Ideal Bat size?

since guns are banned i guess ill have to get an baseball bat instead because knifes are too risky for me as knife fights depend on luck

what would be the ideal size? 50cm, 80 or 120?

i reckon that 50 cm would be better in close combat but 120 has more range obviously wich makes it more safe also its heavier

theres a store 20 min away from me that sells the baseball bat in pic related, in varying sizes. they are made of wood though. wich one should i get Zig Forums?

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Get a bowie knife with the biggest blade you can find

the size with which you can best cave in kebab heads.

I also recommend aluminum over wood or polymer/composite. Ideally shod with something heavy.

Anyone got the screencap about beating kebab with a baton? From the German user?

Don't get some cold steel shit. Go to a sports shop and buy a real bat.
I can see the court now. "Cold steel is a weapon company, he bought it to use as a weapon!"
A normal bat is lees of an issue. Make sure you get a glove and ball too. Trust me. Also go play and watch baseball. Nothing to do with defense or anything. Baseball is just a great sport. I am serious about a normal bat with ball and glove.

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Bats are shit weapons. Get hammer or quarterstaff.

Get a long sharp stick. (also known as a spear)
Thats what all the successful ancient armies used.
All the swords and such are just memes made by Hollywood and nothing melee really works well against a long sharp stick.

don't buy the glove, it looks good on statistics

Alright. Then op needs to play this in his car when he goes kebab hunting.

I guess it is illegal in Germany. Simple wooden stick and/or hammer has plausible explanation to store at home without been charged with preparation of crime.

Get a rounders bat nigger

Forgot pic
Also, they're all 18" long

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The problem with knives is that they turn every self defense situation into a lethal engagement. A dead sangnigger is much more likely to be successfully investigated than a sandnigger with a few broken bones and a smashed up mug. By all means keep a knife around as a last resort, but if the muds come with non lethal force you're the one who's gonna end up rotting in jail, most places.

Not really, no. A dead man can't sue you for aggravated assault, nor can he testify against you in court. Make up a believable story and you'll walk.

>he used the knife, but during the struggle he stabbed himself by accident, i did all i could, but i couldn't avert this tragedy. I'm not happy with the bloodshed, but I'm happy i defended my own life.
In German.

Thing is, sandniggers who are trying to rob/murder people by breaking into their homes don't usually run to the police if it fails.

You've been following burger news too much lately. Successful persecution in most of the world is largely a matter of resources and priority. The case of a bruised thug with some smashed bones calling for help will likely never see the light of day - if it gets reported to begin with. But a dead body with 16 stab wounds is automatically at the top of the pile, especially if [reported] crime in your area is sporadic. You can get away with an awful lot provided you stay under the fucking radar.

Then there is the simple fact that the winner of a knife fight usually ends up in hospital himself. Knives are a last ditch measure. You don't want to brandish a knife if you're not going to stick it in somebody, and you don't want to stick a knife in somebody (and risk having the same done to you) unless absolutely necessary. Some blunt object to break a few bones is far more practical for dealing with """troubled youths"""

Hopefully if it ever happens there won't be enough evidence to identify OP, but I don't know maybe there are a fuckton of CCTVs. Where I'm at there is hardly any public surveillance. Get into a fight with a stranger and so long as you run away before the police respond you're golden.

This guy is right. Plausible deniability. Get into a weekend amateur league so you've got an excuse to have the bat in your car at all times. Will also help you get fit so you can actually use the bat effectively when the time comes.

Oh, and before you start having any fancy thoughts,
Only as gud as to lose less blood less quickly than the other guy, if you're lucky. Knife fights are inherently messy and extremely dangerous.
Great. You just turned a self defence/manslaughter charge into premediated murder in 99% of all jurisdictions.

Wait, are you talking about home defence or self defence when out and about?

Jesus. Is Germany really that cucked? I don't even think Commiefornia is that retarded.

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NOBODY wins a knife fight. Besides, when it comes to melee combat reach is a huge deciding factor. If you can hit him before he can get close enough to hit you you've got the upper hand. A bat will give you that in most street fighting circumstances.

Aber Thomas. Du darfst dich nicht wehren.

Wenn die schwarzen Männer kommen musst du dich sofort auf den Boden legen, sonst wirst du noch probleme mit der Polizei bekommen, weil du ihre Kultur, dich zu köpfen, deine Tochter zu vergewaltigen und alles aus deinem Haus tragen, nicht respektiert hattest.

Du hast nur recht auf Eine Selbstverteidigungsmaßnahme:

1. Streck die Hand aus.

2. Halt die Handfläche fläche in die Richtung der Neu-Bürger (nicht neu-deutsch, weil 'Deutsch' mit nationalismus verbunden wird und desweg böse ist und gemieden werden muss.

3. Ruf "Stop!". (Nicht zu laut, sonst kannst du wegen Ruhestörung zur Verwanwortung gezogen werden oder du könntest deine Besucher (nicht 'Einbrecher', weil es rassistisch konnotiert is) erschrecken.

Sollten sie nach 3. nicht aufhören, musst du ihnen bei allem helfen, damit sie sich nicht ausversehen in deinem Haus verletzten.

Du willst doch nicht, dass die Antifa dein Haus anzündet, weil du Rassist es zugelassen hast, dass einen 'Besucher' sich in deinem Haus verletzt hat, weil er dein Fernseher oder Frau raustrug? ;) ^^ :D

Aquí hablamos ingles, Fritz.

Buy a fishing bat.
they are quite cheap what I can find

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America, really?

Why are they smiling if their nipples are bleeding?

Ich versteh kein Neu-Afritalienisch. ;)

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what would be the ideal size? 50cm, 80 or 120?
Depends on your living quarter. Obvious more reach would be better against an opponent, because you can shit them at the distance while they can't hit you. Also you would be able to defend against a machete, who are usually 70cm long.
However you need to be able to do at least a overhead and side swing without hitting the roof or wall of the room you are fighting in or else your weapon is useless.

You could use a flashlight if baseball bats get banned.

I suggest getting a flashlight that can temporary blind people. Some flashlights can be used as a improvised weapon. (Like a "mace")

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If you want a somewhat pocketable flashlight that can actually shit fury take a look at the Nitecore TM03

Heavy solid metal object that is great for hitting, only issue is a lack of range.

im getting real tired of this fudd shit being talked around here.

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Not Germany, any old European country. Mobile ISPs with their dynamic IPs give me all sorts of random ass EU flags when using this board.

But yes, we really are that cucked. If you floor somebody, the judge will find any and all excuse to pin premediated murder on you. Anything that can plausibly be construed as evidence that you expected the altercation to occur will be treated as violent intent. Wearing armour will absolutely get you put away for as long as they can get away with.

ways to win a knife fight:

Neither will work when you are facing multiple foes. Neither will work in a defence situation. Once you pull the knife, the fight is life or death. You better hope nobody else is packing one.

In those stabbings, is one of the sides an unarmed civilian taken by surprise by the other side, a mugger with the only knife in the fight? If so, then of course there's going to be a fucking winner in that situation, the so-called fudds you're referring to are talking about pulling on a knife on someone who also pulls a knife results in one person being the victor by bleeding out last or his wounds only being bad enough to require a trip to the emergency room with sutures awaiting.

That's because by normal reasoning if you get banged up but manage to survive while killing the rapist, you are a winner.

Whereas by a cowards reasoning, it's only a victory if you don't even get touched by the other guy, but still kill him anyway. If you can't escape without a single scar, it's better to just submit and suck the rapists cock.

That's what happens when people who have NEVER EVER BEEN IN A FIGHT are out there teaching self-defense courses and writing books on the topic.

Bats are a shitty weapon, unless you hit the spine which is usually protected.
Just get a trauma gun.

get a cold steel knife like their 5.5" serrated Vaquero, their big folders are great.

don't listen to this stupid piece of shit
if you want a get, don't go wooden, get an alloy bat that is 32", 29 ounces. Wood breaks.

we're inundated with fudd faggotry

you stupid mother fucker, any fight is potentially life or death, you can die if you're punched the right way and hard enough. Bring a real knife, like pic related, not some pussy shit, and you'll win if you're not a bitch.

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You're still buttflustered about $1 Wal-Mart, aren't you?

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A sap is better than a bat by the way, Germany. Billy Clubs are also an option still for you I think.

wont that shape and those serations result in a stuck knife

Why not just keep a tire iron in the car at that point?

This is assuming the sand nigger has a knife, and pulls it out in time before you fuck him up. Every fight is life and death, so if sand nog swings, my first reaction is to start stabbing him as many times as I can prison shank style and try to do as much damage while I still have the element of surprise. It will be in shock, and will probably think you are punching it, rather than stabbing at first. A knife fight between two gentlemen is obviously a lose lose, as you said… but when defending yourself from subhumans, with a knife, gun, bat or anything, you want to use it on them with no warning. No "I have a weapon", no brandishing it, just use it.

This is the same retarded non argument I've heard on here every time someone brings up carrying a knife for protection. If you're so fucking weak and have zero fight IQ then you shouldn't be giving anyone advice about knife combat. Enough of the maymays. Stop spreading bullshit about CQC being a meme.

Folding knives are for convenience not real work.

But he did say to avoid cold steel and to buy a real bat.

Hey op if you wont get raped by precrime charges then you should consider pics related
the pickaxe handle alone could be used as an efficient weapon and would cost less than a bat

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