Today marks the anniversary where Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris heard that the Germans were being a bunch of sour krauts in February so he decided to compassionately heat things up for them.
Other urls found in this thread:
Is there a montage of his no scopes? How good is his accuracy?
Well shieeeet
Keep 4chan threads on 4chan.
Based Harris
Yes there is
Why was this next on the playlist?
It's a good channel tbh
I could get behind this.
Riddle smee this: If the boxheads were the master race, then how come they lost???
You're posting that ironically, right?
He probably isn't.
Mistook the first pic there for this one. I need to overhaul my pic cataloguing system.
Dunno, why is it that the Brits sold their entire empire just to beat one country in Central Europe? Why is it that you were doing so well you had to wait for the Yanks to show up before launching a cross channel assault?
Why did you let Russia defeat Germany and the USA defeat Japan and then boast about a campaign of bombing unarmed civilians?
Uh oh. Now you've done it.
Harris is a Zig Forums meme, not a Zig Forums one.
Amerimutt is also not exclusively a Zig Forums meme but you know what he said: united we stand, divided we fall.
Amerimutt is an /int/ meme, get your shit right, newfag.
Didn't know the brits were on the level of school shooters.
Do you really need us to go over this story, and your role & motivation in it, again? Because it's getting kind of boring.
You're right America, trying and failing to pretend that you're the good guy as you sink further into bed with Satan himself is much more classy.
I'm not the one bragging here, Nigel.
It's one of the few pleasures we get these days, Cletus.
Being a huge shitstirring goon faggot is pleasurable to you?
And you have the nerve to call us retarded.
Did you understand a single word I said?
Just delete the thread, already. You know where this always goes.
No, laughing at the Eternal Failure that is Germany is pleasurable to me, Fhoneequaha.
Probably not a bad idea th this point TBH
Stop posting.
Today I will remind them
That's worth a cap
He's Dutch, odds are he's so baked he hasn't the faintest idea what site he's on.
next time britbong comes to me screeching about bombing people who did nothing wrong, i'll post that
Royce engine stops
You know this has been a good thread to draw out the Zig Forumsacks that have been hiding in the woodwork and shitting up Zig Forums now all we need is to draw out the Zig Forums faggots and we can declare hunting season
What about the leafs and the greeks while we're at it?
Let them fight.
Shouldnt start shit you cant finish particularly when your country doesnt have any good heavy bombers. Also the burgers did it better to the nips.
Leave us alone.
Y-you too…
It's funny nobody has issue with that but if you mention Dresden around here Zig Forumsacks come crying out the woodwork. Getting sick of their shit. It's a complete fucking double standard. How fucking of a pussy faggot do you have to be to be this overly sensitive?
No it should have been nuked
Modern Zig Forumsacks are mostly newfags to be honest I doubt many of them even know what Zig Forumss original name was.
It's obvious response to the pence one.
ive been there since the moment Zig Forums was created and its always been called Zig Forums fuck off you leftist shill
Oh dear.
no really this is just like the meme that Zig Forums used to be libertarian its always been national socialist
Gulag urself
When it was readded it was made very clear that Zig Forums was just /new/ with a new name because /new/ had turned into a politics board.
Warcrimes have always been good entertainment for Zig Forums Anyone that gets butthurt over it really does not belong on Zig Forums or even Zig Forums for that matter. Over the past year feels like we've been getting invaded by the thought police. Seeing butthurt over Dresden is rather pathetic really, next you will have anons saying we can't post about Japan getting nuked.
Destroying Europe's last chance for a turnaround by supplying communists and bombing civilians isn't something to be proud of, and as far as the Japanese question is concerned, it draws less attention because it had little direct influence on Europe.
Checks out
Im pretty sure that apology was also a post on one of the boards so I might have a cap of it in a folder somewhere.
No shit sherlock, not what i said.I said it was a response to the pence VERSION.
It was almost a fucking year later they came back and /r9k/ never recovered.
yeah those germans got fucked haha it's so epic when you blow up civs and leave the soldiers for the burgers and the commies haha GET WRECKED i would tell those krauts as i bomb them kek! xD based harris
The fuck, what happened? Is this some kind of controlled opposition psyop?
It's just eternal anglos being eternal.
Ah fuck, you figuered it out. pol was the jew all along.
Have this in picture form. The deleted board I miss most is /rs/, at the time moot's excuse of the links being largely dead seemed semi-reasonable but in hindsight I suspect he did it to try and gain legitimacy for that shitty side-project he was working on.
In fact Canvas is even mentioned by name in that news post.
(((Moot))) was pretty obviously trying to cash up on a family friendly cuckchan from back then. That's the main reason I viewed the moot cult of person as retarded rather early.
It was backed by millions of speculative investment too.
It's newfags exposing themselves.
My theory is that 'investment' was just them trying to buy out moot and it seemed to have worked.
That thought has crossed my mind in recent years but it could have been a lot more subtle: the people he was rubbing shoulders with in the startup world would have been sufficient to slowly change his politics and then it's only a matter of waiting for him to feel 4chan is holding him back before you can buy it out. An hiro would then be picked as the new 'owner' because his previous background with nip imageboards would have been thought to make him more acceptable to anons (frankly the ones left on halfchan don't know any better anyway) and his poor grasp of English makes it much harder to know if multiple people are posting as him.
Of course this could just be paranoia, it just seems like showing moot he could live successfully in the 'real world' through his business ventures, having them fail and convincing him they failed (i.e. he'll never be allowed into that world) because he hasn't 'reformed' or abandoned 4chan would be an effective tactic. He was given a nice job after he finally stepped down for example and didn't he actually say he sold 4chan rather than just gave up? What's a few million to take over one of the last major uncontrolled online centres of discussion.
I'm none of those things
I do it for free
Smh, I was the one that started posting it with that filename/post and spammed it all over Zig Forums, don't think you can trick me with that
Along these lines the girl who luggage-cucked him would be part of the implicit offer: any idea if he picked up a long-term gf after leaving halfchan? I never really paid much attention to the man and in hindsight if more had maybe this would have been spotted coming. Honestly I bet a lot of anons would sell out for a good job and a gf once they hit their late 20s.
If you read things he said after he stepped down like this article
Yeh, basically speed up the near inevitable burnout anyone running an online community is going to have and ensure that you're in place to both shut up the previous owner by tying him to a new life you control and install your own puppet owner afterwards.
I don't know how many anons around here have hit their late 20s (or later) yet but by the time you do the 'fire' (for want of a better term) that keeps you angry and principled as a young man starts to give way to a desire for a quiet life. There's a reason young men, particularly 'surplus' young men if there are insufficient women, are so dangerous to the status quo: if you can't distract and hopefully remove them with a war they're going to cause a revolution. Once they get older and perhaps have kids they are much less likely to go out into the streets for anything but the extreme injustice and governments nowadays are very good at only e.g. taking away freedom in gradual changes to prevent that.
I must be living my life in reverse, then.
That was a broad generalisation user, there are exceptions to the rule and if you're posting on Zig Forums past that age odds are that includes you. It's just that for every ~10 men in their early 20s who swear blind they won't rest until x is fixed or changes 9 of them will have given up by the time they reach 30. Obviously going through a complete 180 like moot is rarer than simply giving up but that happens too.
Yeah, true, true. A lot of a young person's principles are just idealism, and life strips that away pretty fast.
Pretty much but what I'm try to get is that the desire/anger that fuels such ideals is what goes. It's obviously not a new thought or anything, I just wanted to try and imprint that on younger anons since most of Zig Forums seems to be late teens or early 20s.
Yeah. Stay hungry for change long enough without ever actually seeing any change, and the fire just goes out.
There's perhaps an interesting evolutionary reason behind it actually, probably more beneficial for young men to compete to change things (i.e. modify society to their benefit) and for older men who are more likely already have a family not to be risky. I'm not informed enough on that type of thing to do more than pull random suggestions out my arse though.
Or you know… older men are just wiser and more knowledgable.
It still blows my mind that they spent more developing the B-29 than they did the gun-type atomic bomb and they ran the B-32 project in parallel just in case the B-29 failed.
Or you just get angrier, maybe finding ways to manage it if you're lucky.
Pic related
But who would have been targeted if he decided to go for the war of attrition?
The funniest part is that all accusation are true.
Oh yeah, that too
They both happened, idjit.
Around Brits, watch it
Breaking news: After rising nationalism in Europe England declares that liberalism is the only way and threatens to declare war on any country that votes in a right wing government
You should learn your history better.
The bombing of Rotterdam by the Luftwaffe happened in 1940 and the target was the Dutch Military hiding in the City, the outbreak the fire that destroyed the city was by accident and was mostly caused by the old historic wood buildings.
The fire bombing of German Cities by the RAF and US Army Air Force happened in 1942 and intensified until 1945, the target was the German population because the Allied Airforces had proven to be unable to destroy the German Industry despite Germany having lost air superiority by that time.
Its also funny that you have to mention Rotterdam to make an argument and not The Blitz, because the Blitz only happened as a result of the UK declaring war on Germany. And by a stretch even Rotterdam only happened because of the British because Germany needed to secure the North Sea coast and a base to defend itself against the UK or risk a repeat of WW1.
Because America rulz, and the UK is pretty okay.
So, our resident Quebecker has realised that he'll never be a real country. He'll never even be French.
I understood that he bombs dropped in Rotterdam where from one of two bombers that had strayed from the flight plan they just filed with the Luftwaffe and no part of the city was the actual target but a military target outside the city.
Ew, is there a Quebecfag here? Guess you got me confused though, I wouldn’t be caught dead in east Canada except maybe Newfoundland & Labrador
Hold up, that image implies British Columbia is younger than Canada when in fact its quite the opposite.