Brit/pol/ #2026: End Gaydom Edition

Wendy Thomas jailed for people smuggling to UK

Twitter suspends Britain First leaders

UK suicide rate shows largest drop for 20 years

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Pike hours smash that muffukin pike button

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Stop watching TV and Hollywood full stop

Acts of heroism are easy when the enemy doesn't hate you personally due to an ethnic divide.

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Good lad and good night.

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Do ISIS still exist? Last videos I saw was the drowning in the cage and the burning of the Jordanian pilot.

Yeah I think the kikes pulled funding because season 3 had such low ratings

Requires more John Wayne. Merry Christmas Britlads

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Alright I've changed my mind this is good.

ngl was listening to a bunch of normie lads chatting in a pub last night and they were all discussing how hard it would be taking out the elites in lone wolf attacks directly or using proxies such as mohammed and his famalams
I was shocked at how fast people wake up when they perceive a threat tbh. Bit of an eye opener. Sure some of them were cops or squaddies. The "elites" have no fucking idea what's in store for them. They think they're going to start more honky on honky wars and trannies, gays and ethnics will protect them….lel….fucking boomers

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Ah well

Don't get angry lad.

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Not angery. Know exactly where it ends
They are going for the takeover too early

Lad, you're doing it wrong. They banned me last year

Retarded bitch doesn't understand 1 simple thing. White person questions jew. Jew runs to police and gets white arrested for hate crime. Jew screams and mutilates himself when there is nobody to defend him cause he threw the white willing to defend him in jail. Surprised nobody wants to defend him cause their all in jail. Jew gets killed by a Muslim. Muslim is shot dead cause well everyone loves to kill them anyways. Repeat over and over every generation until were all black and brown.

I tried so hard but they won't ban me. Twitter only put me in limited states and the soft ban now.

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Just draw it on lad

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We did well out of it too

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Here's an article·

If that's true it was the French that would really use it in the following years.

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No, the Russians did.

smh I feel like the history of my nation and people as an "american" has been completely deleted even within my lifetime. I just saw some idiot ramble on about "black cowboys". this country is worse than sweden with the brainwashing, its just that we have a large population of chest thumping ameritard nationalists who think that NIMBY is a proper way to run a society

ever since I got a semi-auto handgun I really appreciate how crisp single action is on a revolver.

This could all have been avoided if England had actually bothered to help their American colonies.

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everyone just wanted to fight over india for the spicy memi food

The UK helped American colonies during both the Seven Years War and the War of Jenkins' Ear

Also it is post-1707, so it's Great Britain not England.

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I think that the secondary issue was that you lads were protecting the chugs from getting pushed west by settlers

poor chugs we tried to do right by them but you lads had to go full YEE HAW MANIFEST DESTINY PEW PEW PEW GOD BLESS AMERICA OK

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Kek, but I was just saying that in the early years of the English colony, England really left the Americans to figure it out for themselves. To this day we don't know what happened to the original Roanoake settlers.

We probably do, they were more than likely massacred by Indians, but this is not PC history

thats a good movie tbh, it really gives you feels for how pocahauntas ended up basically just an indentured servant because she was just a chug thot who sold her own people out to DA WYTE MAYNE

One of my favourite films. Malick is a genius tbh

yeah if you ever get to visit jamestown they recently dug up some stuff that really showed how horrific early life was there. the puritans did a good job of RAHOWA'ing the chugs out of their areas, but they still had a huge massacre by the pequots

Because Wood Niggers were an opportunity for profit for the British Government.

The real reason in my opinion was the fact well to do common British Americans had invested in companies such as the Ohio Company to take advantage of disputed territories, however after the Seven Years War the British Government in London claimed it as the result a defeated France, leaving British Americans out of pocket.


Yeah, the wood niggers did the same to the Vikings it is speculated.

Eveything we know about their North American foray is because it was recorded in a Saga centuries after it happened. It's not unrealistic to think that the Vikings exiled criminals to Labrador and that they actually managed to make a life for themselves amongst the feather Indians a thousand years ago.

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tbh they could have bleached their way into the tribe. some blond french fisherman got lost in virginia in the early days and when the french came to look for him later they found a bunch of blue eyed indians running around in the woods

A single white lad would have been more likely to survive that way.

When you hear tales of modern tribes knowing Welsh words because they peacefully incorporated the Roanoake settlers you know it's bullshit.

Honestly from their perspective, why would you welcome a coastal tribe that suddenly appears?

yeah its odd, the indians also learned to speak by interacting with fishermen first. many knew french or english early on because of that interaction

5:20 Pike it

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such a good feel tbh

The Jew underestimated the Lion of Damascus

tbh we'll probably still Gaddafi him once SAA starts fighting YPG/SDF forces in the North

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no lad they will never get him the age of the CIAniggers is ending

Smash the radio up in front of your mother whilst she listens is zombified to by Radio 4 on it.


My mother is more redpilled than most posters here lad

That's good.

I thought that was some sort of myth. Not actually recorded on film.

I believe that is kurt russell dressed as elvis

ah dear, i'm not long up tbh

Rise and shine wagies. Remember to work hard and laugh at your boss's jokes.

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Get a job you fucking smelly waste.

make me

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have you no shame?

I miss 2016 so much.

Wait till 2020

Hope so. Hasn't been a happening in a while. I want an excuse to go back to Zig Forums for a while.


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I already do.

He deleted his channel?

Naah he went through wiping his videos from it.

what sort of business do you run lad?

I guess his appologies wasn't enough.

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'ello folks

I don't, an agency contracted me for a job and since there's no actual managers it means I run it myself.


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Concert pickpocket secreted phones inside swimsuit

> Romanian national Alin Marin, of no fixed address, turned himself into a “human deposit box” for phones swiped while jostling with revellers in the mosh pit during a Royal Blood concert at Arena Birmingham on 18 November.

crime is getting

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I honestly hope net neutrality being repeeled throttles the internet so hard that women can't get their stupid opinions to be heard

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Just type normally you fucking poz-addled bar wench

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So do you have (a) 2020 vision?

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ned benifid u bigod

lads twitter has no tolerance for banter

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W H Y ?

They are so boring.

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oh em gee u bigot

oh this one is easy.

Romanian prisons fall below the standard required to be "humane".
So, romanians cant be sent back to romanian prisons because of their human rights.
many romanian criminals are let out on bail awaiting court, but their passports are removed, so they can come to the UK and claim they will have their human rights violated by being extradited to Romania
