Rhodesia 2.0

get out your FALs guys, the south african government is going to pass a bill to redistribute land from white farmers to niggers AKA a new rhodesia scenario:
TL;DR government promises to take land away from ebil whitey and give it back to niggers who then du nuffin (as they tend to do) or sell the land again to receive double the compensation. This is going to be Rhodesia all over again, plus with the impending drought civil war is imminent. A shitstorm be a brewin'

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Would the locals even notice if a civil war broke out?

This is going to be interesting. There are a bunch of american niggersalso claiming they're veterans in the comments on South Africa related videos claiming they're going to go help the other niggers kill Whites. American Zig Forumsommando's that go to help may just get an early start on our own race war.

it'd be the current situation^2 with even more plaasmoording going on but also with boers not giving a shit anymore and killing any nigger who would even give them a bad look.
here's an interactive map with locations of farm murders (plaasmoorden, basically home invasions) mapped out, and this is just for 2018

Attached: chimpouts2018 so far.png (438x366, 58.41K)

Best of luck to them if they fight back, but fuck going down there to fight, they have giant flying cockroaches, fuck that shit.

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yet again the eternal anglo finds an excuse for letting white people die
you don't have to go there, last thing they'll need is a coward

Aren’t most people down there Anglo as well? British colony and what not?

Eh, Britain doesn't really have the best reputation among the Boers for some reason. Even if we were welcome it's a case of friendly fire waiting to happen. Besides, we'd take a few hundred hostiles captive, need somewhere secure to store them, and then you guys would start squealing about 'MUH KERN-SERN-TREY-SHERN KERMPS!", again, and that gets boring. Or we'd take a perfectly reasonable anti-insurgent precaution and start burning farmland (which actually massively increases the nitrate levels in the soil, improving post-war agriculture) and you swap Germans would get pissy like that was a war crime or something.

I think a lot of the Afrikaners would object to that idea but pretty much, yeah

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C’mon Anglo man, don’t you want to redeem yourself for buttfucking Rhodesia in the first place?

The Anglos might have helped hold Rhodesia down, but it was burgers controlling the long cock of the UN that truly did the fucking.

From the guardian article in the OP

Attached: litterally du nuffin.png (688x97, 24.44K)

If it's gotten to the point that the Guardian is typing that then you can assume it's a step or two worse than that.

a black hole if you will.

> guardianlv

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (624x131, 28.24K)

What kind of nigger pidgin bullshit is this

There's no discharge in the war!

IMO all White farmers should GTFB to Europe and let the turdskins starve but the Jewropean Jewnion repeatedly denies them asylum.

I'd rather shoot myself than be stuck in a room with giant bugs tbh.

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There is no where to run, and even so, why? So whites can run again from Europe to the US from Muslims, and from the US to where, when shitskins of all sorts and kinds outnumber us there??

We have to make a stand, regardless of the outcome, and it is in our blood to do so. The odds may be extremely slim, but vengeance is in order as well- otherwise the murder of yet another nation of millions of whites goes unpunished.

At current demographic trends both US and a few but major EU states (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain) will be majority shitskin with 5 years if they are not already. Another 10, and we will be the same exact position whites in South Africa was after ending apartheid, thus another 5-20 years from that and in our own homelands we will be ~5% or less. If you are 50 or younger, you stand a serious chance of watching that entire process take place, or taking the necessarily violent steps to insure the West prevails.


You can see them using some terms that are common to SJWs in the West (lived experience).

The situation in South Africa is a trial run for the same thing happening in the West.

The brits got fucked up by the transval then murder women and kids like cowards to win the war

And yet that still caused less damage to the people, nation, and world than granting them their independence and allowing them to live without adult supervision.

So how would one even get to South Africa when shit starts dispersing through the propellers of a fan? None of the bordering nations have any interest in letting whites through borders. And besides, who would even support whites in South Africa? War isn't exactly cheap last I checked.

You've got about 5,200km of land border to play with there, they can't watch it all. Then again …

I wonder what are the last thoughts of the murdered whites. The official version is that they die in terror and desperation, but I don't think that's the reality. I think they die with a smile in their faces, "I got what I deserved", "I'm finally forgiven". I think there is a feeling of primordial happiness for these white men, as their women get raped to death and their kids get drowned in boiling water. After all, big sins require equally big attonement.

That's why there are no British Mobile Infantry companies.

Just hire some Poles to maintain the camps. Nobody is allowed to criticize that.

Don't worry, niggers love to run their mouth on the internet, even more so than your average Zig Forumsack. They won't do shit.

I'm dying

The issue here is that everything beyond the border is even more of a shithole than SA. At this point I think it would be easier to retake Rhodesia than to save SA. The start up would be quicker and cleaner, hell, I even think internacional interversion would be less significant too.

You could find a negro from Kenya or whatever's the country where they almost pass as humans to be the "leader" in order to dodge UN sanctions because he can always scream racism at them.

So basically you get fertile lands, free moving targets, and your own pet monkey in exchange for a plane ticket and some ammo?

you are also outnumbered, and the (((entire world))) will hate you.
Philippines are better because you get the same things, get to kill communists, and might get a medal from the president.
Also, no UN intervetions.

Bet Hotwheels' living it up right now.

I very much doubt that any of the locals, or the officials in any of the surrounding countries are going to just allow whites go across their country and hop across the border to kill their cousins. Unlike in Syria and Iraq where Turkey was allowing jihadist to more or less openly go through their country and hop across the border to fight for Erdogan's ambitions.

And as a bonus you might end up with a JDAM in your ass when white hating western nations launch a humanitarian intervention in order to protect innocent blacks from evil white baby murdering giga-Hitlers.

You need to get backed by some big country and go on down the rabbit hole of being a pawn in internacional penis contest.


Your prince married a Jewish nigger. The brits are subhuman savages ruining nation after nation you need to be put on a leash for your own good.

But our royal family is 100% German.

Same with the slavs, and look what happened to them.

That's not all

You mean that Hanoverian welfare queen/bastard son who's about as British as Barack Obama? That prince?

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You're the one still footing their bills, Jez.

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Just start supporting the Nation of Good Hope:


The moment it gets powerful enough, the commies will chimp out and then you can fight them in the name of a real King.

Attached: Flag of Good Hope.jpg (945x593, 156.39K)

Pic related

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Whatever you say, Bruv.

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Keep telling yourself that

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Spurdo is right, how would we even get to SA? Unless there’s a rebellion in the Cape area (meaning we could take a boat) how could it be done? For people to go there in the first place, there needs to be organized White resistance, probably with the goal of carving out a new country like the nation of good hope. We’d probably need an American or foreign “society of South Africa” to meet other people who want to save SA, and then work with some of the people there to get there together as a unit. Because for right now, there’s no feasible way of going if there isn’t any organized Boer resistance, and there should be, because Boers can fight.

t. supported the zionist rebels against Britain with money, guns and supplies, threatened us with the UN and nukes to stop our war against the zionists, stole Palestine off us and then turned it into a Jewish state and granted it independence
Totally our fault though

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/boers/ for more.

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Asians in SA are pakis.

Yeah, like the leaf said, they use the British system, ching chongs are called "orientals"

It's happening lads, niggers are now squatting on land owned by whites:

Attached: ZomboMeme_13032018125523.jpg (246x339, 27.51K)

Also the EFF is encouraging this shit

I'm not worried. I am excited at the prospect of getting an early start mopping up our nigger problem.

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Netherlands should take them all in to be honest. Send all our mud and shit back to keep the population from exploding.
Merge the SA and Dutch to form a redpilled genocidal population of about 16 million.
Start liberating Europe.