New banners requested

The limit of banners has been increased to 300, so please post any new Zig Forums themed banners in this thread as long as they do not exceed 500 KB, and are 300 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall.


Attached: 40a09c4ee11e51314f631ac202dbdf5d7144448dc4a55e7182a5642e06aaafb8.gif (320x291, 1013.3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: kbanner5.jpg (300x100, 39.63K)


Attached: kbanner11.png (300x100 21.46 KB, 16.23K)

Attached: kbannermods.gif (300x100 66.62 KB, 92.48K)

Would somebody please make a banner out of this?


Attached: Brazilian training rifle grenade.jpg (800x600, 186.21K)

Attached: Blank _f1d7e3a3a90a23ffe10639227dd8fe21.jpg (540x413, 44.1K)

I dunno, something like this?

Attached: bart banner.png (300x100 77.27 KB, 49.68K)

Attached: Untitled.png (300x100, 70.91K)

Attached: _banner.jpg (300x100, 11.69K)

I like it

I found it on an old sony radio haha

Attached: 5_banner.jpg (300x100 8.98 KB, 8.75K)

Can someone add the logo(s) to this?

Attached: allofthembanner.png (300x100, 4.93K)

Attached: Y3a3RVL.jpg (300x209, 70.09K)

Fine, I'll make some

literally took 200 hours

Attached: original.png (300x100, 39.25K)

BO exists???

Attached: strelok.jpg (270x100, 13.04K)

I fucked up the earlier one as a PNG so here this now. BRB hanging myself with chlorine gas

Attached: 677.jpg (167x100, 9.85K)


Don't make me bully you.

Attached: smug homo.jpg (224x225, 8.61K)

Fuck, it's really hard to find something that works at 300x100. I have so many good images that are too tall or lose too much detail once they get shrunk.

Attached: come and take what's left of it.jpg (300x100, 6.83K)

Anyone got the infinity symbol without text? Too lazy to crop it in GIMP right now.

You should still use the .svg on the front page, though.

Attached: nuku eats a bullet.jpg (595x454 5.96 KB, 20.12K)

Have some shitty /ak/ banners courtesy of /fit/'s weeb banner maker.

Attached: k5.jpg (300x100 32.26 KB, 80.59K)

No commie signs

I am still bothered by the fact that the Tu95 in E1 didn't have coaxial blades when they wanted to get it moving.
Other than that, top quality banner. Could be a little lighter for better contrast though.

Just noticed the gommie signs on the tank. My apologies, Strelok. I'm too drunk for this right now.

Attached: k10_EG_k9_with_more_shitposting.gif (300x100 88.74 KB, 35.53K)

Attached: ket2.gif (300x100, 480.13K)

Does anyone have the glorious LockHeeb banner from a few months ago?

Attached: Lockheeb.jpg (260x476, 37K)

Attached: pepemag.png (300x100 27.56 KB, 138.31K)

Enough with this sissy asian anime. Proper Zig Forums banner should be about Rhodesia, actual military/combat footage, Warhammer 40k, various gun and historical pics.

Nigger I'll get to that shit eventually (maybe). Fuck you though, this is a Singaporean flamedancing website.

if you are alive can you delete all these outdated stickies? pretty please

May he be baited forever
pls work this time

Attached: Capture.PNG (300x100, 33.2K)


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (693x775, 557.19K)

I tried
I'm fucking shit at GIMP so if anyone wants to try and add logos that don't look like trash be my guest

Attached: Banner 4.jpg (300x100 8.92 KB, 11.13K)

Just to spite you, here's another.

Attached: the importance of trigger discipline.jpg (300x100, 14.72K)

The fuck, who cares?

Oh the irony of this post

Well shit. I fucked up cause I was on a wangblows computer.

Damn, I didn't notice that maybe I shouldn't be doing shit when I cant see correctly

If someone can optimize this better, be my guest. Source image, unoptimized image, and bannerable image in that order.

Attached: k11_unfortunately_optimized.gif (480x270 928.18 KB, 2.1M)

By the way, if you can't into GIMP for proper editing, you can nigger rig gifs on this website for banner production:

Just taking random webms/vids at this point and fucking with them a bit.

Attached: k12.gif (300x100 494.7 KB, 878.42K)

Attached: k13_base.gif (300x100 2.19 MB, 492.09K)

#15 was especially fun to make. Think I'll take a break for now.

Attached: k15v2.gif (600x474 4.01 MB, 4.17M)

Can you do one more, and put katyusha in a banner? I think putting the logo on the right of this gif would be fine.

Attached: c41f88c9d1d1f39485c40677811a6298d2067388e2d5274746884885161b6e40.gif (255x249, 201.68K)

There was an attempt

Attached: rsz_bt.png (300x100, 23.63K)

The original in gif format included for the braveā€¦

Attached: fe5.gif (300x100 1.2 MB, 16.7K)

What are you doing hungary?

Attached: k banner.png (300x100, 48.92K)

Good idea

Better execution

t. u

I tried.

Attached: Banneredit3.jpg (300x100 12.22 KB, 12.6K)

breddy gud

I approve this!

I wonder how explosion girl would look with mirrored eyepatch

I like the middle one the most.

For the creative

Attached: 1416570459121-0.png (1920x1080 34.53 KB, 28.8K)

I tried something.

Attached: the future of warfare.png (300x100, 33.05K)

5/5 breddy gud, we also need billiard ball

Attached: 73702af3b19f16038b5af737f0df385a84e4d6011a8642dc2b5ccde850b9976d.jpg (225x225, 8.63K)

Spergook is going to have a fucking field day if this banner gets put on.

We need an assault spoon banner.

Yours look better than mine, but I tried.

Attached: shite.jpg (300x100, 30.77K)

millenia in paint
furious concentration
achieving nothing

Attached: get-learned.png (300x100, 60.99K)

I still remember that thread fondly, my best memories from Zig Forums. God damn.

You missed a lot of good shit

Middle one is the best.

hello a quick invitation to all big guys with big guns on Zig Forums

Attached: a5e447e6598c2c6cb4d9ced94359148bb1f3b23d2d598126689884fbeed8bfb1.png (629x864, 946.43K)

Attached: banner-k1.gif (300x100, 760.04K)

Im shit at optimizing but if someone else wants to try I made this

Attached: r4ve_exported_image_20180112_142139.png (300x100 814.39 KB, 63.94K)


Made another. It's the patent for the Farquhar-hill.

Attached: infinite farquhar hill 2.png (300x100, 32.37K)

made a couple

Attached: ADDAADADAD.png (300x100 69.13 KB, 50.26K)

Attached: BANNNER - Copy (2)

Final post

Attached: BANNNER - Copy (2)

You could have at least animated it. I'll try in a little bit.

Attached: animated.gif (952x674, 619.54K)

fuck that im too lazy

Attached: daadd.png (300x100 62.69 KB, 51.76K)

what are you doing non Alaskan?

Attached: Better than you.png (300x100, 43.33K)

literally the best one in the whole thread

Attached: high-tech bump stock.gif (300x100, 498.86K)

Attached: banner2.jpg (300x100 16.06 KB, 13.68K)

have a meme

Attached: flying Churchill.png (300x100, 26.91K)

I just used ezgif, it was surprisingly good.

Attached: animecatgirlk.gif (300x100, 60.02K)

some oc

Attached: banner.gif (300x100, 858.81K)

revised version

Attached: banner2.gif (300x100, 1.16M)


Attached: All my friends banner.png (300x100, 46.97K)

Shit, knew I forgot something.

Attached: shitty meme.png (300x100, 31.61K)

the golden ratio

Enough with this anime faggotry

Attached: 568734945.jpg (806x1200, 312.08K)

Nice try Satan

Attached: hjk.jpg (2048x2048, 455.51K)

Attached: retarded frog approves.jpg (255x204, 10.27K)

Attached: hit by a 44..png (800x600, 125.2K)

sorry wrong image

Attached: Whoag.png (300x100, 32.25K)

Attached: tumblr_lpyfjnfkE51qjvjh4o1_1280.jpg (640x480, 43.69K)

Attached: ATF3.png (300x100, 55.08K)

I cant into computer

Attached: a6a31f0798069948c7030666fcde364b55e7553349e11c05b403055824972ac5.jpg (622x626, 33.66K)