Are these guys fags? They dress like this, they always hang around each other, they're never seen around women (except probable beards), they've become increasingly erratic; if you told somebody that these were the characters you were hanging around I think they would be rightfully concerned.
Are these guys fags? They dress like this, they always hang around each other...
Other urls found in this thread:
Also they wear fashy haircuts while pretending that races don't exist. They're a couple of fag hipsters for sure, like that bearded hipster guy who french kissed Milo.
Gavin McAnus?
Fits the same profile.
Pisses me off to no end, it doesn't make you special forces if you have a beret
Yeah that one. Tongue kissed that poof Milo on camera, it came out of nowhere it was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. I sprained six muscles on my face in the split second of cringe before I closed the tab.
That's nice, dear
it's hipster.
Jesus Christ…
The answer is sort of. Like they probably give each other Bro-jobs, they look the type, but at the same time one of them has a wife. Don't know about Ian, he might be full blown gay.
Karl forces Ian to wear his hair down and put on dresses
He literally wears all sorts of hats and helmets. It's a schtick.
He has a longtime gf
I like how when someone falls of you fags' graces, there must suddenly be something wrong with them. These are pretty cool guys, eh shoot guns and doesn't afraid of anything. Stay jelly, fags, you're like 16yo hs girls, talking shit about your rivals.
Except they are hypocritical and have changed massively the last year. Day and night difference between what they were, and the gun community rarely has one person who we can all look up to on YouTube; they had it and ruined it because they couldn't keep politics and feelings out of it.
I know, I'm commenting on his inability to wear a beret properly, and your nation's inability to wear them in general, yet your military insists on wearing them all the time.
What politics?
What in the hell are you talking about?
I presume the by-now infamous and cringy Race War video, also this:
But that's not really that controversial outside of 8ch. Isn't it more like you're bringing political expectations in every piece of media you follow? I saw the same thing said about Hicock45, and that's just retarded.
They also shut down comments on their Rhodesian FAL video over shitposting.
Yeah, sure, and I didn't agree with that, but I can see where they are coming from. I mean, Zig Forums shitposting doesn't really look good on a channel, and it seems they did have a huge following on the *chans. That was just them realizing that. I don't think they're anti-freedom just because of that. Certainly not enough to start making shit up about them.
I think you're just butthurt they don't openly advocate for genocide. That FAL video was on Forgotten Weapons a growing video encyclopedia of guns, not an entertainment channel strictly for already pro-gun people. Plus it had Vickers in it so I doubt he wanted his name associated with comments that were racist and/or appeared racist.
By this I mean they aren't white nationalists calling for a Trailer Park American Ethno-state
If it was due to Vickers it was okay, but shitposting is a right goddammit.
The "censoring the Nazis" but condemning YouTube for censorship fiasco.
Forgotten Weapons is educational programing with no bearing or intent when it comes to politics. This is a good thing. No guns and euros can watch the videos without getting triggered. Slowly they'll come to appreciate guns like many of us, as beautiful historically rich machines that are measured by their potential to kill simply because that is the best metric.
Karl is a slob Nazi douchebag
Ian is a libcuck weirdo with an obvious ponytail and the gayest little white boy voice you've ever heard
If that was actually true Ian wouldn't open his faggot mouth and let the leftist talking points spew out like he did in the Luty and Etronix videos. Not to mention his wink wink, nudge nudge shitting on Col. Cooper and absolutely cringe 'I want to suck your dick because you fought natzees!' trash with the Varestuleka guys.
You seem to misunderstand. I recommend not taking my word for it and looking into it yourself. I was once the same, I donated to them and got several shirts for them. But now I don't have respect for them due to some of the stunts they've pulled. I must once again look for someone to appease my autism and firearms cravings.
user if an encyclopedia starts leaving out information because it might be offensive it would be a bad encyclopedia. Not as bad as an actively biased one but still shoddy.
Sincerely would like a link. I like to be informed.
Something more to it than a difference of opinion on essential/preffered firearms?
Afaik Finland fought like hell to gain and maintain independence.
Once again sincerely requesting links.
I completely agree with you. What I don't understand is what information is being left out of the gun biographies on FW? You don't need a history of the right and wrongs of Rhodesia to understand the significance of a Rhodesian FAL and it's quirks. Quite the opposite it doesn't add anything of value to a conversation regarding a specific gun and has the potential to takeaway from it.
When did a video on Forgotten Weapons get political?
This is the video that the comments were censored.
You say this after attempting to speak with authority on the subject. You're being either ignorant or disingenuous. If it's the former it wouldn't be hard to educate yourself, so please do so before coming back so we may have a genuine discussion. If the latter is true then I hope you choke to death in a pool of your own blood and vomit.
I can speak with authority as to what has been posted on FW. You seem to be confused about my curiosity regarding Ian's personal beliefs and my statement regarding FW content.
Go to bed Ian
Ian irks me for wearing commie cockades, and a bitch ponytail.
I think my point on this video stands. Vickers as well as FW likely do not want to be associated with racist shitposters. Censoring relevant information that may aid in the historical understanding of where it came from would be wrong. That being said the video is about the gun and it's context moreso than the rise and fall of Rhodesia.
You lackin
Cool, same with YouTube, but they got at YouTube about MUH GUHHHNNNS! But refuse to do the same for something they dont like. Classic Hypocrites with a "do as I say, not as I do" entitled attitude. But once "Nazi" memes poke up they need to be as PC as they can. Fuck that noise, I will find another.
Its the fact the fat fucked stated Rhodesia was Apartheid right off the bat which is horribly incorrect. I am very glad I've been able to tell that fucker off in person.
Within the first minute of the video on the Luty smg he refers to Luty as a "British subject". Can't be American if you don't understand the subtext of being referred to as a "subject"
In total agreement there. He's mistaken but that's almost certainly from being exposed solely to media in the US and not doing further research into the politics. We're taught as if South Africa and Rhodesia are one and the same, which we know is absolutely not true. All that being said I didn't watch that video to learn about Rhodesia. I watched it to learn about the FAL, the same can be said for all FW videos.
While I am at it, I might as well get as much gun facts from Dian, or Hillary. After all, its GUNS GUIZZZ!!!!
Then why am I going to bother getting my facts from him then? Sounds like critical historical information is missing and was not looked into.
What's wrong with genocide? I mean objectively.
It saves more lives in the long run and it's a valid military procedure.
Where the fuck do you think you are, retard? Do you post here because you're actually a gun enthusiast, or do you just come here for the political bullshit?
Why doesn't he go into detail as to why WW2 was fought everytime he has a gun from the war? His videos aren't about the overarching politics behind the circumstances of a gun unless that's what makes it interesting. In the FAL video they explain where it came from, and why it had to go through the sanitizing that it did. Why there were sanctions and the morality surrounding those sanctions is not important to the history of the gun.
Rarely is there political benefit from committing genocide. There are few if any examples of genocide benefitting those that carry it out in the long term. Winning a war is not simply about killing the most people.
You're on a board where the discussion of a PS1 game was derailed into the usual Nazi crybaby bullshit, and had posters earnestly claiming that the OP was political from the beginning, even though the OP only wanted to pork a french QT. There is no convincing these people.
Yet no one has presented anything that would suggest Ian and/or Karl are anti-gun in the slightest. Or are you so braindead as to think someone on k would give a shit what they believe outside of the topic of guns? If I wanted to hear about how the Jews control the world I would go to Zig Forums you stupid fuck
The bubble these people live in. I can't imagine being so much of a sjw that you can't stand it when people don't actively reinforce your identity.
So, I shouldn't take in all things about firearms? Or should I ignore some things like my point was?
Ian and Karl are not going to defend your Nazi shitposting. That's your job. You're the one that's into it. They defend guns because that's what they're into, and presumably, what this board is into. When you deride that with an idiotic characterization like you did back there, you're implying that you don't really care about guns and this place is nothing except a shilling zone for you. I'm fucking tired of you political faggots fighting over boards as if this were a fucking contest to own the board. I just want my fucking guns and I want your retarded ass out of here. Most of you niggers don't even own a single gun.
So I should be okay with the hypocrisy?
It's not hypocrisy. They defend their interests not yours. If you don't actually like guns, then I can see why you might be frustrated at their refusal to defend your Nazi shitposting. However, they don't like Nazis, and presumably nobody who is outside of this site does. The great thing about the internet is that you can always try to gain independence from any platform you don't like. Ian and Karl did that. They would rather not be censored because they want to teach people about guns, but they've never once claimed that youtube was outside their rights to do what they do. So are you or are you not claiming that Ian and Karl are outside their rights to get rid of you in their comments sections? If so, then what is the problem? Presumably they did not ban you from youtube. I don't think they have the ability to do that. If the BO bans you here, will you claim that's also hypocritical, since they also want gun rights, but maybe don't want to allow shitposting?
YouTube is defending their interest, they even used that same argument.
Yes, but Karl and Ian aren't saying that youtube has to give them a platform to post gun vids on too. They are asking. It's a request. The bottom line is this: You think any sort of moderation is hypocritical if it's paired with any mention of freedoms like gun rights. If that's the case, then I assume you fully support interracial marriage, immigration, and other things that come about by refusing to moderate the behavior of others. If not, then I do not understand why, by your own "logic", you're arguing that you have a right not to be moderated.
Mox nix, they definitely are doing a consumer revolt; last time I checked that's not asking at all. Even so I will not accept your argument as valid and changing the situation enugh to make it different. Cognitive dissonance, imho qh fam.
It's definitely asking. Youtube can say yes or no. Now, it's true, that consumers have some sort of power. Quality discussion is also its own currency. Unfortunately for you, Karl and Ian have decided that yours has no value, and that's why you're pissy.
You won't accept my argument because you're don't have a counter to it. If you did, you would have done so. Either you believe all moderation is wrong, or you don't, and if you don't, then I don't see why you think this kind of moderation is wrong.
Now this has got to be satire! Fantastic chuckle!
I did, I said it's not different enough. It's not about counters. Relax friend. Moderation is not wrong, but saying "WAAAA I WANT TO POST GUNNNNS ON YOUTUBE!" and then saying "WAAAA I DONT LIKE YOUR JOKES, MEMES AND POLITICAL OPINION! REMOVE!" is autistic and I would rather not support this and I consider hypocritical. I should be able to post something on youtube and let the youtubers determine if its relevant, just as Ian feels about youtube. I consider the situation the same, making him a hypocrite.
And this has got to be no arguments. I tried looking for it in there, but can't find it.
So what's the line, because now you're saying that moderation is fine, but this is somehow not the kind of moderation that is fine. So, what is okay, according to you, and why?
Well, I'm sure neither Karl or Ian made those statements, and they aren't saying that Youtube has to let them. They said they're going to go independent and take their content to other places. That seems like a negotiation. Why didn't you just take your dank memes and Nazi shitposting to other channels. After all, I'm sure they'll miss such a valuable viewer like you.
Well, it's not hypocritical. You have the same avenues as they do, and clearly they do not like your politics because you are a fucking Nazi, since that seems to be what you're complaining about them banning. They certainly don't ban conservatives like me, or libertarians, or even fucking liberals. Memes seem to be fine too. So really, it's just that they won't let you call people niggers or kikes in their comments section.
No, Ian doesn't feel he should be able to post anything. He thinks it would be better if he did for both Youtube and himself, as well as the community, than if he did not. So now you're making up false premises. Ian did not ever say he was entitled to a platform on Youtube.
Again, you seem to think that because Ian wants to post gun content, he should let you post anything you want in his comments section, even if those comments detract from his video and bring unwanted audiences like Nazis. I don't see why you think this follows, and you have not yet explained it. You seem to think you're entitled to post anywhere, and you're certainly mistaken.
You're full of shit, I was not making an argument I figured you were joking and now I think you're serious.
I don't need to define a line for you, that's not my job. All I know is that I see this as the same and hypocritical, you got your panties wound up tight over it and here we are.
Duh, and considering I was donating I was definitely valuable. If I still don't understand why you care so much my goodness.
Back to square one, circular logic.
Okay, that does not change that I feel he's a hypocrite when he cries about censorship and how firearm channels get demonetized ecs ecs
Again, you seem to think that because Ian wants to post gun content, he should let you post anything you want in his comments section, even if those comments detract from his video and bring unwanted audiences like Nazis. I don't see why you think this follows, and you have not yet explained it. You seem to think you're entitled to post anywhere, and you're certainly mistaken.
This is as simple as I can make it; I can't help you friend, and don't pull that "NOT CONVINCING" shit you're about to pull, I get it and it's fine. But that does not change the fact Ian has been very upset about youtube censorship and took steps to counteract it; then did some censorship of his own AFTER saying censorship on the internet is bad. Ian is a cuck and definitely has put his foot in his mouth on this issue.
Do you not understand the simple argument that Youtube will take down videos and threaten the existence of a channel just for posting a swastika, and that maybe Ian and co don't want InRangeTV and ForgottenWeapons to go down because of that?
From what I understand, they'd rather self-censor and demonetize themselves voluntarily in order to stay and spread their videos on Youtube, even if it's a platform that hates this kind of content, because putting their videos out is more important and blurring a symbol and closing down one comment section because of some people's retardation is an acceptable price to pay if it means they stay.
Actually, not that it matters very much, since as of late, Youtube has started taking down gun channels anyway. Guess that's why they're on BitChute too now.
Does a commie purge counts as a genocide?
-t. country who did it
should've went to the vidya thread tbhq famalam
waifu discussions are not raifu discussions, and therefore should be directed to /ak/ threads
Hank Strange was banned a few days ago, Military Arms Channel blanked his channel out and left only one "Youtube is attacking us" video, after receiving channel strikes of his own.
Remember hickok45's channel was "mysteriously" taken down years ago, I think it was in 2016? It was only reinstated because everyone (up to faggots like TotalBiscuit) noticed and demanded it back.
Several other channels expressed concern that the same thing might happen to them (DemolitionRanch…).
For you.
Sure sounds like a tranny on the right. A tranny on their panel of women.
What fucking faggots.
Jewgle this: kitörés túra
Partial genocides may not work, but complete ones have worked every single time. I double dog dare you to find a single completed genocide that somehow caused more pain in the long run.
If two groups of 1 million people each come into conflict and they are intransigent, every time they replenish their population they have a war that kills a quarter million on each side. Over time this runs up to a number higher than the combined standing populations of each side, for example in 20 generations it would run up to over 5 million dead.
By simply killing 1 million people in 1 side, a complete genocide, in the long run millions of fewer people die.
Killing a single innocent man is a tragedy, and a monstrous murder. Abolishing in completeness a culture that has bent its back to war and conflict is nothing short of mercy. The sort of thing you do to a mad dog.
.22Plinkster was shitcanned as well.
What if Europe gassed the Serbs though?
Any update on what site they're going to move to?
I haven't heard or seen anything. I know both Strange and Plinkser have Full30 channels.
Isn't that the march out of Budapest with the SS? Me thinks I missed that this year.
I don't follow my e-celebs, but from what little I saw of him he seemed pretty normalfag friendly, so that kind of surprises me. Did he talk about 2A things a lot or something?
I don't understand why you're such a fucking faggot. It took me 5 minutes of googling and looking at his social media to find out youtube gave one of his videos a strike so he threw a hissy fit and took his channel down. They didn't "shitcan" him, HE took it down. And he's already put his channel back up, you brainless drama queen homosexual. Please leave your over reacting faggoty antics off Zig Forums.
I doubt anyone would miss them.
Indeed, every year people from all around Europe gather in Budapest to go on a 40km long tour, following the path of German and Hungarian soldiers who broke out from the city, and tried to reach the German lines. Somehow this doesn't seem to be Zig Forums's annual meetup party to me.
If next year grants me time to bugger off I think I shall join in that, SS insignia acceptable in the land of magyars?
What's wrong with monopolies?
Competition is what brings innovation, it's are large reason for why Europe, not China, was able to dominate the world: competition between other Euros bringing about sustained innovation. It created the building blocks for life as you know it.
Ending the struggle between humans on an international scale is Utopian: it can't succeed in the long run unless it succeed's and sustains everywhere, if not, it falls apart eventually.peace won't bring you greatness, begone commie chink logic!
mfw I got an auction house to break contact with Ian through an email
>I'm using SJW tactics on a suspicion of what Ian might think
Just kill yourself.
I hope the ATF shoots your dog because a neighbor calls them.
I demand proofs.
You're so full of shit but I want to believe. t. le ebil nadzee. Not that the hypocritical cuck doesn't deserve it though.
Comparing Europe before the 21th century to China after the warring states is quite unfair. You see, there was no innovation in China because it needed none. It discovered all the problems of life and all the solutions to those problems, and it was a world unto itself. A few centuries and the same thing will happen with the Western Civilization. Then there will be no innovation whatsoever. You can already see this happening with small arms, for a handy example.
No, although you can cry to the EU if they catch you with a red star. Fucking commie bastards. Still, there might be exceptions for reenactors, you should ask the organizers of the tour.
Which video was it, what did you tell them?