Seattle Police Begin Gun Confiscations: No Laws Broken, No Warrant, No Charges

Crossposted from >>>Zig Forums11345175

Tyranny has officially taken hold on American soil
>The new “red flag” law, which has taken hold in other states already, allows the courts and law enforcement to take away guns from individuals (((they))) deem are dangerous and (((they’ve))) just begun the confiscation. A man living in the Belltown neighborhood of Seattle, Washington became the first individual in the state to have his firearm confiscated without any formal arrest or charges. The man was not identified by authorities.


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More and more Sauce

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So when do we fight back? why didn't he just shoot them on the spot?

Daily reminder the Pierce predicted this in The Turner Diaries. Responsible conservatives.

Actually it happened to one guy, it's a temporary seizure with due process provided, it has to do with the red flag laws passed in a lot of states in the 90s. Basically his neighbors reported him as trying to intimidate them.
Most of this legislative garbage has been abolished, but apparently not in that beaming capital of progressivism - Seattle.

Please don't clickbait in a imageboard.

So my mum could be a terror suspect in Seattle just because she doesn't like to wear her glasses outside?

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Daily reminder that you WNs are about as worthless as regular conservatives in your responses to these problems. Bet one of you start blowing shit up to start the "race war" like the fucking retards that you are, leading to not just more crackdowns but also people not wanting to be associated with your dumbassery and fanaticism, then afterwards we find out your crew was made up of fed informants and pedos. True geniuses.

Like someone else here recently said, The Turner Diaries and Siege are the Harry Potter and Star Wars of white nationalist rubes.

What is your solution?
Radical centrist detected.
We aren't leftist nor alt-lite.
Unironically kys.

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I don't have a dog in this fight, just wondering if you seriously do not see an alternative to random violence? Did the Jews get to power by random violence?

I do, but I weigh time vs reward. We can play the long game and hope technology doesn't make modern-era weapons obsolete. We are also racing against a demographic bomb, which is set to go off in about 20 years or so when the boomers start dying off in droves and we go full Brazil or South Africa. I don't believe in random violence, I believe in purposeful violence to achieve ends.
The violence they used wasn't random, but they did employ violence. They were also very insular and were able to infiltrate over 400+ years. The jewry has only gotten worse in the past 80 or so years thanks to mass media.

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That is called cronyism and corruption, or a march through the institutions, and it's not really violent. There's no way any Jew would ever pick up a weapon if they can get a proxy to do it.

In what way? The third world depends on western aid entirely, a single generation disruption of that aid would kill 2 billion darkies without firing a shot. Now imagine if you had the discipline to grab the bureocratic and media positions like Jews did, and stop that food aid. And airdrop a few TVs into the resulting chaos with MTV on the channel? They would go extinct.

White people already tried violence on Jews, it has never worked.

Sauce. You're full of shit.


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Violence and peaceful means can coexist to reach common goals.
Israel and the JDL disagree. That's beyond the point though.
You think. If we lived in a sane world where our leaders actually gave a shit about us, that would be true. But we don't. The minute aid gets cut off is the minute kikes and their shitlibs drones start screeching about poor niglets. They will scream until they are imported, or they will break the law and import them themselves. And that is not counting the darkies already here that will riot if the hear their home country is getting kicked off the tit. Remember the turkroaches in the EU that rioted over King Roach's bullshit in Turkey? Think that but bigger. This is especially true with hispanics, who make up a huge portion of the demographic in the southwest.
Slow and inefficient. Its easier to destroy their credibility and build our own systems from the ground up. You are currently seeing this in action with alternative media.
The jews have only become a problem in the past 400 years. Regular pogroms worked fine. Its also much easier to simply mix them with niggers and destroy their decrepit gene pool.

I'd honestly wait a couple of days to make a conclusion on something like this. Any media usually brings out as little information as possible before all the details are laid flat mainly because they want to be the 1st to get a scoop (just like the woman who got a settlement from mcdonalds who was actually injured but thought it was part of lawsuit culture).

If it does really look like it is an infringment on rights take it through the necessary channels, start a fund for him to fight his legal battles and do it the right way. Not only that but he can sue his neighbors for being assholes in the situation and have enough money to move.

I think fallout is more believable with its food since all he finds are fucking sandwiches neatly laid out for him.

Turner Diaries is a joke, if you want something that gives you "instructions" on what to do in situations like that, read Matt Bracken.

You know the solution is just to have more kids instead of being outbred.

you need atleast 3 kids to have stable replacement, and 5 for a population to proliferate. White birthrates are below 2.

If anything they brought it on themselves for being kikes when in positions of power and consolidating all the smaller businesses and running Wallyworlds and Cuckbux for a quick buck, while at the same time the smaller businesses fucked themselves by being elitist assholes who destroyed their own markets.

If you try pulling a Turner Diaries, you're being controlled opposition because that's EXACTLY what they want to happen so they can drop the wolfram hammer on anyone white who owns guns responsibly.

If I can judge from your literacy choices, you read trash, actually try to read something of substance will ya pal?

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You are like a baby, watch this…

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Gee whiz why don't you form a WN organization dedicated to secretly moving their way up the institutions? No? Ah you want to blow up a car. Cool, got it.

Is that why ZOG is running half the world, because it's "slow and inefficient"? How many countries are european nationalists running?

Yeah, blindly believe whatever you read.
Zig Forums really went down hill in the last couple of years. How sad.

5 states have had a similar law for years, I remember this one case of some faggot getting his shit confiscated after treating his family. It takes a judge order and it isn't that different from being put under police custody.

They're still so firmly entrenched in power BECAUSE it's so slow and inefficient. To try and change anything in our favour through the system is to slog through a flooded path with mud up to your waist, while they just pour another bucket of shit on you to slow you down as you try to make your way across.

T_D shill is anti white and pro jew. what a surprise.

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Stopped reading.

All terrorism funded by one state or another, you silly person. Citizens of the United States are heavily armed, like the denizens of many other countries. What I infer from this is that human beings are not only rational but possess a spirit of brotherliness toward one another.

Fake news is a form of terror. By arousing terror in the host of peoples, by subterfuge and wiles, some so consider them to be the masters of the people.

Typical for a Jew.
Directed violence.
Yes, and (((you))) already knew this answer.

they packed and left. Jews were high ranking soviet (((People's republic))) officials

You gunna do anything or sit on your arses like usual?


No one from Seattle posts here because the few that actually care about gun ownership there are too lost to find their way here.

The rest of us will gnash our teeth and maybe one faggot that runs a Youtube channel will call attention to it for his three hundred or so subscribers, setting up a GoFundMe for one of the victims of this gun-snatching scheme. It'll get twenty bucks, if that, and fifteen of that will be palmed by the site for "processing."

When a nigger gets shot in the ghetto by another nigger, nobody cares. When guns get grabbed in liberal shitholes where they're a hair's breadth from making them all illegal anyway, nobody cares.

It's spelled "asses."

The related law makes it need to be renewed every year and the party it targets can get a lawyer and argue against it to get it overturned.
The renewal takes the same level of proof that the seizure takes. In this case: "he was looking out his windows."
So temporary in that it requires continued litigation.

The real effect is in how it harasses gun owners and makes people not want to deal with guns due to the hassle.
And if no one has them it's easier to ban.

All right, it was a bit more than looking out of windows but that was one of the comments.

lol PRcuck

Seriously, don't bother. You're dealing with people who unironically use "moderate" as an insult.

I like how all these gradualists conveniently ignore this post. Modern South Africa is a perfect example of gradualism in action.

Nice thought but wholly irrelevant. 20%+ of your paycheck goes to taxes that pay for your destruction. A baby boom won't stop the fundamental issues, which are darkies that are already here and taking up social services and shiltlibs/kikes importing more.

Having kids and pretending the environment doesn't matter is the equivalent of white flight with the same effect. It doesn't do anything but prolong the inevitable. You can't pop out kids and then expect them to not be influenced, even tangentially, by society at large. You need to take both approaches in order to win. Peaceful and violent means at the same time. There is no reason why they can't coexist.
White leftists bring down the average. White conservatives are hovering around 3. Not good, but sustainable. White libs are around .6.

t. WNs hate whites spammer

It's pretty telling how he started shitting about WNs when nobody ITT was even talking about white nationalism.
He's also successfully derailed the thread away from talking about this blatantly retarded infringement on a man's rights simply because he looked at someone for too long.

it's just cringy. he acts like the alt-right isn't a jewish puppet group meant as a shitty honeypot/release valve but actual 1938 authentic National Socialist.

Only if they know you're coming, hence
You know, how THEY did it the first time, council of elders and everything.

It's the only way to make a permanent change.

If this was face to face… I would have cut your face.

You'll have to settle for a global report.

Uh hello, I literally jumped into the conversation here
Learn to read. You're a detriment to your race.

Anyone have the pdf the story seems interesting at least

The oh so rare Zig Forums filter

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I never said it would, but it's a start. It's been in decline since the 60s.

You can if you raise your kids, this is why Asians are usually outliers because the family structure is secure enough to keep them from being absorbed by the majority of the faggotry going on.

Never said Violence is not the answer or if you kill your enemies they win, I'm saying make your case public first instead of looking like Timothy McVeigh and damning all white people with you.

Go through the right channels first, if that doesn't work then you get violent, that way they usually back down. Bundy Ranch is a decent example of this in action and no matter how hard they tried to demonize him, he had his case go through formal channels first, and when that failed others came to his aid.

Making it look like an unprovoked attack publicly "proves" what they were talking about, you'll become the perfect tool in their anti-white anti-gun anti-freedom campaign.

You have to be smart about this, they still own the MSM and most ways to distribute information. Play around it instead of into it


you can have your second amendment right revoked through due process. that's why inmates in prisons aren't allowed to have guns.

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Wait, are you taking seriously? I made the sarcasm as blindingly obvious as I possibly could, and then dropped the mockery and directly agreed with him in the spoiler. Did you just not bother reading the post, or are you genuinely so utterly lacking in reading comprehension that you didn't notice I was pointing out reasons you should care about PR?

PR only matters if you're intending to change things by going THROUGH the system, which is completely retarded when the entire structure of said system is going against you. Besides, nothing much will change until people stop getting their basic necessities.

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That makes absolutely no sense for exactly the reasons I pointed out in the first place. Going outside the system is just as dependent on PR as staying within it.
If you have no sympathizers, who will offer their basement to help you hide? Who will offer supplies to you? Who will join you in the fight?

While I'm probably ascribing to much intelligence to him.
I would assume he's talking about the kind of PR where you're just trying to get as many people behind you (what most politicians do) rather than trying to get actually like minded people behind you.

Protip for 560111's pics: calling people that rightfully don't give a shit about the bullshit known as politics lemmings shows you're a grade A1+ retard.

thanks user

Believe it or not, there are actually options in between obsessing about public image, and antagonising absolutely everyone. Besides, if your beliefs go against the grain and pose any threat to the established power structures, your image is going to be dragged through the dirt by every two-bit rag and trashy "news" reporter around, regardless of how well you present yourself - and even if your past and present are impossibly spotless, they'll just start making up lies, or deny you any attention altogether.

As long as you don't make things any worse than they already are, you contribute positively to your people (in however small a way that may be), and you don't compromise on your ideas, you'll get sympathisers. The kind of people you attract through compromise to modern ideals are not those who will be of any actual help.

Not giving a shit about politics is exactly why we're in this situation; just because you don't take an interest in it, doesn't mean it won't take an interest in you.

Having an interest in politics IS stupid though, it's just an evil to be fought.

You should learn how to comprehend what you read providing you even finished reading that anons sentence.

Sorry, I got a little angery. I've been fed up with people who think that PR doesn't matter at all. I hope you understand it wasn't aimed at you.

So where's this revolution?


As much as streloks like to LARP, we all know every American on the board would do the same. The thing is, we never even had the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. What's your excuse going to be?

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Why hasn't anyone risen up? Same reason as always. Guy a thousand miles away get their guns taken away and everyone beats their chest on the internet but they don't do anything because "it'll never happen here "
and the heat slowly gets turned up on that frog, and by the time those of us in our "safe" states start to feel the heat it will be far too late. You cucks had it happen to you on a nationwide level all at once, and not bit by bit so the false superiority you're just dripping with is completely unfounded.

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You realize that meme has no meaning anymore, right?

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Sure, Szlomo

You trying to take back the number one worst shitposter spot from the Canadians?

wtf I'll delet my merchant folder now

Not a kike, faggot. Just a little more sensible than your average jew-obsessed b-tard.

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He could've gone and fought the the ERPO. Instead he acted like an idiot and missed his court date. So the judge issues a warrant for his Failure to Appear because he had to. Of course they arrested him.

I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying the guy acted like a retard
Also he OCs a .25 pistol like a faggot

You don't use any reaction images outside the ones already posted here don't you? You don't belong here.

redpill: feminists are right, nazis use guns to overcompensate for their sexual failure
there is some vaguely related arguments in certain subcircles of feminist literature actually, lots of it based in psychoanalysis bullshit