Seige of vukovar

Vukovar discussion. What can be learned from one of the longest sieges in modern history? Will western Europe be subjected to similar civil wars and ethnic violence in the future? Does the conflict represent a permanent rift between the Russian sphere of influence and the rest of Europe?

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If you're a tiny shithole country, pay an American mercenary corporation to do your fighting for you, and an American PR firm to make you seem like a victim.

Vukovar was croatian national guardsmen fighting against Serbian paramilitaries. You are thinking of Bosnia. I'm not sorry about bombing Serbs in that was either though, they had no problem using chetnik muzzies mercenaries or murdering Christians slavs before then and cried like little bitches when they got fucking smacked by someone they couldn't bully. Serbs are fags.

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That once again the wrong people fought each other.

Vukovar had its ass saved by Dyncorp m8, which is a CIA shell company with a 3 billion dollar black budget directly from American taxpayers. And the only reason we bombed Serbs was because Croats used PR agencies to paint Serbs as evil, that seems to be the kool-aid you've been drinking bruh.

Serbs marched croatian christian people to the edge of town and put a bullet in them. I don't know why you expect me to suck their dicks they don't even deny doing anything they are accused of, most of them are proud of it. Deys a gud boy dey din du nuffin!

Also, sorry for double post but.
Vukovar fell to Serbian forces after an extended siege no western military aid was given.

You're talking about executing captured soldiers. It's standard practice for paramilitary groups, they don't have the logistics structure to house and feed prisoners. It's one of the reasons why paramilitaries are generally bad.

You clearly haven't ever been in a war. There are no innocents, and definitely no good guys. Even the women and children often take up arms, or supply the people doing actual fighting.

Serbs paid dearly to take it.

Holy shit the leaf being more pragmatic than an ameribro. OR is this secret american?

Hunnington is right we have moved past the era of mass nationalism, our next conflict will be inevitably across culture, ethnic, and religious lines. Mark my words, the heroes of today will be the warlords of tomorrow. All we need right now is an event to kick it all off. There are no civilians anymore because the fighters are civilians.

I'm from California which is basically warm Canada.

so you are the fifth column in canada?

Catholics, who are not Christian

I moved up here to marry my fiance.

are you a woman

Yeah when a far-right Poland invades Germany.

What can be learned for civvies is to not be there when shit like this goes down. This or Sarajevo if you are still there when it goes down you fucked up.

I think if anything like this happened in modern western countries you would have a record number of suicides, most western city people I talk to instantly go to suicide when prompted with potential catastrophes like this.

Then again hurricanes and other shit are essentially catastrophes for a lot of modern cities and there isn't much suicide.

Depends on the war, ese.


Urbanites say that shit because more than being afraid of suffering, they fear difficult choices that could test them and their characters. given the chance people are the same as rats, they'll climb over each other to live in suffering rather than die. in the west, during situations like the yugoslav wars, most will die due to incompetence, lack of initiative, and learned helplessness.

Yes, when another country funds it out of asshurt from the possibility of being left out as a major geopolitical player in the region.
Yugoslav War was funded by germany to destroy the Heksagonale agreement which would be a non-cucked European union, but without Germany in it.

Germany shouldn't have been reunited, or at least Stasi shouldn't have been just merged with BND
I wish Piłsudski didn't die untimely allowing ZOG to takeover so we'd give you Gdańsk and we'd destroy communism together.

Poland won't do shit, they are and have always been an incompetent people of buffoons.

The conflict you will see in Europe will be divided on ethnic and religious lines, and the suffering will be immense, the good new however are that the national armies are usually very ethnically/racially homogeneous, and will as such most likely have large scale desertion in favor of more nationalist groupings.


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Dmowski was also cucked so hard he turned gay and Russians, later bolsheviks blackmailed him with it.

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I deleted previous post because I didn't reply too good. Thanks for the reply.

original post went something like
Maybe this time we can do prometheism together too. [Question about Dmowski being a faggot compared to Pilsudski]

A little trivia, in Japan, the Pilsudski name is more famous for Ainu research than the Polish head of state because the older brother of Jozef spent a long time in exile in Japan. The Pilsudski blood line is continued in Japan, with the grandson of Bronislaw Pilsudski, Kimura Kazuya living in Yokohama.

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We have Józef great grand children alive and well but not active politically.

Dmowski had a brilliant idea of "Poland for Poles, violently remove everyone not ethnically Polish (great idea to get an inspection from League of Nation since as per Treaty of Versailles minorities answered to LON, not the government of residence or even their original) and fuck jews, but democracy is great"

However his antisemtism seems fake considering his friendliness with soviets and shilling for democracy as a valid political system, like Piotr Wojkov who was the man who dissolved tsar's family in Acid.
He has a monument in Hokkaido too, right?

serbroaches need to be squashed as soon as you spot them.

no wonder poland is such a smelly third world shithole, with retards like this goy living there


Pick one.

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Don't build a major city on the border of a country whose ethnic group you're busy exterminating. They might be mad. They might send some soldiers to seige your city for a long time.

Good thing you got enough good goy points to become a warden and even recreate mitteleuropa plan from 1915

Thats hot gay user.

This. People will starve because they went for the frozen food and mac'n'cheese when they looted the supermarket, only to realize that their power went out, their frozen food will thaw and they have no power to make their man'n'cheese. They won't know how to make a fire indoors without suffocating, or how to open the windows when artillery is inbound.
They will continue to walk their dogs but in shorter intervals, keep them locked indoors most of the time, stop giving them food when it runs out, and then wonder why their own pets turned against them.
They will stay in their flats upstairs instead of barricading the cellars, they will try to use their cars, or even worse: public transportation, to get out of the cities, then wonder why all the roads are clogged, the trains have stopped and their luggage suddenly became so heavy.
They will freeze to death once the central heating fails, or die outside because they got between the fighting parties. They will get stabbed on the streets or lynched in their own living room by looting gangs.
They will have no idea how to communicate once the internet fails, or the power to supply their phones and computers goes out.
I remember reading an interview with a survivor of the Sarajevo siege. To sum up what he said:
>1 Don't be there when it happens.
Self explanatory. If you are not in the siege, you are not under siege. Get out and into open country as soon as shit starts to look fishy. If you have family living in the country maybe set up an emergency regrouping system with them to meet up at their place-
>2 Be prepared.
Again, self explanatory. Some food, water, a few handguns, ammo, antibiotics, soap, and generally medicine you may need due to a personal illness should all be stocked up. Non-perishables you can store in barrels down in your cellar.
Bic lighters are important trade tools. A large bottle of butane to refill them is about as valuable as a car, because you could trade "useless" empty bic lighters for cheap, refill them and have a "valuable" commodity. The gas can also be used for heating in case of emergency. A supply of coal or firewood is also neat, since power WILL fail, and having a stove for heating, cooking and boiling water is not expensive at all, yet can save lives. Same goes for a barrel to collect rain water.
>3 Blood is thicker than water.
He complained a lot about having to rely a lot on "friends" and "friends of friends" to obtain certain things. They would go out into the city to scavenge for supplies, but the guy was never quite sure if the men he was with would rob him of his stuff once they were out of earshot, or if they would abandon him if shit got rough, or if they would take the good supplies and force him to return with empty hands at gunpoint.
He was sure that his brother would not abandon him when they were out looking for medicine for their sister. He was sure his cousin would not abandon him when they were out looking for some ammo for his uncle's hunting rifle.
Having family nearby and setting up a simple plan for emergency situations like these is as easy as writing on a piece of paper who drives where when shit gets tough and handing it out on the next christmas meeting. Even if they complain and think it's ridiculous they still have it, and at least you know you gave them a chance.