There was even a good Dalek, a contradiction in terms if ever there was one. You used to be able to rely on the Daleks to shock some life into a series that long ago ran out of ideas. Now that even the Daleks have become Liberal Democrats and have taken up Pilates and mindfulness, what is there left to look forward to – perhaps a female Dalek, which shouts ‘Exfoliate!’ instead of ‘Exterminate!’ and cruelly injects her enemies with Botox, so immobilising their faces and making their acting even more wooden than it was before. It couldn’t be any more sexist than the first action of the new female Doctor (hardly big news in a country which has a female head of state and where even the Tory Party has had two female leaders, both of whom became premiers). She pressed the wrong button on the computer keyboard, and was immediately flung out of the Tardis. You could almost hear Nigel Farage cackling about women drivers.
Anyone who doesn't has been over-civilised and had their instincts dulled and neutered by the softness of post-modernity; they are a domesticated servile dog compared to a roaring wolf or lion. I for one have a deep yearning for blood that has yet to be satiated. I dream of the day the system collapses in on itself that I might stalk the ruins of civilisation, hunting down my enemies; wogs and cucks, severing their heads with a rusty blade and drinking their blood, eating their hearts. I will shatter their spines and strangle them with my bare hands until their worthless subhuman lives evaporate before me.
Carson Ramirez
I do.
Nolan Adams
reminder that there is a huge well of seething resentment in this country and the Big Boys themselves know we are unironically on the path to fascism
Ryder Long
He seems to massively exaggerate the influence of Nick Lowles. He also poo-poos any British Nationalist figures attempting to do what he proposes (eg. Manlet Woes).
William Hill
Yeah it's pretty much gotten to the point where it's now the norm for me tbh
Literally the only reasons people retweet him is because they're retarded blacks who are proud of le based black science man, or they're retarded liberals who like patting their pets on the head in a "TAKE THAT, CONSERVATIVES!!!" sort of way.
Anthony Green
If he wants a calendar based on the moon he can go to islam
It marks one orbit around the sun, an astronomical event. Obviously it is an arbitrary point on the orbit but anywhere will be, it's a fucking circle actually an ellipse
Ryder Russell
Lol, he posted that shit last year. His twitter feed is garbage. Even people on reddit hate him now.