School calls cops over math symbol lookling like a Gun

Common Core anti-gun agenda
Never send kids to public school ever.

My kid’s getting homeschooled. Fuck the world.

I feel sorry for the deaf people and children because the sign for gun is gun gesture alike so that means they will get in trouble often. Their future is effed unless they are homeschooled.

Exactly this.

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I don't understand why anyone would send their kid to public school considering private schools are so cheap.

You can find a decent private school for $3000 a year, preschool to high school. If you take student benefit loans and make payments for the whole year, that's a payment of about 250 a month. And with the new tax benefit that cost is cut by a third for low income families.

Fucking car insurance costs more.

So do you really need three cars, or can you send a couple of kids through school instead?

This took a while to appear. I thought it was more a comment on the state of the US education system.

What sort of education should young or future parent Streloks give to their kids? How reliable is homeschooling? Can we turn our kids into better people?

And to stay on board topic, how do you deal with getting your kids interested in shooting without forcing down the hobby onto them?

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Use my old, poz-free math and languages books for basics, hire tutors for stuff I don't understand or can't teach
Take them to a range and give them guns to shoot at steel targets.

Your country sends people to prison for facebook posts. Please don't shit on other countries when you have no leg, or any other limb, to stand on.

It's called a military school.

I wonder if the kids that cried scary gun drawing actually thought it was a gun or if they just wanted to screw with the weird kid.
Also note to anyone that wants to homeschool their kids: require that they interact with other kids their age at least 2-3 times a week or they'll be absolutely fucked once they go out in the real world.

This is why networking is important.

these are kids that went to public schools

In France best path is maternelle (which is literally the only good thing in french public education system) then homeschooled via CNED, you get very good courses + time slotted with literally the best professors (since it's a high demand + special training assignment) at the very least until high school, also there is a yearly control done by an inspector (so basically if you're doing something wrong, strictly "age related level of knowledge"-wise, you will have immediate feedback, parents that home-school in France are inspected every year. Teachers maybe twice in their careers). It's not pricey and if you can give a proper reason (like you travel a lot or something), it's actually free.
For socialization past maternelle you just sign up your kids into sports clubs, collective if not nigger/sandnigger infested (rugby/handball) individual if they're are (Judo/shooting/archery), both if doable.
Then catholic high school if in general course or one of those that are rural but with excellent BTS/Bac-pro course.
There are exceptions but elementary/middle-schools in France are to be avoided like the plague, even private ones (unless really pricey).

Just invite the homeschoolers and the parents at the parks. Do this solve the problem?


Okay, but that's not what happened. The kids in the school contacted the cops after thle kid doing the maths made a dumb comment. Also, this has nothing to do with common core. Fake news.

We all know you're a leaf



If you're that desperate just imagine I'm from Sweden.

You still put people in prison for facebook posts and are making fun of USA overreacting to a kid making gun references after a mass shooting, which makes you a cunt.

Dear fucking lord it's the retarded kid that got the police involved!

The kid who made the gun reference wasn't the one who made the square root symbol. It was a kid who saw the square root symbol, then started an argument about guns in class with other students. And how does this compare to putting kids in prison for facebook posts?

Are you always such an unintelligent person?

If you are the user I think you are then I know everything will go well over your head. How's two man Tanks coming along?

Dude, you realize that's not true, right?

Public schools need to be profit-oriented or illegal so they will not punch hole the taxpayer's pockets. Public schools are shit anyway.

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Man, you should have posted the heavy anti 2A ones. I can't find my copies or I would have posted em.

I will probably send them to the same schools I went to provided they haven't become poz'd to all hell. The anglican high school I went to was traditionalist to the point where it taught abstinence as a form of contraception in sex-ed.

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6 million hours

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What the fuck?
Is this Kabbalah ritual?
It's certainly not mathematics.

You are my greatest ally.

Well it kinda goes like I guess you're my kid have a gun for christmas a concept you clearly have no fucking clue about but have at er, don't shoot the house please.

But none of this comes from common core standards. The standards themselves are what common core is. This is just shit that happens in every school and you niggers never noticed before this. How do I know this? Because I am a high-school physics teacher, and common core is pretty okay.

I find that very hard to believe. Proof?

Somethins fishy

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How is it supposed to be solved anyway?! I'm getting a Master's in mathematics and for the life of me I can't figure out what's the point of it, or what's it trying to do, prove or say? Trying, in a convoluted way, to say x-y = x+(-y)? To solve it using vectors, by taking a 316-long vector, reversing and putting it at the end of the 427 one, and measuring the remaining portion, like in vector addition/ subtraction? And if so, with what? A measuring tape?

What is common core anyway?
T. Non-Burger.

You are a prime example of why parents need to ensure their kids can socialize

It's advertised as a standarized education methods for basic and middle education, but upon inspection it resembles jewish kabbalah magic.


Really makes you think.

Jack just missed the 10s digit. It's really not a hard problem, and the letter by the confused parent makes it seem harder than it is. Number line problems aren't new.

In theory, you would take three 100s away from 427, then take one 10, and finally six ones to get 111. The question is asking why the kid is wrong. That kid's mistake in the question was that he had correctly taken away the three 100s, but then took seven 10s away instead of only one. The method is bullshit, but the idea in Common Core is to get to the closest 10, 100, 1000, etc digit, then add or subtract enough to get the answer.

Is everyone in this thread retarded? Private schools cost $3k a year, $350 a month (if you ignore summer vacation), $12 per day, $2 an hour. Private schools can afford these prices by having 15 student classrooms, which each paying $2 an hour means the private school is getting $30 an hour.

If you earn more than a $2 an hour in your regular job, it's better to have your kid private schooled than to spend 8 hours a day homeschooling them. Leave the kid in the hands of PRIVATE professionals, surrounded by well behaved kids.

Do parent-child things on your own time, when you can relax and do more fun stuff.

Majority of anti-social college SJWs went to public schools you moron. Public schools are Marxist brainwashing camps.

Any educational institution not controlled by the state is classified as homeschooling now. Democrats are anti-private schools unless it’s their kids.

Wut? Maybe in cali or someplace, here private schools are still private schools. There are religious ones, military ones, nonprofits, a bunch…

I don't care about private schools in Space or Atlantis, fuck off Ayylmao.

Do they have private schools in Poland?

Yes, but they're forced to follow the government approved curriculum which is kind enough to give alternatives between 3 (three) course books for a subject.
Freedumb is bezd :DDD
I love democracy, and hard choices :DDDD

The majority of people in general went to public schools, dipshit.

I'm not saying send your kids to public school, I'm saying that if you homeschool them you need to do something to ensure they know how to function outside your home without you standing over their shoulder.

Point being?

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Fug :DDD
Negzd dime im voding demograd :DDddD

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Nice numbers my guy

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Sure, why not? Let's just feed views to an anti-white cuck.

Fuck you nigger OP.

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Believe what you want. Common core is not perfect, but it's not that big of a change in the high-school level. If anything it's just more stuff that must be covered, and covered well, along with techniques to teach less abstraction, but I already did that, so this never changed anything. Physics and math don't really change that much. Teaching methods change a bit, but as long as you're a guy that can teach the same concept in different ways(and I am that guy), you're going to have a lot of success with this. I encourage you to look more into it, and I think you'll find that it's really not that bad. For the record, I still don't think this is enough to get kids ready for college, but it's a step in the right direction.

>>>/suicide/ zogbot.

You don't even know what this shit is, and here you are arguing. Look, believe what you want to believe, but having higher standards in math and science is one good thing in common core. I'm sorry that I don't want to see my country filled with uneducated faggots that can't into space, like Poland.

>Americans have standards in education so high they believe in holohoax despite because of never going to Auschwitz, believe in democracy, drinking fluoride and that gun-free zones make people safer by disarming security staff and law-abiding people.

The true question is: how old is supposed to be Jack?
I mean that's a perfectly fine numeration (and not calculus) exercise to do when kids are learning the basis of quantities and numeration
(so around 6-7 year old for a white kid).

No, the problem is we don't. Common core is a step in fixing that. Also Hermaszewski went in a soviet craft, not a Polish one. You may as well claim that Mexicans can into space too.

I'm not going to address the rest of your ramblings, because we're just talking about education, except for one.

Last I checked your gun laws are far worse. Physician, heal thyself.

Yes, that's an elementary school question. It's meant to illustrate the concept of the number line, and numbers as having "distance" from each other. Minus 316 involves -3e2-1e1-1e0, so you see it also illustrates how the base 10 system works in numeration. It all goes into it. The addition example is just a new teaching technique. It doesn't mean that all addition is taught that way. The first step is getting to the nearest five, because fives are easy to compute, if it's not close enough, you go to the nearest ten, then to the hundreds, and so on. You can compute large numbers in your head using this method, but people freak out because to them it's a simple math problem, but not to a child, and for some children, it's pretty fucking abstract, so this gets them another mental trick to do it. The homework that assigns this shit usually is about learning a new way to do math operations. This is not how you solve addition and subtraction in a high-school class, and parents freaking out about it simply don't understand its purpose. There's a video online of two parents freaking out about how their daughter is doing addition, but you can see she's quite content with the process. Lots of kids are like that, and I figure the more we can get people to learn things correctly, the better it will be when they get into the higher grades. I always hate seeing kids that can't do basic algebra, or have no concept of the way numbers work. I'm willing to tutor them, but it would make my job a lot easier if they came prepared. They're a rarity in my school, but it does happen.

You don't fucking say.

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Tell your EXTREME FAR RIGHT government to change private school laws so they can teach whatever they want.

Their government is left wing, they just want borders.

What has happened to the classical education in the states?

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if anything in their teaching method is that good, it shouldn't need to be a federal mandate pushed by a educational material manufacturer.

you not only misread what he said, but you live in a country where you could face legal backlash for public holocaust denial. it's not much better here, but god i hate "grass is greener" dickwaving, it hurts us all.

lowest common denominator. pumping up graduation numbers is more important that excellence. also an educational disconnect with the real world. i was so sad when they gutted the shop program right after i got in to high school, self taught myself a lot of the skills as an adult. replaced it with this pesudo-educational technology program where students assemble basic kit electronics and a bunch of other children's toy play that has no real world relevance. much like common core, somebody made out like a bandit selling that module based education program.

If the parents cannot teach their children in the home, then they can hire the home tutors to teach their children instead.
I can see what you are saying, but in the USA, the con is not all private schools are always good. The private schools
are often white majority so I suppose that's a pro on the pro list of the private schools.

Our government is Zionist, they just want money and to be the best goyim.
Can't even kill them because BND will install ultra-progressive tranny niggers immediately afterwards.

Niggers and democrats.
They realized that they need to make people more stupid so they vote democrat for the sweet gibs and offloading of personal responsibility.

School is bullshit because your child can get all his work done in an hour or two with homeschooling.

High school was bullshit because of the drama.

Schools are more daycares than education focused now.

The public schools need to be defunded now and fund the homeschoolers instead.