Personal Projects

Hey Zig Forums, I thought I'd make a general for anyone working on their fun collection to share what they're working on. Also I have some questions about an un-sporterized M1917 that I'm trying to restore. I've ordered and received the stock and the metal parts, and the barrel shroud will be arriving tomorrow/about noon today (it's 1:16 AM). I was going over the stock and discovered that I forgot to get the stock reinforcing bolt (pic related, see just forward of receiver on side of stock). Can the rifle be fired while I wait for the parts, or will the vibrations damage the furniture?

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I dont see need for resteration, but it's your shit.

The recoil will fuck your stock up. Wait for the parts.

It's just a generic pic off wikipedia. The one I'm putting the original furniture on had a cheap stock on it that didn't even have a finish on it.

Will do. Also, what about inserting the barrel and receiver into the stock? I realize I could say "putting them together," but this is a new stock I ordered and I'm an amateur. Do you have to modify the stock in any way so it fits snugly, or do you seemingly go full retard and let the wood form to the barrel? I wouldn't think that forcing parts together would be a good idea. The supplier is Numrich out of New York.

If its fully done it should just drop in.

Try to drop it in first. If it goes together okay great let it be. If it hangs up anywhere you'll want to pull out the lamp black and sandpaper.

If you shoot it without the stock bolt you'll blow the front out of the magazine well. Don't do it.

And when the fuck did Numrich start selling repro 1917 stocks? I had to get one made from a pattern for mine, and I still haven't gotten the thing inletted and finished.

My current slow simmer project is a colt 1903 I picked up in bad condition for a song. Didn't want to function reliably and I made a bet with myself to see what I could do without replacing parts so I've been tweaking it little by little, almost have it perfect. Been cleaning/polishing it little by little as I go along, pretty sure I'm going to try my hand at parkerizing it since I don't have access to hot salt tanks.

I was going to restore this semi-sporter K98k I got (Wood was cut, but metal was unmolested except for a drill and tap), but it shoots so damn well as it is I'm reconsidering my idea of putting it back in a military stock.

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Well I ordered the Walnut stock, and the supplier was listed as US Military or something along those lines. It's definitely a new one, and it feels like the stock on one of the M1As that I held before I bought one. Not sure how to describe it, but it's that finish where it's not smooth, but you can feel the wood grain and there's definitely something on it.

It's slow going but I've nearly got it done.

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You're not trying very hard, are you?

I'm sorta planning on making a 45 Raptor and painting it with gold racing stripes. Would name it "Spitfire's Thunder" after the weapon from Fallout:Equestria.

But I don't have any of the parts to actually do that. I'm too busy driving two hours each way to the range to try and zero my scope. Velvet Remedy finally cycles without issues, and all the screws except the far side of the ambi-safety have been loctite'd down. But either this barrel hates this ammo, or I'm bad at zeroing.

What's wrong with the filename?

Grip looks like shit. Guard isn't bad, and the knife I like, but that grip is cancer.
At least it isn't those new, somehow even more gay changelings.


I know I shouldn't inquire further, but I'm going to anyway.

Does the K98 still have it's old proofstamping plus the hakenkreuz?

If you bed the stock it'll be fine when you switch it over.

You mean the Waffenampt? Even though it's apparently a russian capture they're still intact. As far as I'm aware, other than presentation guns you will not find a Hakenkreuz on a german military gun.
Humorously enough, I do have another project mauser that I picked up after explaining to my buddy that his 'it's gotta be a k98, it's got one o' them nazi swastikas' was actually a Chinese Type-24.

True. I've just got to find a mauser stock that's still in decent shape. I don't think anyone is making new production military style stocks.

Yes, that is what I meant.

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*fed off of dis cord

I like some of the character designs. Especially of griffons.

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Oh boy is it one of these threads again

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Meh, it's just some shitty leather thrown on top of a double barrel.

Square up, nigga.

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Well, given that every other horse is shit, I'll give you credit for going after the one that's merely boring, I guess.

More on the thread's subject, I've been thinking about taking this shitty single-shot shotgun I got from Walmart a while back and turning it into a backpack shotgun. Is this a horrible idea, or should I go for it?

people have done it before(search for it on talmud-tube), and i think its a good idea, at least it gives the fun some purpose

Hatfield? Just shoot it a few more times until it inevitably blows up, better for that to happen on the range than off somewhere when you might need a working gun in hand.

is it really so poorly made that it'll blow, or is that only if I'm running autistic rounds?

They're extremely poorly made even by turkish standards. One of my local shops sold a few, and serviced several sold by walmart. Out of a dozen or so, 2 suffered catastrophic malfunctions with-in a hundred rounds, and 6 more suffered parts breakage that put the shotgun out of commission.

If you really want a cheap single shot to mod into a backpacking gun, I'd suggest cruising pawn shops for an older NEF/H&R shotgun. I don't know about your market but around here you can still find them in good, used condition for the $125 mark.

I should add that this was with mainly birdshot, and a #3 buck hunting load in the case of one 20ga. All factory ammo, no magnum loads that I know of.

Gas the griffs species war now.

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In an attempt to save this thread from the horsefuckers;

I picked up a 1917 bayonet at a gunshow recently. It must have been some from guy's collection that went through a houseflood or something, because the guy had literal buckets of all-rusted-to-shit bayonets and scabbards. Image related.

Anyway, I took the grips off, broke the latch loose and bead blasted it because the original finish was beyond saving. Haven't yet worked up the stones to try and take the latch all the way apart.

I'd like to reblue the thing, but I need to figure out what I'm going to to about the pitting first. By my understanding, there are two 'proper' ways to fix pitting. The first is to file or grind the metal until you're below the pitting. It's pretty deep, so I'm not to keen on that. The second is to fill in the pitting with a TIG welder, then grind it flush with the original surface. That's beyond my capabilities right now.

Anyone got any bright ideas I might have overlooked? You could fill the pitting with a lower temperature brazing material, but the dissimilar metals will show up when you try to rust blue it.

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As of right this moment cover it in some grease and wait until you can do the job properly. That is some nasty as fuck pitting especially on the blade.

Well you kinda fucked it by bead blasting it, so what said is also my suggestion.

Yeah, yeah, I knew I was going to get flak for that, but when I started there was nothing left of the original finish but rust. Probably should've taken a 'before' picture so you could see what I'm talking about.
Mostly I was concerned with getting the latch unstuck without resorting to more invasive methods. Even after bead blasting all exterior surfaces, it still took a whole bunch of penetrating oil, breaking it loose in the vise (yes I used some non marring spacers I'm not an idiot), and then working it back and forth with a brass drift and a tappet hammer.

Neat. I too bought a bayonet at a gun show recently, pic related. I might've overpayed at $50, but it was apparently the last one that was available at the booth I was at and I looked around already for similar types like it. Have a stripped upper without a bolt assist that i'ld like to turn into something fun. Should I turn it into a LARP gun for the bayonet, or just keep it separate for a build with in integral carrying handle?

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Nothing wrong with running around innajungle.

You can try Mitchell's mausers, Idk if they only sell complete rifles or if they'll sell refurbished stocks seperate. They might have some kind of reproduction stocks but I'm not 100% sure on that.

Isn't all of Mitchell's current stuff Yugo rifles that use different (but similar) stocks to the K98?

Yeah that's a lot of what they have but they do refurbish a lot of beater K98k stocks and Russian captures as well.

I also have a project M1917, mine needs a scope of some description, because the front wing sight post is missing. Whats the best way to do this without severely ruining the gun?

Is the metal of the gun intact? You could just get the sight post and restore it to millspec instead of butchering yet another M1917. Those poor rifles can't catch a break what with their actions being cannibalized. Would probably be cheaper than having it drilled and tapped and buying an actually good scope and ring set.

This is tasteless and ugly, but at least it's not permanent.

The front sight assembly locates off of a groove cut in the barrel. If the barrel hasn't been replaced or cut down, you should be able to just install a new front sight.

I know. I'm just reluctant to spend any money to build an "M16A1" rather than a new AR with all the bells and whistles that come with flat top rails and right before I buy my CCW this month. It will just have to wait. Personal defense comes before all else and i've been eyeing a CZ82 for about $450 at a local gunstore in 9mm that looks and feels sexy as fuck.

Then go with the need before the wants. Still doesn't hurt to have a bayonet lug. Those things are fun.

So I'm putting together an AR chambered in 5.45x39 because autism, using the BA barrels. Was going to use wood furniture on it because more autism, with the handguard mounted on one of those national match tubes that lets you freefloat the barrel even with clamshell handguards. Thing is, they only make those tubes for rifle-length handguards and gas systems, while the BA barrel is only available in midlength. Any thoughts on what I should use for the handguard instead?

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You can use the rifle freefloat tube like a dissipator length barrel with some modifications. An ultra-low profile gas block would fit with a little grinding, and you'd have to drill or cut a slot in the bottom of the freefloat tube to access the set screws, and perhaps widen or lengthen the existing freefloat tube slot to fit the gas tube.

The last pic was my flattop build in progress, I didn't like it and am rebuilding it as a 604 copy.

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That looks promising and suitably autistic. I haven't had a ton of experience with metalwork though, so I'm worried that modifying the Delton freefloat tube would end up being bubba-tier.

I just remembered, I called these guys looking for a rifle-length version of their product, but they said it only came in carbine and mid-length. I would have gone with it over the triangle style for a flat-top, non-triangle front sight rifle. It looks better while keeping the wood aesthetic, IMO.

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That kit looks excellent, perhaps better than what blackgunswood offers which is what I was looking at before. I'll be sure to give them a call to see what that kit costs me.

OP here. I've since gotten the parts, and assembled and fired the rifle. Have an odd problem though, and that is the fact that the middle bracket holding the forward end/rear end of the barrel shrouds came loose when the rifle was fired. I have the screw for it tightened down to the point that the sling mount doesn't turn. Do I need to do something to the bracket? I can't find anything about it online.

how do you order that furniture?

You'll have to call, I think it's special order or not yet in production, I didn't ask anything other than if it was available in rifle length.