather tea-stained teeth than that.
What the fuck has Goldy done these last few months that has made her skin look like leather.
Useful in a power cut though
What doggos are those?
Did she cheat on her husband and get divorced?
nondenominational Christian who doesn't attend any church because they're all too pozzed DESTROYS larping pagan who wants to connect to his roots but the roots were already ANNIHILATED by aforesaid semitic religion MUST SEE
gays want attention
the one with the big lips to the right of milo
Her boyfriend/fiancé, and with an 18yo at a rally or summat.
ess ayy ell tee Anglican and I was there this morning
not sure if that's actually CofE tbh but whatever believing in something, anything is a good thing
Reminder that Millennial Woes thinks ex-coalburners joining the alt-right is a good thing
and is himself and "ex" gaybo who was a male prostitute (but nobody hired him because he's always been a big fat ugly slob neet scot)
her thottery knows no bounds. She should be banished permanenty to the wastes of northern leafdom tbh
it is but the friars at mine are decent lads
FRESH SPY memmies
But lad she parroted what we've said so she's trad.
remember lad we can't be incel /rk9/ posters because thats bad
Thanks for ruining my hearing lad.
Alt right people seem to worship pussy like true virgins
the "English N Angry" spy lad is a bit incompetent tbh
what the fuck is incel? its the lastest incarnation of /int/, /intl/, /ints/?
involuntary celibate
Any group that allows women into high positions has a weird obsession with them.
it means to channel your 'Inner Cell' it's a Dragonball Z reference
to much fucking talk from these fuckers
I wonder if it is going to turn full bagan fertility cult just as Spengler noted happened to all civilisations in the declining phase. If they were stable self-confident men they wouldn't be propping any wench that parrots talking points.
smh everyone making funneh menes about that man killing himself gives me feels. he did it to make a heroic statement, stop making light of it.
Too much talk and nothing new spoken.
I know lad I said it before, an honourable action tbh
if we don't, we'll forget lad
his death had next to no media coverage and the people he did it to spite didn't even care
he lives on through our memmies
poor grampa RIP
yeah I thought so
won't be so funneh when its your sacrifice tbh
why live?
this smh
I would be proud to be the subject of larpagan memmies if I went out with a bang tbh
(Enough now monarch)
Why do Scandinavians and Germans always sound like robots when they speak English?
Lad if there's not an MLG dubstep airhorn remix of me driving a truck full of ANFO into the headquarters of Goldman Sachs up on youtube within 40 minutes of me doing it I'll be disappointed.
lads what is the moral solution to the disabled people problem? I don't mean memi autisits who should get off their backsides and get a job, I mean people incapable of doing anything by themselves.
In my edgy days I wanted them to all be put to death but not sure i can keep that position with my current philosophical and religious views. but can't keep the current system ether.
one guy I knew needed full time care. he had minimum of 2 carers with him at all times. his own flat, travel expense and loads of benefits on top of everything. I worked it out, to keep him alive it cost the tax payer £30,000 a year. so a small house in value was getting flushed down the drain every 2 years.
The world is relying on a flawed psychological test to fight racism
I first took the IAT a few years ago, long before I was aware of these scientific disputes. It showed I had a moderate bias against African Americans and a slight bias towards associating men with careers and women with family. In other words, I told myself, I was both racist and sexist. It was shocking. Admitting this to myself also felt a little noble: I was recognizing my own involvement in structural inequalities.
I'm convinced journalists are just mongs that have a blog, or write for blogs now.
make it so they are unable to survive and end up dying in childhood without explicitly executing them
we have to be brutal tbh, they shouldnt exist, it makes little sense for them to exist
hopefully genetic studies will allow us to remove those issues in people giving birth or have them terminate before hand. I think functionally potato people can be around to remind us that we are just human and keep our vanity in check but some of the other stuff kind of needs that firm hand unfortunately. its kind of sad really
take the tedpill
There is already a moral solution to disabled people. It's called "state welfare".
The problem is that it is also used to keep lazy cunts fed and breeding. That's the primary drain on resources
Not very moral tbh
Make them fight animals in a pit
I've been putting off thinking about it, probably because I'm going to have to face myself first, not because I'm disabled but just my moral system.
morality doesn't matter anymore
if I had my way tens of millions of people in this country alone would die
Why do English YouTubers always sound like such dweebs
I'm not sure if he is English tbh
Oh lad…
good lad, I have that fury sometimes and then othertimes the clouds break and I feel compressed with sympathy for the directionless normalfags and their utter slavery to materialism