Brit/pol/ #2025: 1 week until Christmas Edition

Theresa Maybe talking about Brexit

Somali-American wins BBC sports thing

Drunk Maserati driver hits police

Brummie crash victims named

Nail bomb at Hamburg Station

Good luck getting your Amazon deliveries

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B(ur)P again. No one drinks tea before midday surely, nor drinks coffee after???

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1st thing I do in the morning is put the kettle on & make a pot of tea; I thought that was normal.

I think it was a couple of years ago, this poor qt temp delivery driver turned up at my house the day before Christmas Eve full of apologies with my orders. Was really worried it wasn't going to arrive at all. My fault for leaving the order until so late. I was warned by Amazon as well.

Ok. No deal.

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I drink tea in the morning some times. Mostly gynostemma pentapyhlum, or lion's mane mushroom though.

u wot?

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keep it local lad

"lions mane mushroom,? That sounds like a fungal infection that cats get. How's it taste.

It tastes alright, slightly protein meat like.

I was seriously considering microdosing with psilocybin recently.

Twinings is the superior tea. 8am or 8pm are best times for a brew.

Why are inbred brown people so incompetent at terrorism? Wait until the 150+ IQ autists snap, it’ll be a new sophisticated era of terror.

They’re saying the leaders of Myanmar will face genocide charges. They won’t take that lying down will they? What do you think lads? Will the Buddhists shoot at UN fags?

I hate the UN so much. They're just brown people farmers.

I'm surprised that drones have not been used yet tbh.

Not surprising at all: you wouldn't get 72 virgins

Why live

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It's like Russia out there.

True, they would not be martyred. But after Parsons Green it is clear they are happy to use IEDs.

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Ooga booga where da white posters at

Good OP tbh

thanks lad

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Why even bother having a womens hour, every other news story on the beeb is feminist drivel and strawmans.

I hope none of you pay for a TV license tbh, the beeb needs to die.

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Um because everything is made for men?????

Radio 4 used to have some half-decent stuff but it's gone the way of all Beeb outlets.

tbh women's hour is mostly trannies now, it's made for mentally ill men

Another "scientific" statement jsut thrown out there with the expectation that it will be unquestioningly believed. He's a bit like Laurie Penny tbh

Just another example of men violating women's spaces smh

They innately yearn for their spaces violated by brick shithouses named "Brenda".

They're violating all our spaces tbh

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Speaking of violating womens spaces

This isn't even an uncommon thing, it's happened a lot (not to the same person). I've had some funny ones where we actually took the girl up on her bullshit. I think its pretty hilarious that this is a common belief among girls and women, that they've been so poisoned by constant (((media))) lies about their abilities.

I've got the flu and I've got to go a Chinese buffet tonight. Who /makeveryonepoorly/ here?

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Good lad, it'll be just like the old days

Women have actually fallen for the nonsense that they are equal to us (anyone got the video of the female pro arm wrestler vs average andy?)

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wew lads

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I'm sure all those grrl power-type movies featuring some 8 stone woman beating up multiple guys twice their size like The Matrix, Kill Bill, anything written by Joss Whedon etc. have made plenty of women think they can do that too, leading to them acting more aggressive and putting themselves in more dangerous situations than they otherwise would.


wtf i love australia now


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I don't know much about Austrian politics tbh but it does seem way more uncucked than Germany. Why is that?

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What an execrable yellow-teethed little demon.

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What did he mean by this?

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They were able to play the victim card after WW2, claiming to have been a "victim of the Nazis", and so they shifted the psychological weight of the war off to the Germans.

i used to pretend i listened to radio 4 so i would fit in at work.

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What an absolute twat.

Top wew

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all their arguments are economic, surely normies must see how they see entire nations as just parts of the international corporate state

That's him accidentally holding down a key while locking himself inside a sportsbag, they got him mid tweet

Radio 4 is insufferable, classic fm or nothing tbh

tbh. even radio 3 is naustiating most of the time

Annex Germany tbh, they need to be stopped.

mass nosebleeds

Classic or LOCAL radio stations tbh


Classical hands down, everything else is hip hop.

Good lad, dont forget to dunk a few willy biscuits with your bumchums

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but, being a jewish bank means they can practise usury - how do non of them understand?

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had a woman that was exactly like that

Was the best pure bants I've seen in a long time tbqh

Good shit lad

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Fuck sake. Why do I do it to myself. Nothing but women and weak chins crying anti-semitism.

I’ve said it before, social media was the worst thing to happen. 10 betas would still be intimated by me in person, but behind their computers they’re so brave. Like people in their cars. I want to hurt them so much, please Santa.

Now I have to meditate to get my blood pressure down.

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Top wew. He knows.

Godfrey ‘Gas ‘em soon’ Bloom.

Top wew, this is the right way to go about calling out kikes.
Don't do a Zig Forums and go into the room screaming "GAS THEM ALL", just make points and when they start kvetching just point it out.

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Serious question: what did he mean by this?


the absolute state of engcucks

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New Gary.


(5) - (0)

What the fuck is even happening here? Is the Aussie farting him out or something?

From his reaching for the trophy and the scratch marks I think he's being sucked in to the Australian's anus

he's sucking him into his arse. it's originally a /v/ console war memi.

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I think EE is throttling me whenever I open up my torrent program smh what are good free vpns lads?

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A young British embassy worker has been found murdered in the Lebanese capital Beirut after reportedly being strangled and reportedly sexually assaulted.

Rebecca Dykes, 30, from London, who had been working for the Department for International Development, was killed after leaving a bar with friends on Friday night.

She had been out in the lively Gemmayzeh neighbourhood of Beirut for the farewell party of a colleague at the British embassy and had left just before midnight with a friend.

The two then parted ways, leaving Miss Dykes to either walk or take a taxi to her home five minutes away.

She had not been drinking as she had an early flight to catch home early the next morning for the Christmas holidays.

She was abducted some time after and killed. Her body was found dumped on the Metn highway several miles away

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Is the aussie yellow to represent the chinkification or

Hahaahahahah. Stronk wimmin. She may have been decent and normal, but I doubt that very much. I’m sure she enjoyed some wonderful curries and a vibrant nightlife before she snuffed it..

wow a white woman raped and murdered in a fundamental islamic country, no way. They respect women over there unlike white pigs.

What brain virus do Europeans have btw, I got into a discussion with one over how they defend accepting 2-3% of the population of their countries in migrants per year. Especially when they were lied to about their origin, every excuse has been thrown one second they're rocket surgeons the next they're poor vulnerable syrian refugees (despite all being 18-40 year old males the minority of which are actually from syria)

How do they defend the fact that only whites buy this guilt trip, it's almost impossible to even visit places like China without large amounts of cash in your bank account and proof of it. You can't become citizens of many of the foreign countries around the world.

At first they say its all a lie and its not happening, when they see the numbers they'll move onto saying what does it matter if the whole world becomes a uniform shade of brown. Then you ask where the arguments for diversity went and show them that the world won't be brown, as the homelands of every other race aren't getting diluted only the whites and they cant' even deal.

These aren't redditbabbies or online trolls either, these are real people. The amount of brainwashing that has been thrown at whites to the point that they celebrate their own elimination is downright terrifying.

i'm just being a bam tbh.

I honestly beleive this is the most horrifying atrocity that's ever been committed in human history

People just follow what everyone else is doing.

I know what you mean, even though we’ve accepted it here. Some days it feels even more gut wrenching that people want to destroy our race, and we are living through the destruction, not being able to do anything, it seems unbelievable at times.

I dont know how this is even news tbh

This tbh, it's the equivalent of "man standing in rain gets wet"