Bringing a Shitlib Gun-Grabber to Justice

Shamelessly copied from Zig Forums

Karen Mallard for Congress sawed off the front of her AR-15 to create a short barrel rifle and uploaded the video to her official Facebook page. The ATF contact email for concerns is [email protected]

This is a great affront to the Zig Forumsube! It must be punished via any means. Submit your tips so she can be Weaver'd.

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I like this idea.

I like it a lot.

Let the Zig Forumsube's vengeance be done.

Did my part.

Its great when you can use the ATF for something hilarious.

Let's hope for once their propensity for harassing people over petty shit can be harnessed for the greater good.

fucking dickhead

It's a fun idea, but unfortunately based on the misconception that the law applies equally to all citizens.

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ATF will readily buttfuck their own drones, bong.

Will it even work without the gas block?

Are you white or Canto, lad?

She just encouraged the yanks to buy even more guns. Did anyone know that she's a teacher?

Once. I think she'll need to manually pull back the bolt now between rounds.

Still an SBR and hopefully this asshole goes to jail

Also check em

One more

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My expected outcome for this;

Probably, but if their is even a remote chance of success I will take it.

From where will they see this tidal wave of shit though? It's not like most of the ones reporting her will post the report to fagbook. Anything negative that does get posted to fagbook will more than likely be dismissed by her staff as the incoherent ramblings of right-wing gun nuts, which they don't need to pay attention because they're on the "right side of history."

The overwhelming amount of posts on cuckbook relaying they notified the ATF of her crime.

She and police already started shilling that she dindunuffin

In that case I want an SBR without paying for it and waiting 10 months for approval.

So if she's pardoned because she had no criminal intent, would it be legal to make an SBR in your basement because you have no criminal intent yourself?

Why do these retards think sawing off the barrel stops it from working? Have they never seen a pistol.

You expect these people to understand how guns work? That would involve a basic knowledge of mechanics, which women (and effeminate men) tend to have difficulty with.


I can't express how angry I am.

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If they accidentally saw off the gas port they have to rack the charging handle to reload, so in a way it does stop working

Still need a stamp for a single shot SBR.

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Nope, it's still classified as a firearm, a short barreled rifle type of a firearm. Just because it doesn't work as the manufactures intended it to work doesn't mean the ATF doesn't consider it to be a firearm. It can still chamber boolits, it cans still fire boolits, therefore it is a firearm.

If only we killed more yanks, maybe I wouldn't feel so mad

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I always thought that you should have listened to the army and kept focusing on China. Let the white nations fight each other and don't get involved. Yes, embargo but it wasn't like the Chinks could stand up to you and they had more than enough resources to keep you going. Not very sexy but the navy wanted glory and look where that got you.

No, because the ATF has been and will continue to selectively enforce regulation and law. You accidentally cut too much of your coach gun project barrel, boy you'd better just give your doggo a good long hug, because they're coming to him down and drop the legal hammer on your ass…assuming they don'y want to Dorner or Ruby Ridge your ass for kicks.

If the Emperor didn't cuck out…

That would be few million boomers less.

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a polly? being brought to justice? yer fuckin dreamin mate.

*a few million nips less. i reckon the americunts would have kept dropping nukes on the slanty eyed fucks til they actually started to develop properly open eyes, if they didnt surrender.

Wouldn't all of that bright light just make them squint even harder?

Should've followed your own advice instead of doing ZOG's bidding.

America was already full on compromised before Hitler even got into power.
You should look up Woodrow Wilson and see how much of a kiked faggot he was.


You don't even need to resort to the JQ to demonstrate that it was a bad idea. We spent billions of dollars and killed millions of people to save Europe from facism- and hand it over to communism. I think a lot of our cultural problems, which in turn lead to legal and political problems like civilian disarmament, stem from this catastrophic mistake. We saved the communist totalitarians and at a stroke made them respectable and gave them influence in our societies. You see the results. In some ways America now has a more powerful and intrusive government than WW2 era communist nations and every day powerful political actors try to drag us further to the "progressive" ideal with the support of a troublingly large percentage of the population. Look at this "extreme protection order" shit. An ex parte court with low process and evidentiary standards and almost unlimited search and seizure powers created for the express purpose of depriving citizens of the power to defend themselves is hugely popular with voters. I really don't see that happening without massive communist undermining of America's republican ideals. We should have just let the nazis and communists kill each other. Of course given the public had already voluntarily elected Wilson and made FDR El Jefe for life maybe I'm getting the causality reversed…

I guess Poland would have been fucked either way though.

Sent this tip to the ATF:

karen mallard of Vermont (apparently she is a political candidate) has posted a particular video of herself on facebook. It appears that she modifies an AR-15 into a short barreled rifle. She does not demonstrate in the video that she has received permission or paid the tax to make this modification. mallard states that she delivered the short barreled rifle to a police department, which should make it easy to seize as evidence.

1. Rule of law
2. Equal application of law
3. Modifying a rifle into a short barreled rifle without following the law is NOT protected free speech.


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Oh boy

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You and me both.
t. Southerner

You all fail to understand what this means. It means that you can troll the dumbfucks in to actually doing dumb shit that will get them fucked by the ATF. I wish halfchan wasn't such an issue, but could you imagine the result if that concept of cutting the barrel had gone viral, as the 'barrel cut challenge' for showing that you really want guns to stop being spread? A) the ATF would have been overwhelmed and B) a lot of people would have been exposed to the insanity of the SBR/SBS/AR-Pistol BS.
You'd have the same effect that the AWB had on AR15s, lots of voters affected with lots of people suddenly having their kids in deep shit because they manufactured a SBR.

Why do dumb fucks always cone up with the brilliant ideas on how to change policy but it always gets blown up before you can use it for a just cause?