Zig Forums, what's the gameplan if an outright and total gun ban gets passed in the U.S.? There is more and more of a push for it with each and every passing year, and I want to plan for a worst-case scenario.
I was thinking about leaving the country, but about the only bastion left I can think of would be Switzerland, and I doubt my ability to get in there.
1. It will never happen any time in the near future, so it's pointless to think about how to prepare for something where the circumstances could be radically different, especially when you consider how many other happenings are far more likely to occur. Basic, general preparations for SHTF will cover your ass for the initial period in 90% of situations, including this one.
2. If it did, you should know what to do with them already. The you-know-whos wouldn't want me saying it here so I'll share with you a thought experiment. Let's just say that you may consider taking up fishing and gardening as a hobby when the buybacks start. You may consider taking your guns with you to do some hunting while you still can, but remember to strap them down so they don't fall into an ocean, river, or deep lake where you can't recover them. If by some terrible accident it did happen, report them being lost to the police. If the police ask about the freshly dug hole in your yard, remind them that you've taken up gardening as well. If they ask you what you've been doing hanging around the newly formed fishing and gardening club in your neighborhood, tell them it's the hot new thing for outdoorsmen now that guns are banned. Of course nothing illicit has occured, just good, clean fun with some friends for whom unfortunate accidents seem to be fairly common.
Asher Lewis
To all in this thread: why hasn't it already hit that stage?
If you don't stand your ground now, they're just going to continue to slowly boil the water until you kekfrogs are dead. Their entire strategy is to do things so incrementally so that the line of "a complete ban" is so hard to delineate that you never actually fight back.
Switzerland is one of those countries where just because you know the language doesn't mean you can get in. In the event of a US gun grab, like a legit gun grab, I'd expect that countries with sympathetic gun laws would quickly be overrun and change their immigration policies.
Luke Scott
Because unfortunately with a Rethuglican in office, the fudds are shutting their traps and the libertarians/constitutionalist conservatives are too busy shit talking neocons to get any shit done.
Zachary Reed
It's sad that having a democrat president is better for gun rights than having a republican one, provided congress has him deadlocked of course.
Robert Adams
How is the Czech republic?
Dylan Baker
Wouldn't they just pass executive orders like with immigration? Every time Congress has a deadlock and a government shutdown the press blames the Republicans and they get shot down.
Jeremiah Bennett
You can come here, though, I think we're soon to follow if you get a gun ban.
Because what has happened has not had a confiscation of property in areas where its not unexpected. And that will never happen, they will just grandfather until all the firearms are used up into junk.
Jeremiah Ortiz
Switzerland isn't really THAT gun friendly. Yes you are required to keep a rifle, however, the ammo they give you is vacuum sealed and officers come by twice a keep to check that you haven't opened it. You need a permit to buy firearms, you need a permit to buy ammo as well. No full auto guns allowed. No CC or OC unless you're an officer or work in a "dangerous" job. Import tariffs are also insane so good fucking luck trying to buy anything at a reasonable price. The ranges are run by the biggest safety nuts you can imagine and most of them are fudds to boot.
Jackson Young
Why leave? You will be a criminal anyway, so why not do something fun like convert your semi to full auto? Make your very own sawed off or SBR? Maybe press some AP rounds? There is no limit! I would a course turn them in to the state afterwards, directly to my congress men and senator in fact! And to as many people in congress and the senate I can find!!
I'm being realistic here when I say "Nothing". Just like nothing after the NFA. Just like nothing after the first AWB. Nothing, but panic buying and LARPing as revolutionaries on anonymous message boards.
Chase Thompson
Try it, jude.
Ayden Murphy
No need to try. I'm just wondering whats taking AWB 2.0 so long. If I had more room I would seriously start investing in metal working equipment.
Adrian Turner
Move to the fucking Hindu Kush or Tibet and claim yourself as an extreme ethnic minority Or just move innawoods and start making your own funs.
Cause the white man is angry after we go obongo into office, and the old idiots at left n' right pol are at it again. I don't see it happening with such division. Hell, I'd be concerned with a race war more than anything else. White people need to stop apologizing for colonialism and muh white imperialism. If there is one thing you can learn from Chinese history, is that if you fall behind others, your bound to get your ass kicked. Currently the US is trending towards a tower of babel due to this retarded version of multiculturalism their pushing.
PDJT made a president for life joke. lefties go nuts, cry liberal tears. lefties fail to realize, there will never be a president for life in the USA because… 2A. liberalism is a mental disease.
Stock up on ammo, reloading gear, spare parts etc. Consider getting some basic machining equipment and into 3d printing. Keep all software standalone.
Joseph Evans
Make sure a gun ban is as big of a mistake as prohibition.
Liam Harris
Have all major gun bans lead to alcoholism? I'd believe it.
This. It's salami tactics. Plus, all the gungrabbing leftists, liberals, and neocons need to do is continually push for multicultural and mass immigration policies, since if you look at the surveys of immigrants the vast bulk of them are anti-gun and anti free speech. They just need to wait until the demographics are right, and then "the people" (the vote bank of the gungrabbers manipulated by the education and media system) will petition power to tell them what they want to hear.