Well, is it happening?
Well, is it happening?
Other urls found in this thread:
It most certainly is not. Dems have no majority anywhere. A fucking thread died for this.
This ain't going anywhere. They just killed themselves for the upcoming elections.
I wouldn't be surprised if "base" Trump supports this
If Trump tweeted support, Zig Forumstards would claim he's just working the democrats and support him
Fuck if I know at this point.
That isn't happening just yet. However, Trump is a confirmed Zionist puppet that is likely going to push some form of gun control
18-20 may no longer be able to, anybody that fails to meet the arbitrary "mental health" qualifications may no longer be able to.. could mean us guys.. we need to 100% oppose anything that restricts people from access to firearms, it's a fundamental right of the citizen in a free country
"le bumb stog :DDD" ban does NOT apply only to slide fire stocks (even if it did, why the fuck should we tolerate that bullshit? people saying "pff they don't matter" FUCK YOU of course it matters, people should be able to put WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT on their guns, doesn't matter if it's practical or not… why do you think the jews want to ban it? they want ANY kind of firearm restrictions, they just want to keep adding more to the pile until we are completely disarmed.. there is no sensible gun control, it's all 100% kiked) anyway, it doesn't apply only to slide fire stocks, the wording in the legislation is "anything that serves to increase the rate of fire on a semi-automatic firearm" WHAT THE THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN IT'S SO VAGUE????? that could literally mean triggers that don't suck, like there'd be a legal minimum for poundage in a trigger… basically, it completely rapes the whole auto/semi-auto legal distinction we have now where as long as the gun is technically semi-automatic you're good, it could potentially be REALLY FUCKING BAD like AWB-tier, "you can't put that on your gun" "that modification is too good, it's illegal now" etc.
sorry for autistic grammar, formatting, everything, I just slapped this out of my keyboard onto the board, can't be assed to proofread or organize, no time anyway, I just want to quickly share my thoughts
Time to start buying from the black market.
Normally I would agree but the republicans are all acting so weak on the issue right now that I'm mot sure how either this or the upcoming election will play out.
It isn’t that people here want a bumpstock ban, but I’m willing to tolerate it if it means no additional restrictions on semi-auto weapons.
Libertarian Party?
Dems would have to flip 45 GOP to win. They can flip around 20-30 at most, but this is just my educated guess. I don't think it will pass.
Dems have a majority in senate due to deep state mccain and other traitors. But this bill won't go past house.
We need to be dishing out some permabans for these shareblue cucks.
It's sufficiently disturbing enough with all the CIA theatre.
They are a joke. Libertarians don't even like the libertarian party.
That's not how it would end and you know it. Once the ATF gets a hold of the regulation they are liable to start vanning people for shooting too fast with their fingers.
The only thread this killed was a 3 post shitposted one since Zig Forums has archives now, see for yourself:
I'm not willing to cede ground on a piece of plastic with a spring, but that might become a moot point soon.
We have Alito, Kennedy, Thomas and Gorsuch. If Ginsburg dies the NFA can be struck down by the Supreme, the left will be down to four justices.
Maybe if you stop making "Drumph is FINISHED!" threads I could fucking stop. This is what, the 11th such thread you fags have made?
I know that, but most libtard law maker don’t.
The Democrats are obviously a no go. The Republicans have shown themselves to be massive anti-gun cucks. The Greens, are probably pro-gun control. Who else do we have?
Because they keep nominating fucking Gary "dude weed I'll make you bake that cake uuuuhleppo" Johnson for the presidential ticket for some fucking reason, especially last time when he had Bill Weld as a running mate, someone who was an anti-gun governor of Massechusetts. I don't know where he even keeps finding money to keep running. It's funny, the Libertarian Party did get an electorial vote from Texas in the 2016 election, but the faithless elector actually voted for Ron Paul instead of Johnson, probably as a giant fuck you to Johnson for being such a cuck. The Libertarian Party, while making giant gains in recent years in terms of the popular vote in presidential elections, and actual elected officials in lower ranked positions like state and local governments, is a giant clusterfuck across the party. There are way too many ideological differences between most people in the Libertarian Party which prevents it from actually becoming a major threat to the Dems or Republicans.
Start screaming at your representatives. You've got a very clear target now.
Don't reply to the ?-flag. It's probably spergook.
Good going.
Good goy
The meme electoral results are still a chuckle.
If any of you have a desire to read the actual bill heres the link. What ive read so far is atrocious.
TL;DR Basically you wont be able to buy, sell, transfer, or manufacturer "assault weapons" (see definition below its incredibly broad and includes semi auto pistols, rifles, and shotguns) after the date this bill is passed. But you will still be able to buy, sell, transfer, or manufacturer weapons made before the date that this bill passes(see (2) paragraph)
here I'll set out copy past verbatim the important parts (the stuff that restricts gun ownership) what the bill says and the definitions related to are. The bill has other stuff but it basically exempts police officers, government employees, and the government from the bill. page 1 through 15 are basically definitions. page 16 line 10 is where the bill states what is and isn't allowed and what is exempt.
arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes.
It then goes on to define ‘semiautomatic assault weapon’ as
‘‘(i) A pistol grip.
‘‘(ii) A forward grip.
‘‘(iii) A folding, telescoping, or detachable stock.
(iv) A grenade launcher or rocket launcher. (v) A barrel shroud. ‘
(vi) A threaded barrel.
(i) A threaded barrel.
(ii) A second pistol grip.
(iii) A barrel shroud.
(iv) The capacity to accept a detachable
(i) A folding, telescoping, or detachable stock.
(ii) A pistol grip.
(iii) A fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 5 rounds.
(iv) The ability to accept a detachable magazine.
(v) A forward grip.
(vi) A grenade launcher or rocket launcher.
This last part goes on to name about 205 different kinds of specific rifles ex:
(I) AK, AK47, AK47S, AK–74, AKM, AKS, ARM, MAK90, MISR, NHM90, NHM91, Rock River Arms LAR– )
I thought this witch lost the DNC's support? Good god, don't these politicians ever get too old for office- what is she now, 89?!
PS I'm not in Canada I'm just using a VPN
What do they mean by this?
Feinstein is on the way out, this is her hail mary.
Will she false flag a shooting on herself so that she gets this passed on her deathbed?
As far as i could tell its literally a hand guard
Its the shoulder thing that goes up.
here I'll give you the paragraph defining barrel shroud
(i) a slide that partially or completely encloses the barrel; or
(ii) an extension of the stock along the bottom of the barrel which does not encircle or substantially encircle the barrel.
Did they put that in as an excuse to ban everything witout looking like it?
What I gather from that is basically anything like an AR15 hand guard. But it is a very broad definition. Which does seem to exclude pistol slides and normal wood stocks
Thats what it sounds like but the already nailed that with this statement
and then included
so that's any rifle that is capable of accepting detachable magazines and you can swap the barrel out
The bill is over all incredibly broad and in scope and I know the republicans are looking flimsy but I really don't see them caving on something this broad and wide ranging.
That's the thing with the whole Feinstein "retirement" it feels like a setup.
Theres also some really retarded paragraphs in here to like this one. Which is part of the definition of what a semiautomatic pistol is
I don't think I've ever seen a pistol with a fixed mag that wasn't a single shot pistol.
C96's, Tec 9's. Think SMG's like those Mp5's without the stock and shit, things that fall under pistol status.
Err, nevermind misred.
Also I messed up on on of the definitions under semi auto pistols to be considered an assault weapon and that's
You know full fucking well it doesn't and wouldn't. The Left won't stop, not even when they've had their "gotcha" moment. They will simply move onto knives, swords, ect… just as the UK has.
Is that a fucking M16 carry handle on a FAL clone that already has a carry handle?
There's always a possibility of A libertarian party forming in the next 3 years, as opposed to THE Libertarian party. A constitutionalist party would be ideal.
What ever it is it needs to be able to threaten to split at least one of the two major political parties. Anything else is just a protest vote.
How about these guys
A very long time ago Republicans and Democrats worked together to make legislation that prevents a third party from ever arising.
The Constitution Party would do more good if it was called the Constitution Club, and let politicians from the two parties join it.
There is:
If shillary was elected the same thing would happen :DDD
Its like it doesn't matter at all what you vote the end result is the same.
Obama was more pro gun than trump :D
of course it is. it is retire or get arrested. this makes it look as though she had no decision in it what so ever. she won't be linked with all the others who just conveniently want to spend time with their families.
Yeah I just saw that and threw up.
It's happening. Never under estimate the stupid party, and Drumpf orange moron is cucking for gun control.
I already have 3 AR's. If you were going to ever buy or build , fucking do it now
I just ordered two nickel boron bcg's. That and triggers are about to get kiked
Who wins?
NRA membership is going up.
Gun sales is going up.
Gun parts sales is going up.
Ammunition sales is going up.
Anything specific has to have a law passed by Congress.
The last time Congress passed a anti gun law almost many of the supporters were voted out of office in the next election.
POTUS is just talking.
The ATF approved bump fire stocks as not violating the NFA. drumpf wants the AG to look at them for any violations of law. Already been done by the ATF.
POTUS is trolling the libtards again.
the only greater way for him to troll the left would be to let the bill get passed in the house, only to personally veto it, show a screenshot of the veto, and rub it in their faces. few things are more insulting than seeing victory only to have it snatched out of your hand at literally the last second.
but we should really do something about this. vigilance is the key to victory, lest we fall for the exact same trap as described above. The enemy
this is all panic-buying. short-term gains for the firearm industry as a whole. but this bill looks to turn that temporary boost into a fucking death-drop.
why am I being so stupid and not finishing my posts before I actually post it?
the enemy will use any means to erode rights, they must be shown no mercy and cold hard facts.
Doesn't matter if you don't see it happening, screech anyway.
These fucks need to know that even suggesting this shit is a no go, getting complacent and not raising your voice just paves the way for actual bullshit to happen.
*blocks your 2nd amendment*
wat do
Unless something like this happens archive.is
CNN seems to be breaking under the pressure.
CNN's fucked themselves so hard, they're basically the new Gawker.
Well maybe some right leaning faggot will fund someone suing them into bankruptcy too.
I think that what ever third party arises shouldn't be a "Party". I am sure that the democratic and republican party were good a some point but they can be bought with money. There is no statistical correlation between public opinion and what policies are passed. There is a monetary benefit to the party leaders and the campaign donors for every policy and that is why many laws don't make sense. People are starting to believe anarchy is a good thing because the number of laws that don't make sense keeps on increasing and its all to exploit consumers.
Thanks user, I did not see that article.
I did some digging and found this www.outdoorlife.com/gun-news-week-atf-begins-rule-making-process-for-federal-bump-stock-ban
This is even more curious. The article is from Dec 2017.
They have been working on a bump stock ban since last year.
>to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited
>to act in a way that is against a law or that limits someone’s rights or freedom
hope you're right
I want you to be right. Between this and the Syrian strike it's getting difficult for me to believe that you are, but I really hope I'm wrong.
The libertarian party has almost entirely divorced itself from actual libertarianism in order to try and pull in hip millennial college kids. They're fucking distancing themselves from Ron Paul, wouldn't let him speak at their national convention even though they wouldn't have had to pay a dime for it.
it's not 2008 bro
Libertarianism under Paul was exposed by Trump as being nothing more than the gradual white backlash against a liberal, nigger run federal government.
And you think there's something wrong with that?
The article is from 2/27/18, Sessions said this Tuesday. There is no reason for them to go for bump stocks when they held out after the Vegas shooting. The fact they're trying to ban them, in response to a shooting that had nothing to do with them, now is fuckery.
Disregard, I suck at reading. Fucking hell.
Daily reminder to buy an extra AR-15, and plant some gun trees for the future.
C'mon, don't fuck it up now, burgers.
someone's master is getting upset they're not gone.
Don't see how I can vote Trump after this.
Apparently they think people are gonna do shootings with broomhandles?
It's probably just to prevent people from making fixed mag glocks with stripper clips
wtf i hate america now.
NRA's shit anyway.
GOA is where it is at.
Remember when they put the poison pill in the reciprocity bill? Now Trump opposes concealed carry reciprocity, but wants the poison pill stand alone.
Fuck this asshole.
Remember the NRA endorsesed fixNICS. Remind them this is their fault.
They are but that's no excuse. If politicians aren't "afraid" of the NRA then it has no power to defend the Second at all. If republicans can ignore the NRA then democrats will surely go full gunfiscation just as soon as they get into power.
Right, we got here because all these ostensibly right wing groups got too close to Trump and have no power to threaten and keep in line.
Did he and Hillary swap bodies as some point? What the fuck is he doing?
Pretty much. Right from the horses' mouth even.
Not that he was ever totally resolute, but the single biggest switch came after Kelly was promoted to chief of staff and then everything was downhill from there. Kelly isolated and pushed out the conservatives in the admin and then prevented any new conservatives being hired.
Wow I didn't realize he even admitted it.
noice 30 cal digits
when was this?
yeah. im a bit spooked. AWB 2.0 is not out of the picture.
yea, it's all fucked. there's nothing he could say that I'd ever believe again
from this:
to this:
yeah. all the t_d shills will make you believe that everyone is okay with this. nope. this is sending shockwaves through everyone. add that to jewtube going after big name gun channels, trump just cost himself a 2nd term. absolutely.
people are pissed. im pissed. not even a year and the easily kept promise of "not fucking shit up" fails. his son, trump jr must be so upset. his daddy just cucked gunrights bigly!
I should add those quote were just 10 months apart
yea it's a full charge from all sides against anyone who values freedom.
CNN's David Hogg was out there attacking FedEx today trying to get them to stop shipping guns and ammo.
shit's getting warmer
Will there be a civil war/real riots or there's too much fluoride in the water?
I'm definitely NOT a CIA operative stationed in a secret blacksite in Stare Kiejkuty in north-eastern Poland.