In a SHTF/Second US Civil War scenario, how would Zig Forums setup a pro-funz government and remove traitors, SJWs, dindus, kebab ect.?
In a SHTF/Second US Civil War scenario, how would Zig Forums setup a pro-funz government and remove traitors, SJWs...
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With extreme prejudice
But logistically how and would you just shoot them, shell them and bomb them or use something for massive area destruction like CW?
To People who think it's happening. Why do you think it will happen? And what do you think will happen? States vs feds, a revolutionary force vs the feds, race war?
See pic 3, It would be a clusterfuck of competing Armies, groups and militias.
I think the main belligerents would most likely be
>DoD sponsored Alex Jonesites / Anti-Illuminati
and others
Innumerable independent groups, splinter factions. People looking to carve out their own little slice of America, people looking to get even.
A capitalist presidential dictatorship.
They have been saying this shit since the last civil war. Remember, we would be lucky if there was a war. What is actually going to happen is a slow decay of society and life
don't let your dreams be memes.
How would POTUS and the cabinet be removed when he is the most protected man in the world and even if you managed to do that how would we counter UN Blue Helmet peacekeeping troops from Africa? They have millions of rape-apes that would willingly work for nothing other than the food and supplies they are given to fight for ZOG.
Very simply, by invoking the 2nd Amendment (assuming it hasn't been amended out), or else by calling out the gubmint on its tyranny. As for the details of this government, I believe it should be a mostly civilian, and competent, government, to allow commanders to focus on warfare and not political matters.
In the beginning, basic Zig Forumsonfederate tactics should be guerilla warfare. Borrowing from Mao, the IRA, and the mudshits, we should engage in terrorism against the government and its allies. Bombing government buildings, ambushing convoys, demolishing and blowing holes into the Interstates and highways, killing anti-funz advocates, decimating (in the literal sense) nigs and spics for every white killed, the usual.
After a while, with the government assaulted and its illusory strength dashed before the eyes of the lemmings, they will attempt to negotiate for peace. We cannot accept any terms save for that of unconditional surrender and the purging of all politicians involved in the war. If we win, we form a new government, purge the undesirables, rule as best as possible, and, of course, prepare to liberate the fuck out of Europe, South Africa and Occupied Rhodesia.
While the aforementioned guerilla tactics will do well for the most part, I believe that as our army swells with volunteers and conscripts, we ought to train the best of these men in more formal maneuver warfare, taking the best bits of Air-Land Battle, People's War Under Modern Conditions and Blitzkrieg. Sounds a bit silly, but the best summary would be mechanized warfare with minors in militia auxiliaries and guerilla tactics.
Zig Forumsonfederates and supporters will be organized into strongholds, which are the main bases for our militias and army, and the land and states which are allied with our cause. They are the logistical bases for raids, battles, air strikes, and infil/exfil missions. To reduce the chances of strategic airstrikes, we ought to build most factories underground or in inconspicuous locations.
I have to agree with though I'd like to believe the forces would coalesce into coalitions like in Spain and Syria.
Any major anti-zog leader would be blackbagged before he could assume power so everyone would want to remain anonymous like an umman manda, so who would step up to become the new President?
I say if, precisely because of the fact that the ZOGs will do everything in their power to stop us, which is going to be a major problem for us.
As far as the problem of the new President, I believe the solution will be to have him protected 24/7 by the most loyal of bodyguards, and purge the remaining CIAniggers and such who would try tl blackbag him.
I know.
I say when, precisely because the truth will always triumph over lies as it has done throughout history, I don't do blackpills and I have full confidence in achieving final victory.
Truth usually wins in the long run, but there's no guarantee that the long run has come around yet, and before the long run comes along the nation's going to get dragged even further into the mud. The collapse of the left is inevitable, and might well happen in our lifetime, but it could be that the next civil war isn't the battle that finally vindicates us, but a colossal failure that spurs our successors to avenge us and emerge victorious.
How would we defend from bunker-busting bombs like the MOAB.
That already happened vid related, whites need to act within the next 20 years, the jew will stop at nothing to destroy the white race.
If you don't know already, he is a kike puppet that wants to destroy America slowly like a frog in a pot, this has shown through his actions countless times.
Lets say the United States is partitioned by UN/NATO peacekeeping force formed of World players like the UK, France, China, Russia, Brazil, Canada and Germany ect., how would a Zig Forums militia acquire some sort of secure travel to decapitate the middle-man nodes of the occupation force located in Europe and Asia? If China got involved what could be done? They have millions to fill the void.
And would nuclear weapons be used?
It's not just the Blue Hats you have to worry about. America is currently one of, if not the, biggest pieces on the geopolitical board at the moment. You're too big to just have a civil war without it becoming a (not too) covert pissing match between most of the forces on the planet. You'll have separate Russian and Chinese backed forces working towards setting up their own vassal states in the continental US. I'm not sure if there would be a NATO response with a weakened Federal Government, but there could be an EU 'peacekeeping' force for you guys to snipe at. I'd like to think that we could take this opportunity to reclaim our stolen property within the US (none of you guys are *that* attached to the Eastern Seaboard, right?), but with Theresa 'I HATE FREEDOM!' May in number 10 we might need to ask the USA to postpone your civil war for a bit.
The dubious connection many Chinese and Russian intelligence agencies have the separation forces in the US like Yes California and BLM is enough to prove they will get involved heavily in any American internal disputes
at least three different big, main groups funded by China Russia and EU vs. the feds, (((soroscorps™))) and antifa vs everything.
Hard mode: how would Zig Forums setup a pro-funz government in a no-gunz zone such as the United Kingdom.
We're going back to the founding gents.
If they can pay for it people are free to own whatever the fuck they want.
Want to put a 30mm on your water vessel? Congress will tell you that OF COURSE you can do that, it's your God given right.
Unless you meant from the ground up
The UK is not a 'no-gunz' zone. It's just a 'no legally owned, non-fudd tier gunz' zone.
Which of you faggots is selling guns to UK street gangs?
This is why the US sucks at the whole colonialism thing, everything you do is just going to bite you in the ass.
You're right, better to let you guys collapse in a couple years from the onslaught of islams draining your gibs reserves.
This is how.
Do you have some Swede in you, by chance?
Are we talking about the Republic of Ireland or the British government here?
the IRA came from the Workers Party of Ireland, a group that supported the Soviet union, and the modern IRA are openly socialist along with all the political parties attached to them, so yeah, the IRA are a bunch of Marxist scumbags.
Hypothetical scenario. What would happen if a group people in the continental US and Europe stormed a bunch of nuclear power plants and demanded that (insert group of people) be killed or they'll blow the plants?
By starving the cities indirectly via cutting off the power/food supplies. They'll starve in a week tops and cannibalize within a month. After that, you just arm the military with nonlethal weapons (don't use tear gas, the international community will frame it as "chemical weapons") and stick the faggots in jail. Once you have them in a jail cell/in the court system, you can do virtually whatever you want to them and the international community won't bat an eye even if you murder them since you can just say "it's the law."
Not even a Texasfag and if the US ever went to war with Texas, I'd probably haul ass to Texas to help 'em out.
Those two would probably fight themselves.
If you can get past the guard who're better armed than I guess that could work.
The way most all revolutions go. Civil unrest begins. There are many small, local groups waging their own independent DOTRs. Then some foreign power comes along and gives one group a shit ton of money and guns. That group then controls when the fighting settles down since they're swinging the biggest dick on the block.
You just have to hope that group is on your terms.
I'd be the damn President. I'd execute TRAITORS personally and give free funz for every 100 degenerates killed. Fuck the jews, I'll drop any LHO tier trickery with a minigun on my personal tank. I will shitpost so hard the nation's shall surrender their weapons to me in awe of the murder/k/ubes avatar incarnate. I will order genocide and war over the planet, and then we are going to space to rape ayylums. Praise the emperor, I'll give out conquered land and funz like a clown on cocaine at a chocolate factory and no one will stop me and my army of 10 million streloks hopped up on colonialism and fuckthunder. Fuck zog, their moves are too weak to hang with this one man holocaust. CRAZY STRELOK 2020
I'll do it, implement a free market with no regulations (assuming no companies threaten the white ethnostate and the white race), and then relinquish power to a Republic, like the Roman Republic.
I ain't voting for you, you didn't mention the reopening of the cosmoline mines for fresh surplus.
I did actually
It's not like America though, there is nothing legal that war could be waged with and you have to jump through many hoops with the government, and gun control could be tightened even more in the coming years.
IRA is pure marxism.
Pic 2 related is how it should be after the removal of traitors and kebab.
This was also outlined here perfectly.
They'd use delta force, Navy Seals, SAS and other special forces to try and recover them, they might even try using banned weapons such as blinding, deafening, chemical and biological agents in desperation.
If your a Zig Forums government then you're already going against the international community for being a bad goy (oy vey it's a racist terrorist government, annudda shoah!), so CW would not make much difference.
A parliamentary democratic republic, of course.
Friendly reminder that the IRA did absolutely nothing wrong, and that Northern Ireland is rightful Republic of Ireland clay.
If they tr and attack the plant then it gets blown
This is your mind on plastic Paddyism
Gotta agree with the britbongistani on this one. IRA are commie faggots.
Nah lad, they were just trying to stop the British oppression in Ireland
Despite the fact that Ireland had been an independent nation with it's own government since the 20's and all the IRA attacks were in other countries
Not to mention the mad scramble that will happen for the Nukes, especially if they're captured by competing military interests. Somebody might even use them.
The group of people would probably not be killed, and the plant may or may not be blown up.
They did plenty wrong but I fully support their attacks against British forces, it's only when they attack civilians that they are no better than dune coons.