December 31, 2017 - 23:32
Who /drinkingandgameswiththelads/ here?
December 31, 2017 - 23:33
the year we make it
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December 31, 2017 - 23:33
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December 31, 2017 - 23:34
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December 31, 2017 - 23:34
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December 31, 2017 - 23:35
is it too late to make this edition #2018?
December 31, 2017 - 23:35
Good lad. was almost tempted to make a cheeky thread on Zig Forums for for the bants a second there
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December 31, 2017 - 23:36
December 31, 2017 - 23:36
December 31, 2017 - 23:37
might play some zulu later
December 31, 2017 - 23:37
December 31, 2017 - 23:37
December 31, 2017 - 23:37
brit/pol/ will actually need a new thread in a few, we got a couple of amusing gchq agents doing the old consensus crack with le churchill and hitler gag
Attached: druidscrestscotladbrit.png (800x851, 342.8K)
December 31, 2017 - 23:37
Why does filterking act like such a twat? He is his own worst enemy tbh.
December 31, 2017 - 23:39
Stop touching yourselves next year, lads.
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December 31, 2017 - 23:40
its just a stage act like from WWE because many americans like dramatics
December 31, 2017 - 23:40
why bother lifting when it's all about the face?
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December 31, 2017 - 23:40
Anglo-zulu mod for warband? If so say if you do lad.
December 31, 2017 - 23:41
December 31, 2017 - 23:41
December 31, 2017 - 23:42
Good lad
Saved tbh
December 31, 2017 - 23:42
*listens to gospel music*
December 31, 2017 - 23:43
How do you rate your local? Is it about the beer, the food, atmosphere, etc?
December 31, 2017 - 23:43
December 31, 2017 - 23:44
there is already a mass molestation attack in germany lads
December 31, 2017 - 23:45
I'm on day 50 of nofap, so I think I can do a nofap 2018.
December 31, 2017 - 23:45
back to work soon lads those paki bennies won't create themselves
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December 31, 2017 - 23:45
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December 31, 2017 - 23:45
December 31, 2017 - 23:45
December 31, 2017 - 23:46
December 31, 2017 - 23:46
December 31, 2017 - 23:46
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146.11 KB, 49.59K)
December 31, 2017 - 23:47
Might aim to have a harem of plain Janes tbh lads.
December 31, 2017 - 23:48
shit tbf music is usually shit its tiny and its either empty or full will probably go thrift it up at my grandads local tbf its much better
December 31, 2017 - 23:48
Do I need Napoleonic Wars installed to run this mod? t. lazy cunt who wants to be spoonfed I've installed m&b through gog galaxy too, dunno if that will cause any extra trouble.
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December 31, 2017 - 23:49
Anyone else just sat up waiting for the bongs so that they can go to bed?
I’m just sat alone in my flat.
December 31, 2017 - 23:51
This should be good
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December 31, 2017 - 23:51
This is brit/pol/ you fucking heathen
December 31, 2017 - 23:51
me too
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December 31, 2017 - 23:52
Me too lad I'm watching a film though
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December 31, 2017 - 23:52
Dobry goj
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December 31, 2017 - 23:52
it took less than two months to fill, I'm quite surprised
no lad this is Zig Forumspol, you can tell by the name of the board
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December 31, 2017 - 23:53
bit off a bit of my moustache
Attached: mybeard.png (416x279, 222.69K)
December 31, 2017 - 23:54
Does that work? If I ever have a son, I'm going to give him test supplements and take him to a brothel as soon as he starts wanking, which I will not allow to happen any other time henceforth.
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December 31, 2017 - 23:54
The food is utter cack in my local but the drinks are cheap. Since the smoking ban it became more of a family orientated pub and I get screaming toddlers while i'm trying to enjoy my Pint of Blue Moon. No kids, Great food, Great beer, Quiet, pleasent atmosphere with the odd dizzy milf wondering in. Perfect pub tbh
Attached: Borza.jpg (870x583, 75.39K)
December 31, 2017 - 23:54
I-I just wanted to try it out,
December 31, 2017 - 23:54
December 31, 2017 - 23:56
I stopped playing vidya just to ring in the new year in the thread
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December 31, 2017 - 23:56
I purchased Fallout 2 off it ages ago and then forgot the password smh
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December 31, 2017 - 23:57
December 31, 2017 - 23:57
Yeah I’m watching the same shit.
I was hoping the wogs would fuck of after a while but they’re just ripping off another wog. Robbie Williams was decent last year.
December 31, 2017 - 23:57
Will do, just doing a game of killing floor first
Nah just the mod, the archive ver not the .exe
December 31, 2017 - 23:57
December 31, 2017 - 23:57
Happy new year you gang of fucking wogs, here's to a better one.
December 31, 2017 - 23:57
It works during puberty but I'm not sure if it has any effect after 25.
December 31, 2017 - 23:58
you need copious amounts of hgh to grow your jaw after puberty
December 31, 2017 - 23:58
Last minute of the year lads………
December 31, 2017 - 23:59
just torrent it you silly billy
December 31, 2017 - 23:59
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January 1, 2018 - 00:00
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January 1, 2018 - 00:00
Happy New Year lads. /mods /azw-reloaded /downloads /anglo-zulu-war-reloaded I'm downloading the wrong file? rooooooooo
Attached: tfw too dumb to kms.jpg (392x379, 119.39K)
January 1, 2018 - 00:00
ye the pub i paid thrift in this/last year has turned into a massive food pub full of wanky yachties and families smh it is nice how most pubs have their own character but ofc it is being eroded hopefully theres a cheeky 5Os disco again but I think some pubs have music too often and it could possibly get full of dumb thots and chads even though most pubs here are tiny
January 1, 2018 - 00:01
Attached: Live Honourably.mp4 (1280x720, 10.85M)
January 1, 2018 - 00:01
That's actually really depressing. If you wank and lower your T during puberty, it affects your facial structure for the rest of your life.
January 1, 2018 - 00:01
Cheers lads
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January 1, 2018 - 00:01
2018 BOYOS
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January 1, 2018 - 00:01
I should've but I didn't know how to at the time smh
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January 1, 2018 - 00:01
Happy new year one and all.
January 1, 2018 - 00:02
heres to a year of retribution
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January 1, 2018 - 00:04
Attached: spurdo sparde dance.webm (854x480, 5.27M)
January 1, 2018 - 00:05
2018 will finally be the year we kick the pakis out
January 1, 2018 - 00:06
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January 1, 2018 - 00:06
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January 1, 2018 - 00:08
for him tbh
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January 1, 2018 - 00:08
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January 1, 2018 - 00:09
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January 1, 2018 - 00:09
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73.84 KB, 73.84K)
January 1, 2018 - 00:09
Year off to a good start.
January 1, 2018 - 00:11
*teleports behind you*
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January 1, 2018 - 00:11
Dear Joe
I don't know where to begin so I'll just hullo
post tunes lads tbh
January 1, 2018 - 00:12
Don't think like that lad, remember how depressed we all were after the 2015 GE? Then we got Brexit and Trump. 2017 was pretty average, but that was always expected I think.
January 1, 2018 - 00:13
*montage of amusing moments from 2017*
January 1, 2018 - 00:13
Yes when we come to power to mark the coming of the third great age we're changing the C.Y. system.
January 1, 2018 - 00:13
*sets the timer for 30 seconds*
this fireworks display seem so lackluster
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January 1, 2018 - 00:13